Thursday, February 20, 2014

Bulletin: King Paul names Constantine as regent

 February 19, 1964

Crown Prince Constantine has been appointed as Regent, according to a report from the Associated Press.   His father, King Paul, 62, will undergo surgery tomorrow for a "stomach ulcer."

The announcement was made by Premier George Papandreou.  A bulletin signed by the King's two personal physicians and two London surgeons was released tonight.

"After a thorough clinical and laboratory examination of King Paul, we certify that the King is suffering from a narrowing of the pylorus due to an old ulcer. An operation is called for."

The royal decree appointing 23-year-old Crown Prince Constantine as Regent was "drafted by the Government and sent to the King for signature."  King Paul signed it tonight, and it will be "promulgated in the official gazette."

Crown Prince Constantine has acted as regent on previous occasions when his father was outside Greece.

Greek officials have been "shocked" by King Paul's appearance.  He "looked haggard" and appeared to be in pain during a ceremony yesterday at Tatoi, where 30 ministers were sworn in.  Usually, the ceremony takes place at the Royal Palace in Athens.

King Paul married Princess Frederika of Hanover in 1938.  He succeeded his brother King George II on April 1, 1947.

The king and queen have three children:  Princess Sophie, who is married to Infante Juan Carlos of Spain,  Crown Prince Constantine, and Princess Irene.

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