(I actually created this joke...)
News and commentary about the reigning royal houses of the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Spain, Monaco -- and the former European monarchies as well.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Belgian royal children to learn Dutch
April 30, 1935
It was announced today that King Leopold III and Queen Astrid of the Belgians wish for their children to have a "full command" of the Dutch language, according to the New York Times. Crown Prince Baudouin and Princess Josephine-Charlotte will spend two months this summer living with the Burgomeister of Noordwyck, a seaside town. The king is good friends with the Burgomeister, who has two children who are the ages of the prince and princess.
The Belgian royal family recently made "an unexpected visit" to the Netherlands and spent several days in the country.
Dutch is one of the two primary languages in Belgium. The royal family usually speak French at home, although Queen Astrid's first language is Swedish.
It was announced today that King Leopold III and Queen Astrid of the Belgians wish for their children to have a "full command" of the Dutch language, according to the New York Times. Crown Prince Baudouin and Princess Josephine-Charlotte will spend two months this summer living with the Burgomeister of Noordwyck, a seaside town. The king is good friends with the Burgomeister, who has two children who are the ages of the prince and princess.
The Belgian royal family recently made "an unexpected visit" to the Netherlands and spent several days in the country.
Dutch is one of the two primary languages in Belgium. The royal family usually speak French at home, although Queen Astrid's first language is Swedish.
Leeds fortune tied up as William is given an allowance
April 30, 1921
Princess Anastasia of Greece, who is married to Prince Christopher, is expected to leave Athens on May 4 for Brindisi where she will catch a train to Paris. She will be accompanied by her son, William Leeds, along with Grand Duchess Marie of Russia and her daughters, Xenia and Nina. Princess Xenia is engaged to marry William Leeds. Princess Anastasia is expected to undergo a second operation at the American Hospital in Paris.
After she recovers, the princess expects to go to America, but if Prince Christopher plans to go to the front to fight the war in Asia Minor, she will return to Greece. She is "endeavoring to postpone indefinitely the marriage of her son and Princess Xenia because of their youth," reports the Associated Press.
The Princess, who was born in Ohio, appeared "extremely weak and much thinner," due to her illness. She sat in an invalid's chair, as she is too weak to stand. She said that the engagement of her son broke her heart, and "after learning of it she wept for three days and three nights, refusing to see him."
The objections to the marriage are based on the couple's "youth and inexperience," but it appears that the princess has "finally yielded to her boy's persuasion."
She has denied that her son will convert to the Orthodox faith or that he will receive a title from the Greek king. The young couple will live in America, she told a reporter.
Anastasia declared to be "absurd" reports that her son was the "richest boy in the world." She said that his father's will provides for William to receive $500,000 when he reaches the age of 35. When he marries Princess Xenia, Princess Anastasia said she will ask the trustees of the Leeds estate to give her son a moderate allowance.
The princess said that her own will "specified upon her death" that William will be able to draw on the interest of the trust fund, but "that he will not be able to touch the principal." If either William or his wife will die, the entire $40 million Leeds fortune will go to their children as the trust fund will cease after the third generation. If William has no children, Princess Anastasia has named New York's Lying-In Hospital as the beneficiary.
Princess Anastasia has not settled any money on Prince Christopher. She noted that they were married in Switzerland, where, under Swiss law, "each keeps his or her own money and property."
Princess Anastasia of Greece, who is married to Prince Christopher, is expected to leave Athens on May 4 for Brindisi where she will catch a train to Paris. She will be accompanied by her son, William Leeds, along with Grand Duchess Marie of Russia and her daughters, Xenia and Nina. Princess Xenia is engaged to marry William Leeds. Princess Anastasia is expected to undergo a second operation at the American Hospital in Paris.
After she recovers, the princess expects to go to America, but if Prince Christopher plans to go to the front to fight the war in Asia Minor, she will return to Greece. She is "endeavoring to postpone indefinitely the marriage of her son and Princess Xenia because of their youth," reports the Associated Press.
The Princess, who was born in Ohio, appeared "extremely weak and much thinner," due to her illness. She sat in an invalid's chair, as she is too weak to stand. She said that the engagement of her son broke her heart, and "after learning of it she wept for three days and three nights, refusing to see him."
The objections to the marriage are based on the couple's "youth and inexperience," but it appears that the princess has "finally yielded to her boy's persuasion."
She has denied that her son will convert to the Orthodox faith or that he will receive a title from the Greek king. The young couple will live in America, she told a reporter.
Anastasia declared to be "absurd" reports that her son was the "richest boy in the world." She said that his father's will provides for William to receive $500,000 when he reaches the age of 35. When he marries Princess Xenia, Princess Anastasia said she will ask the trustees of the Leeds estate to give her son a moderate allowance.
The princess said that her own will "specified upon her death" that William will be able to draw on the interest of the trust fund, but "that he will not be able to touch the principal." If either William or his wife will die, the entire $40 million Leeds fortune will go to their children as the trust fund will cease after the third generation. If William has no children, Princess Anastasia has named New York's Lying-In Hospital as the beneficiary.
Princess Anastasia has not settled any money on Prince Christopher. She noted that they were married in Switzerland, where, under Swiss law, "each keeps his or her own money and property."
It's a girl!!!
April 30, 1909
American President William Taft has sent his congratulations to Dutch Queen Wilhelmina who has given birth to daughter this morning. The queen's condition is "most satisfactory" according to today's New York Times.
Holland "is celebrating the happy event from one end of the country to the other with expressions of joy and gratification such as have seldom been witnessed among this placid people."
There is also great "political significance" to the birth of an heir to the throne, "a circumstance which greatly enhances the country's chances for continued independence."
Queen Wilhelmina continues to sleep well and is "progressing nicely." She says she plans to start nursing the infant princess tomorrow.
In the Netherlands tonight, "splendidly illuminated streets, thronged with a rejoicing populace, dancing, singing and throwing confetti," the Hague a carnival appearance. There was also a torch light procession and every town and village in the country is celebrating "the long-awaited birth of a child to Her Majesty with demonstrations of satisfaction."
In spite of the downpour, the streets in the capital are "gayly decorated, "and great crowds are passing to and fro evidencing their gratification."
The infant princess was born at 7 a.m. The proud father, Prince Hendrik immediately telegraphed his mother with the news of the birth and the condition of Queen Wilhelmina.
No name for the princess has been announced.
American President William Taft has sent his congratulations to Dutch Queen Wilhelmina who has given birth to daughter this morning. The queen's condition is "most satisfactory" according to today's New York Times.
Holland "is celebrating the happy event from one end of the country to the other with expressions of joy and gratification such as have seldom been witnessed among this placid people."
There is also great "political significance" to the birth of an heir to the throne, "a circumstance which greatly enhances the country's chances for continued independence."
Queen Wilhelmina continues to sleep well and is "progressing nicely." She says she plans to start nursing the infant princess tomorrow.
In the Netherlands tonight, "splendidly illuminated streets, thronged with a rejoicing populace, dancing, singing and throwing confetti," the Hague a carnival appearance. There was also a torch light procession and every town and village in the country is celebrating "the long-awaited birth of a child to Her Majesty with demonstrations of satisfaction."
In spite of the downpour, the streets in the capital are "gayly decorated, "and great crowds are passing to and fro evidencing their gratification."
The infant princess was born at 7 a.m. The proud father, Prince Hendrik immediately telegraphed his mother with the news of the birth and the condition of Queen Wilhelmina.
No name for the princess has been announced.
Horrible news from the Netherlands
Queen Beatrix and her family are safe and unhurt. My sympathies to the victims and their families.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Florence Hazard - an American Princess
Florence Ellsworth Hazard was born in New York City on Christmas Day in 1882. She was one of seven children from E.C. Hazard and his wife, Florence Frothingham. Her eldest brother, Elmer, became a doctor and founded Hazard Hospital in Long Branch, New Jersey. Edward Hazard made his fortune in canning operations and in groceries. His motto was "If your grocer cannot furnish, we will deliver to your door."
Florence was only sixteen years old when she married Prince Franz of Auersperg, a scion of an Austrian princely family with close ties to the Imperial Family. The wedding took place at noon on June 14, 1899, at Shrewsbury Manor, which was the Hazards' summer residence, in Shrewsbury, New Jersey. (They also had a home in New York City.) The "decorations were pink and white," and an improvised altar was made of rose and palms. Florence wore a gown made of "white satin, trimmed with point d'Alencon lace and pearl passementerie, the yoke and sleeves being of lace." Her sister, Elizabeth, was the maid of honor, and she was "gowned in pink taffeta with white trimmings." The four bridesmaids were dressed in white over pink organdie gowns.
The best man was the bride's brother, Elmer. Another brother, Bowdoin, was one of the ushers.
Each of the attendants received a present from the bride, a pair of tortoise-shell side combs set in a cloverleaf pattern.
After a short wedding trip, the bride and groom will spend the summer at the Highlands of Navesink, and they expect to travel to Europe in the fall.
Although the Hazards were Episcopalians, the couple were married by a Roman Catholic priest, James A. Reynolds of St. James's Church, Red Bank. Prince Franz was Roman Catholic, and it was expected that Florence agreed to raise any children in the Catholic faith.
Until his marriage, Prince Franz lived in Brooklyn and had recently graduated from the Long Island Medical College.
After the wedding, the bride and groom were driven to the Little Silver train station, where they boarded a train for New York City.
This marriage - and becoming a doctor -- was a life-changing event for the young prince, who was born in Prague in 1869. He had been a rebellious youth, and having come into his inheritance far too early, Franz "squandered it by extravagant, though not vicious, living, and found himself heavily in debt."
His decline had begun when he joined the Austrian army but left it "to pursue the delights of wild dissatisfaction." He was often seen in "cafes of doubtful reputation," and was gambling with "low associates, and his escapades made it necessary for him to suddenly leave Vienna" in 1896.
But he was determined to start a new life for himself in America. He worked his way across the Atlantic as a cabin boy. When he arrived in America, he found work as a lift boy in a Philadelphia hotel. He found his way to Brooklyn, where he entered medical school to become a doctor. He dropped the use of his title, and never let anyone know about his noble origins. It was love at first sight with Florence Hazard, whose father was a "millionaire provision dealer."
Franz only revealed his noble ancestry only after Florence had returned his love. She agreed to marry him, but only after he received his degree and established his medical practice.
The prince was described as a "handsome young man of middle height," and Florence, naturally, is "exceptionally beautiful."
The couple moved into a townhome at 826 West 78th Street in New York City. The Prince was hired as a doctor at Bayonne City Hospital in New Jersey. In April 1900, the princess was home alone when she was robbed of more than $10,000 in jewels, including five rings set in diamonds, rubies, and other precious stones and a diamond brooch of "great value." The jewels were gifts to the princess from members of her husband's family.
The thief was an "unknown man" who had been hired to do electrical work on the house. He got away with the jewels but had overlooked a pearl necklace, which was worth more than $12,000.
Financial problems, however, continued to plague Dr. von Auersperg. In February 1901, he was forced to file for bankruptcy in New York City. His bankruptcy petition showed that debts that accrued in Berlin, Vienna, and Paris. Earlier, all of his Austrian property had been confiscated and had been divided among the creditors, who included Prince Charles Fürstenberg, Count Fritz Fürstenberg, and Count and Countess Coreth, among others. Dr. Auersperg described in his assets as "ten suits of clothes, two overcoats, three hats, four pairs of shoes, twenty-four shirts, twenty-four socks, one set shirt studs, one pair of sleeve links, medical library and all instruments, all worth $555.)
One can only assume that the news of Franz's bankruptcy did not fare well with his wife's family. Had he married her for her money? Eight days after the prince filed his bankruptcy petition, the New York Times reported that the "Princess of Auersperg is very ill," and she was at her parents' home in Shrewsbury. A "trained nurse is in constant attendance."
One can only wonder what went through Florence's -- and her family's -- mind when she learned that her husband was still in debt. It seems likely that her father did not offer to pay off the debts, although it is understood that the bankruptcy petition followed the collapse of a "Fifth Avenue millinery establishment."
In August 1902, she was received into the Roman Catholic church, the "baptismal service" was performed by Father James Reynolds, who had also conducted her marriage.
The marriage collapsed after the death of Florence's father in February 1905. The princess inherited a fortune from her father, and, as she would state in her divorce petition, her husband "considered that all of the inheritance should be put in his name." Florence disagreed, and left her husband, to join her mother in Seabright, New Jersey. Dr. Auersperg moved to Texas, but when war broke out in June 1914, he returned to Austria to become a medical officer with the Austrian Red Cross. In January 1915, the princess filed for divorce. She testified "that she had exerted every effort for a reconciliation," but was unsuccessful.
The final decree was granted in Hoboken, New Jersey on January 21, 1915, on the grounds of desertion.
On May 1, 1915, Florence married John J. Murphy, a businessman, who was one of nine children of the late Senator Edward Murphy, Jr. The wedding, a civil ceremony, took place at the Seabright home of Florence's youngest sister, Helen Beadleston. Only the immediate family attended the wedding, and the bride had no attendants. After the wedding, the bride and groom "started on a motor tour," and, after their return, planned to live in New York City.
J.J. Murphy died at his Kings Point, New York, home on April 22, 1935, after a brief illness. He was 56 years old. Florence survived her husband for another 25 years. She died in New York on December 10, 1960.
Prince Franz von Auersperg did not remarry. He died at Rzeszow on February 16, 1918.
Both of Florence's marriages were childless. Her younger sister, Helen, was the second wife of Alfred Nash Beadleston, whom she married in 1909. He was 61 years old at the time of the marriage. Helen was 40 years his junior. The couple had two children, Helen, and Alfred Nash, Jr.
Breadleston died in 1915. Alfred Jr. converted his family's brewery into commercial property and ran for public office. He had two sons, Alfred Nash and William Lawrence, by his first wife, Sylvia Lawrence White.
William Beadleston, a millionaire art dealer, was married in 1967 to Princess Marina Vassilievna Romanov. The couple had four children before their marriage ended in divorce.
If you liked this article, perhaps you can buy me a cup of coffee
Breaking news! Wilhelmina in labor
April 29, 1909
Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands is now in labor and is expected to give birth to her first child within the next few hours. The queen is the wife of the former Duke Heinrich of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, who is now styled as Prince Hendrik of the Netherlands.
The couple were married in February 1901. Queen Wilhelmina has suffered several miscarriages.
Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands is now in labor and is expected to give birth to her first child within the next few hours. The queen is the wife of the former Duke Heinrich of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, who is now styled as Prince Hendrik of the Netherlands.
The couple were married in February 1901. Queen Wilhelmina has suffered several miscarriages.
Franz Auersperg to wed American girl
April 29, 1899
The Chicago Daily Tribune and the New York World today report on the engagement of Prince Franz of Auersperg and Miss Florence E. Hazard of Shrewsbury Manor, New Jersey. The report states that in Vienna the "engagement is hailed by court and aristocratic circles here with gratification, as the Prince seemed to have hopelessly wrecked his career by fast living and gambling before he left Vienna three years ago."
Prince Franz's older brother, Karl, is the head of the family. He is married to Countess Eleonore Breunner (the cable refers to her name as Breinmer Enkwoirth). There are also three sisters, Johanna, who is married to the very rich Duke of Rohan, Ernestine, who is unmarried, and Aglae.
Princess Aglae is married to Count Ferdinand Kinsky, was a playmate and friend of Archduchess Marie Valerie of Austria, the youngest daughter of Emperor Franz Joseph. She had numerous opportunities to meet with the Archduchess' brother, Crown Prince Rudolf, "and there are photographs showing the three young people together."
"Scandals were rumored for a long time," even after Rudolf's death. Princess Aglae was "not reinstated in public opinion," until she received an invitation from her friend, Archduchess Marie Valerie. The Princess stayed for a month with the archduchess. Afterward, she married "the handsomest of all Austrian noblemen, Ferdinand Kinsky, who had been the admired hero of twenty court balls at which he had the role of the first partner and only danced with Princesses of the blood."
No date has been set for the Auersperg-Hazard nuptials, but the wedding is expected to take place at the bride's home in New Jersey.
The Chicago Daily Tribune and the New York World today report on the engagement of Prince Franz of Auersperg and Miss Florence E. Hazard of Shrewsbury Manor, New Jersey. The report states that in Vienna the "engagement is hailed by court and aristocratic circles here with gratification, as the Prince seemed to have hopelessly wrecked his career by fast living and gambling before he left Vienna three years ago."
Prince Franz's older brother, Karl, is the head of the family. He is married to Countess Eleonore Breunner (the cable refers to her name as Breinmer Enkwoirth). There are also three sisters, Johanna, who is married to the very rich Duke of Rohan, Ernestine, who is unmarried, and Aglae.
Princess Aglae is married to Count Ferdinand Kinsky, was a playmate and friend of Archduchess Marie Valerie of Austria, the youngest daughter of Emperor Franz Joseph. She had numerous opportunities to meet with the Archduchess' brother, Crown Prince Rudolf, "and there are photographs showing the three young people together."
"Scandals were rumored for a long time," even after Rudolf's death. Princess Aglae was "not reinstated in public opinion," until she received an invitation from her friend, Archduchess Marie Valerie. The Princess stayed for a month with the archduchess. Afterward, she married "the handsomest of all Austrian noblemen, Ferdinand Kinsky, who had been the admired hero of twenty court balls at which he had the role of the first partner and only danced with Princesses of the blood."
No date has been set for the Auersperg-Hazard nuptials, but the wedding is expected to take place at the bride's home in New Jersey.
Moslem princess weds heir to Brazilian prince
April 29, 1949
The Associated Press reports today the marriage of Fatima Scherifa Cherine, who is the sister-in-law of King Farouk of Egypt, and Prince Joao of Orleans and Braganza, who is a member of the exiled Brazilian royal family.
The couple were married in a Roman Catholic ceremony in the private chapel of Quinta dos Anjos, near Sintra, Portugal, which is the home of the Count of Paris, pretender to the French throne.
The Pope granted a special dispensation that allowed the Moslem Princess to marry in the Roman Catholic church. The priest who performed the marriage told a reporter that the princess has agreed to raise "any children of the union in the faith of her husband."
The Count of Paris is married to Joao's sister, Isabelle. Joao's older brother, Pedro Gastao, is married to Princess Maria de la Esperanza of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, and his other sister, Maria Francisca, is the wife of the Duke of Braganza, heir to the throne of Portugal.
The Associated Press reports today the marriage of Fatima Scherifa Cherine, who is the sister-in-law of King Farouk of Egypt, and Prince Joao of Orleans and Braganza, who is a member of the exiled Brazilian royal family.
The couple were married in a Roman Catholic ceremony in the private chapel of Quinta dos Anjos, near Sintra, Portugal, which is the home of the Count of Paris, pretender to the French throne.
The Pope granted a special dispensation that allowed the Moslem Princess to marry in the Roman Catholic church. The priest who performed the marriage told a reporter that the princess has agreed to raise "any children of the union in the faith of her husband."
The Count of Paris is married to Joao's sister, Isabelle. Joao's older brother, Pedro Gastao, is married to Princess Maria de la Esperanza of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, and his other sister, Maria Francisca, is the wife of the Duke of Braganza, heir to the throne of Portugal.
Hot dogs for Olav and Martha of Norway
April 29, 1939
The AP reports today that hot dogs and potato salad were on the menu at the Hyde Park home of President and Mrs. Roosevelt, who are hosting the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Norway. The picnic took place at the President's new Top Cottage, a "fieldstone and framed Dutch Colonial bungalow," which is about three miles from the Roosevelt estate. Approximately forty guests, including the President's family, found a "festive board piled high with hot and cold American and Scandinavian dishes."
The Norwegian Crown Prince and Crown Princess are not the only Scandinavian royals in the US today. Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Ingrid of Denmark are also in New York but in New York City.
Today the Danish couple were the guests of honor at a luncheon hosted by the Danish Minister at Rockefeller Center. In the afternoon, the Crown Prince paid an informal visit to the Danish Pavilion at the World's Fair, which he will formally open on Tuesday. Crown Princess Ingrid, who was accompanied by Countess Reventlow, visited several Fifth Avenue shops. Tomorrow, the Danish couple will board a United States government boat at 70th Street and the Hudson River, where they will travel to Hyde Park as the guests of the President and Mrs. Roosevelt, reports the New York Times.
Zog and Geraldine to leave Greece
April 29, 1939
The Greek government has asked King Zog and Queen Geraldine of Albania to leave the country, according to the Queen's mother, the American-born Gladys Stewart, who spoke to the United Press. It is expected that the exiled monarchs and their infant son will move to Istanbul.
The Greek government has asked King Zog and Queen Geraldine of Albania to leave the country, according to the Queen's mother, the American-born Gladys Stewart, who spoke to the United Press. It is expected that the exiled monarchs and their infant son will move to Istanbul.
Grand Duke Nicholas' retirement
April 29, 1907
Grand Duke Nicholas Nicolaivitch of Russia has resigned the "dangerous position" of Commander of the St. Petersburg military district due to his forthcoming marriage to Princess Anastasia of Montenegro, the divorced wife of Duke George of Leuchtenberg, reports the New York Times. The Grand Duke will be succeeded by General Skallon, the current Governor General of Warsaw.
Grand Duke Nicholas Nicolaivitch of Russia has resigned the "dangerous position" of Commander of the St. Petersburg military district due to his forthcoming marriage to Princess Anastasia of Montenegro, the divorced wife of Duke George of Leuchtenberg, reports the New York Times. The Grand Duke will be succeeded by General Skallon, the current Governor General of Warsaw.
Guests arriving at Bückeburg for Saxe-Weimar-Reuss wedding
April 29, 1903
The guests have begone to arrive in Schaumburg-Lippe for the wedding between the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar and Princess Caroline Reuss, who is the niece of the Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe. Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, arrived here earlier today, according to the New York Times, and was accompanied by Field Marshall Count von Waldsee, Chancellor von Bülow and an "extraordinary numerous suite." Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands and her husband, Prince Hendrik, were among the guests to greet the Kaiser at the gates to Schloss Bückeburg.
The Grand Duke and Princess Caroline will be married tomorrow.
The guests have begone to arrive in Schaumburg-Lippe for the wedding between the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar and Princess Caroline Reuss, who is the niece of the Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe. Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, arrived here earlier today, according to the New York Times, and was accompanied by Field Marshall Count von Waldsee, Chancellor von Bülow and an "extraordinary numerous suite." Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands and her husband, Prince Hendrik, were among the guests to greet the Kaiser at the gates to Schloss Bückeburg.
The Grand Duke and Princess Caroline will be married tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Harry to visit the USA
Hey teeny-boppers, Prince Harry of Wales is head to New York ... to play polo!
Monday, April 27, 2009
The Prince and Princess of Wales meet the Pope
The Prince and Princess of Wales (the Duchess of Cornwall) had a meeting today with the Bishop of Rome (the Pope) at the Vatican.
The Prince of Wales nor his wife are Roman Catholic, so the visit was primarily a social call.
British law and the Church of England recognize that their first marriages ended in divorce, and both British law and the Church of England recognize their civil marriage. In fact, the Church of England blessed the civil ceremony, with the Service of Blessing.
The Duchess of Cornwall's first marriage to Andrew Parker Bowles, a Roman Catholic, at the Guards Chapel, Wellington Barracks, on July 4, 1973. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and Princess Anne were present for the wedding, and Princess Margaret attended the reception.
The marriage was an ecumenical service as the former Camilla Shand was raised Anglican. Father Jerome Lambert, OSB, and the Rev. F.W.H. White were the officiants for the ceremony.
However, Camilla agreed to raise their children as Catholics. Their first child, Thomas Henry Charles, who was born in December 1974, was baptised at the Guards Chapel, Wellington Barracks, by Father Jerome Lambert, OSB. The godparents included the Prince of Wales, Lord Patrick Beresford, Captain Gerald Ward, Mr. John Bowes-Lyon, Mrs. Thomas Egerton, Mrs. Neil McConnell and Miss Carolyn Gerard-Leigh. The baptism took place on February 10, 1975.
In 1978, Camilla gave birth to a daughter, Laura Rose. She was baptised on June 4, 1978 at St. Patrick's, Corsham. Her godparents are Mr. Jeremy Tree, Major Nicholas Paravicini, Lady Charles Spencer-Churchill, the Hon. Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Joe Goodhart and Miss Miranda Morley.
It is unlikely that the Parker-Bowles children were raised strictly in the Roman Catholic faith. Tom attended Eton and Worcester College, Oxford. In 2005, he married Sara Buys in an Anglican church, St. Nicholas', Rotherfield Grey, in Oxfordshire. Their daughter, Lola Rosalind, was baptised at the Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace.
Laura was educated at a Roman Catholic girls' school, St. Mary's, in Dorset, but she, too, married an Anglican, Harry Lopes, the son of the Hon. George Lopes, and a grandson of the 2nd Baron Roborough.
Their wedding took place at St Cyriac's Anglican Church, in Lacock, Wiltshire. Their daughter, Eliza, was baptised according to the rites of the Anglican church.
A year after his divorce from Camilla, Andrew Parker-Bowles married Rosemary Pitman, a divorcee.
The Prince of Wales nor his wife are Roman Catholic, so the visit was primarily a social call.
British law and the Church of England recognize that their first marriages ended in divorce, and both British law and the Church of England recognize their civil marriage. In fact, the Church of England blessed the civil ceremony, with the Service of Blessing.
The Duchess of Cornwall's first marriage to Andrew Parker Bowles, a Roman Catholic, at the Guards Chapel, Wellington Barracks, on July 4, 1973. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and Princess Anne were present for the wedding, and Princess Margaret attended the reception.
The marriage was an ecumenical service as the former Camilla Shand was raised Anglican. Father Jerome Lambert, OSB, and the Rev. F.W.H. White were the officiants for the ceremony.
However, Camilla agreed to raise their children as Catholics. Their first child, Thomas Henry Charles, who was born in December 1974, was baptised at the Guards Chapel, Wellington Barracks, by Father Jerome Lambert, OSB. The godparents included the Prince of Wales, Lord Patrick Beresford, Captain Gerald Ward, Mr. John Bowes-Lyon, Mrs. Thomas Egerton, Mrs. Neil McConnell and Miss Carolyn Gerard-Leigh. The baptism took place on February 10, 1975.
In 1978, Camilla gave birth to a daughter, Laura Rose. She was baptised on June 4, 1978 at St. Patrick's, Corsham. Her godparents are Mr. Jeremy Tree, Major Nicholas Paravicini, Lady Charles Spencer-Churchill, the Hon. Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Joe Goodhart and Miss Miranda Morley.
It is unlikely that the Parker-Bowles children were raised strictly in the Roman Catholic faith. Tom attended Eton and Worcester College, Oxford. In 2005, he married Sara Buys in an Anglican church, St. Nicholas', Rotherfield Grey, in Oxfordshire. Their daughter, Lola Rosalind, was baptised at the Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace.
Laura was educated at a Roman Catholic girls' school, St. Mary's, in Dorset, but she, too, married an Anglican, Harry Lopes, the son of the Hon. George Lopes, and a grandson of the 2nd Baron Roborough.
Their wedding took place at St Cyriac's Anglican Church, in Lacock, Wiltshire. Their daughter, Eliza, was baptised according to the rites of the Anglican church.
A year after his divorce from Camilla, Andrew Parker-Bowles married Rosemary Pitman, a divorcee.
Grand Duchess Marie of Russia and the Duke of Edinburgh
One can read about their marriage and life in numerous books, including John van der Kiste's biography of Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh. The book, Dearest Affie: Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, was published in 1984. The late Bee Jordaan was the book's co-author. Queen Marie of Romania's memoirs are also a wealth of information about her parents, and her family. John Wimbles has written extensively on the Grand Duchess and her family for Royalty Digest.
The best article on the marriage itself - from the negotiations to the actual ceremony -- is "A Curious Royal Romance: The Queen's Son and the Tsar's Daughter." This article was written by Merritt Abrash and published in the July 1969 issue of Slavonic and East European Review. It is available through JSTOR, to which many academic libraries subscribe.
Make that two ceremonies: Marie and Affie were married twice, first, according to the rites of the Russian Orthodox church, which was followed by a Church of England marriage ceremony.
In terms of religion, the family was relatively ecumenical. Affie and Marie's children were baptized according to the rites of the Anglican church. The couple's only son, young Affie, was sent to live in Coburg when he was a child, and raised there by a tutor (with limited contact with the outside world).
Eventually, Affie and Marie moved to Coburg with their daughters, all of whom were confirmed in the Lutheran church. Queen Victoria did not mind. All of her German grandchildren were Lutheran. Prince Albert was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran church.
Queen Marie remained a member of the Church of England. Her marriage occurred in a Roman Catholic church because her husband, Ferdinand, was Roman Catholic. As heir to the Romanian throne, he was not required to convert, although he had agreed to raise his children as members of the Romanian Orthodox church. On Sundays, Marie would go to the local Anglican church, while her husband attended Roman Catholic services, and their children would head to the Orthodox church.
(Ferdinand's position was similar to another Balkan monarch, King Ferdinand of Bulgaria, who remained Roman Catholic, although he had his elder son, Boris, rebaptized into the Orthodox faith. In fact, both Ferdinands were denied Holy Communion for many years because they decided to raise their children Orthodox. All of the Romanian children were Orthodox. Only Boris of Bulgaria was raised in the faith. His brother and two sisters were raised Roman Catholic.)
The second daughter, Victoria Melita, was married twice. Her first husband, the Duke of Hesse, and by Rhine (who was her first cousin) was Lutheran. They were married in a Lutheran church, and their daughter was baptized Lutheran. Ducky's second husband, Grand Duke Kirill (another first cousin) was Russian Orthodox. They were married in a Russian Orthodox ceremony, but Ducky did not convert until several months before the birth of their first daughter, Marie.
Alexandra married a Lutheran, the Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, and remained a member of the Lutheran church after her confirmation and marriage.
Beatrice - Baby Bee - was married to Infante Alfonso de Orleans-Borbon, in two wedding ceremonies: Roman Catholic and Lutheran. She agreed to raise her children as Roman Catholic, but she remained Protestant until the 1920s when she converted to Catholicism.
The second daughter, Victoria Melita, was married twice. Her first husband, the Duke of Hesse, and by Rhine (who was her first cousin) was Lutheran. They were married in a Lutheran church, and their daughter was baptized Lutheran. Ducky's second husband, Grand Duke Kirill (another first cousin) was Russian Orthodox. They were married in a Russian Orthodox ceremony, but Ducky did not convert until several months before the birth of their first daughter, Marie.
Alexandra married a Lutheran, the Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, and remained a member of the Lutheran church after her confirmation and marriage.
Beatrice - Baby Bee - was married to Infante Alfonso de Orleans-Borbon, in two wedding ceremonies: Roman Catholic and Lutheran. She agreed to raise her children as Roman Catholic, but she remained Protestant until the 1920s when she converted to Catholicism.
More debunking of "Lady Grania Mountbatten"
Just to recap: despite her protestations to the contrary, there is no such person named Lady Grania Mary Mountbatten, who claims to be the daughter of the late Lady Iris Mountbatten and the late Hamilton O'Malley. Lady Iris and Hamilton O'Malley were married in 1941 and separated shortly afterward. They were divorced in 1946.
"Lady Grania" claims she was born on July 31, 1946, in France. Her life story is completely fabricated. It also seems she borrowed some of the genealogical details from Hamilton O'Malley's only daughter, Grania Mary O'Mally, who was born July 31, 1950, the third of five children by his second wife, Eleanor "Sadie" O'Kelly.
Hamilton and Sadie also had four sons: Charles Patrick (1947), Patrick Peter (1949), Dermot Raymond (1951), and an unnamed son, who was born in 1959.
This information can be found in Burke's Irish Family Records, which was published in 1976.
Thus, "Lady Grania" has pinched family details from the real Grania Mary O'Malley to concoct a complete work of fiction.
Duke Albert of Schleswig-Holstein dies at 62; grandson of Victoria
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Marlene A. Eilers Koenig collection |
April 27, 1931
The Associated Press reports today the death of Duke Albert of Schleswig-Holstein, who a grandson of Britain's Queen Victoria.
Albert "suffered an attack of grip during a recent visit to England and developed pulmonary conditions which did not respond to treatment. He was 62-years-old.
Duke Albert was the second son of Princess Helena of Great Britain who married Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein. He was born at Cumberland Lodge at Windsor and most of his "early life was closely identified with English people and English customs." He was educated at Charterhouse and "received a commission in the English army."
At that time, his older Prince Christian Victor had "waived his right of succession to the dukedom of Schleswig-Holstein because he was loath to give up his British nationality and position in the army." Prince Christian Victor was killed in the Boer War in 1900.
Thus, Prince Albert became the heir to the dukedom and the family's "extensive properties." He quit the British army and adopted German nationality.
He also entered the German army and became an officer in the First Regiment of Hessian Dragoon. He was appointed to the General Staff of the Germany Army. His position "was particularly difficult" during the world war as he "was an Englishman by birth and by training." He was "looked upon with suspicion by the Germans, and his intimacy with the English branch of his family made him, even more, a target of German prejudice."
Albert refused to "take part in the fighting against the British, his fellow countrymen," but he "volunteered for service on the Russian front."
He was eventually assigned to the staff of the Military Governor of Berlin, and "left to his own devices." He "spent most of his time helping the British officers and soldiers in captivity, saving many of them from death and winning devoted friends."
Albert succeeded as head of the house in 1921, following the death of his cousin, Duke Ernst Gunther. At that time, he also inherited the great estate at Primenkau in Silesia and also a "large perpetual annuity."
Duke Albert of Schleswig-Holstein was unmarried. The title becomes extinct. He is survived by two sisters, Princess Helena Victoria and Princess Marie Louise.
[Marlene's note: several days before his death, Duke Albert sent a letter to Valerie Marie Schwalb, and acknowledged her as his natural daughter.)
Bavarian duchess attends cooking school
April 27, 1907
The New York Times reports today that Duchess Karl Theodor in Bavaria, who is the wife of the famous oculist, is taking " a regular cooking class in Munich." The newspaper notes that the duchess "does ordinary kitchen work like other students."
The duchess' daughter, Elisabeth, is the wife of Prince Albert, heir to the Belgian throne.
The New York Times reports today that Duchess Karl Theodor in Bavaria, who is the wife of the famous oculist, is taking " a regular cooking class in Munich." The newspaper notes that the duchess "does ordinary kitchen work like other students."
The duchess' daughter, Elisabeth, is the wife of Prince Albert, heir to the Belgian throne.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The 1901/1910 Civil Lists
It is interesting to note who received Civil List allocations in 1901 and 1910, following the deaths of Victoria and Edward VII, respectively.
The 1901 list included separate appanages for the Prince and Princess of Wales, as well as Empress Friedrich (who died in August 1901), Princess Christian, Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, the Duke of Connaught, the Duchess of Edinburgh, the Duchess of Albany, Princess Henry of Battenberg, the Duke of Cambridge, the Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz and the daughters of Edward VII. These appanages were not a part of the actual Civil List but were separate provisions.
Queen Mary and Grand Duchess Augusta maintained a correspondence up until Augusta's death in December 1916. Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden was the intermediary between the two women.
The 1910 list showed only a few changes. The Prince and Princess of Wales were now King George V and Queen Mary. Empress Friedrich and the Duke of Cambridge were no longer alive. Queen Alexandra was added to the 1910 list, as the widow of King Edward VII.
The Duchesses of Edinburgh and Albany were widows of sons of Queen Victoria.
The Duchesses of Albany and Edinburgh received £6000 a year until their deaths
However, The Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Princess Augusta of Cambridge) stopped receiving her annual payment of £3000 after July 1914 due to her marriage to a German national. The Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz never forgot that she was a British princess by birth, and she remained close to her British relatives, including her niece, Queen Mary.
If you liked this article, perhaps you can buy me a latte
Friday, April 24, 2009
The marriage of Prince Georg of Denmark and Anne, Viscountess Anson
"The Queen and Princess Margaret motored from Balmoral to Glamis Castle on Saturday to attend the family luncheon party which followed the marriage of Prince Georg of Denmark, Acting Military Attaché, and the Viscountess Anson," reports The Times on September 18, 1950.
The couple was married in the private chapel at Glamis Chapel. The Rev. M. Buch, the chaplain to the Danish Seamen's Mission in Newcastle, officiated at the ceremony. The lesson was read by Canon H.G.G. Rorison, who is the chaplain to the Earl of Strathmore. The bride was given away by her grandfather, Lord Clinton. She wore "a gown of blue and silver brocade, with a close fitting-bodice, a deep V-neckline, and long, tight sleeves, and the skirt forming a slight train." The new Princess Georg of Denmark "wore a small feathered cap to match her dress and carried a hand-spray of white stephanotis, orchids, and lapageria."
The guests included the groom's parents, Prince and Princess Axel of Denmark, the Crown Prince of Norway, Princess Ragnhild and Princess Astrid of Norway, Prince Carl Bernadotte, Princess Josephine Charlotte of Belgium, and Count and Countess Flemming af Rosenborg. Count Flemming, who is Prince Georg's brother, served as best man.
Lord Strathmore presided at the luncheon party. Other guests included the Hon. Mrs. John Bowes-Lyon, Miss Diana Bowes-Lyon, Lord and Lady Clinton, the Earl and Countess Granville, Lord Levson, Lady Mary Levson Gower, the Hon. David and Mrs. Bowes-Lyon, Mr. Simon Bowes-Lyon, the Hon. Mrs. H. Fane, Captain the Hon. Duthac and Mrs. Carnegie, Mr. SJL Egerton and the bride's son and daughter, the Hon. Patrick and Hon. Elizabeth Anson.
Lady Elizabeth prepares for wedding
April 23, 1923
Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon is an "unassuming Scottish girl" who is the "most talked about girl in Europe," as she prepares for her upcoming wedding, where she will marry the Duke of York and become the fourth lady of the land.
With a "girlish candor," Lady Elizabeth, who is the youngest daughter of the Earl and Countess of Strathmore, has given an exclusive interview with Jean-Victor Bates. The future Duchess of York is "awed by the great position which is soon to be hers." She knows that once she becomes a member of the British Royal Family, she will not be able to indulge with such candor as "she told of her hopes of serving her country and ultimately solving some of its industrial problems by co-operating in the welfare work for the toilers of Britain to which her fiance, ever since the end of the war, has devoted a considerable part of his time and energy."
In a rather naive manner, Lady Elizabeth "talked of her already daughter-like relations with Queen Mary, of her wedding dress and wedding plans."
It was due to a personal acquaintance with Lord Strathmore, that Bates was able to obtain a pre-wedding interview with the bride-to-be at her family home in Bruton Street, London.
The floor and sofa were covered with cases of wedding presents that were to be transferred to Buckingham Palace, where the gifts would be displayed after the wedding.
Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon is an "unassuming Scottish girl" who is the "most talked about girl in Europe," as she prepares for her upcoming wedding, where she will marry the Duke of York and become the fourth lady of the land.
With a "girlish candor," Lady Elizabeth, who is the youngest daughter of the Earl and Countess of Strathmore, has given an exclusive interview with Jean-Victor Bates. The future Duchess of York is "awed by the great position which is soon to be hers." She knows that once she becomes a member of the British Royal Family, she will not be able to indulge with such candor as "she told of her hopes of serving her country and ultimately solving some of its industrial problems by co-operating in the welfare work for the toilers of Britain to which her fiance, ever since the end of the war, has devoted a considerable part of his time and energy."
In a rather naive manner, Lady Elizabeth "talked of her already daughter-like relations with Queen Mary, of her wedding dress and wedding plans."
It was due to a personal acquaintance with Lord Strathmore, that Bates was able to obtain a pre-wedding interview with the bride-to-be at her family home in Bruton Street, London.
The floor and sofa were covered with cases of wedding presents that were to be transferred to Buckingham Palace, where the gifts would be displayed after the wedding.
"This room certainly looks a bit of a shop, doesn't it, with all these boxes about. Yes, we are receiving many presents. Best of all, I like the useful ones. We have to start from the very beginning, you know, to furnish our house, and a house cannot be comfortably done with just ornaments and silver, can it? I don't really know half the people who are sending me things. I am simply thrilled with gratitude. And antiques, which I could never really afford to collect -- my friends, who know, are sending me such rare and lovely ones."
Lady Elizabeth was asked about her future title. "You will be Princess Elizabeth after your marriage, will you not?"
"I really do not know. I believe I shall be a Royal Highness, but personally, I don't mind what I am called."
When asked if she would have a lady-in-waiting," Lady Elizabeth answered: "Oh, I suppose I shall have someone with me at big ceremonies, but not always I fancy. Do you know, it is awfully embarrassing to prophesy about myself, and it is difficult to say just what I like to do, definitely mentioning my taste in books, arts, and sports. Interviews quite frighten me.
"The day of my engagement sixteen journalists rushed into the hall of this house and demanded news. I thought it very nice of them to be interested, and all I could say was: 'I am very happy and I want to make others happy.' But that was not enough. They wanted to know when the duke proposed to me: how often he proposed to me: what I said when he proposed, and so on!"
She was asked if she found it difficult to be the fiancee of a royal. "Difficult, yes."
"You refused to marry the Duke of York several times?"
Lady Elizabeth's response was a "girlish honesty." "I said to him I was afraid. It seemed too big a thing to decide -- as royalty never, never again to be free to think or speak or act as I really feel I ought to think, or speak, or act. I really do want to help him. He is so keen on his welfare work, you know. He does so love the men and women who work. He is trying to find out just how he can make their lives happier. When I marry him, I hope to begin the work too. I might help the working women and together we may do a lot. You see, the duke feels that he must first really understand all about the industrial problem, for one can never do any good unless one understands things; and, unless one is practical, talk can do nothing. So he reads omnivorously on the subject, especially books that explain the workers' point of view.
"He studies hard, goes to meetings down at the factories, and everywhere, just to learn at first hand, and I mean to do the same thing because I think these industrial problems and puzzles have to be solved. If we make up our minds to try and solve them in good friendship and out of love for one another and for our country, we will -- somehow and sometimes -- I think I get things right."
Lady Elizabeth's response was a "girlish honesty." "I said to him I was afraid. It seemed too big a thing to decide -- as royalty never, never again to be free to think or speak or act as I really feel I ought to think, or speak, or act. I really do want to help him. He is so keen on his welfare work, you know. He does so love the men and women who work. He is trying to find out just how he can make their lives happier. When I marry him, I hope to begin the work too. I might help the working women and together we may do a lot. You see, the duke feels that he must first really understand all about the industrial problem, for one can never do any good unless one understands things; and, unless one is practical, talk can do nothing. So he reads omnivorously on the subject, especially books that explain the workers' point of view.
"He studies hard, goes to meetings down at the factories, and everywhere, just to learn at first hand, and I mean to do the same thing because I think these industrial problems and puzzles have to be solved. If we make up our minds to try and solve them in good friendship and out of love for one another and for our country, we will -- somehow and sometimes -- I think I get things right."
Bates notes that "something about Lady Elizabeth that hints at strange and beautiful possibilities." She is "small and almost fragile in the figure, with tiny feet and tiny hands, she is possessed with a wonderful girlish air of dignity -- and her face -- looking at her one realizes why ancient writers of austere temperament so frequently warned men to beware of the Celtic women, who more than others, are gifted with the power of beguilement."
Lady Elizabeth talked about her childhood at Glamis Castle in Scotland, and her closeness to her younger brother, David. "We used to wander about, play with our dogs and our rabbits, and pets, fish with the clansmen; do a little shooting, and just muck about generally."
Lady Elizabeth and the Hon. David were "inseparable," until David was sent off to school, and Elizabeth "had governesses. I have never really been finished."
Lady Elizabeth and the Hon. David were "inseparable," until David was sent off to school, and Elizabeth "had governesses. I have never really been finished."
Family holidays were spent in Italy, "where we spent some time with our grandmother." Most of the time was spent in Florence, "where we were taught much by visits to the galleries. It was there I learned to love pictures."
Lady Elizabeth, 22, has also provided details about her wedding gown. "My wedding dress is to be a copy of an old Florentine picture, with graceful flowing lines, something like the robe of Dante's Beatrice. I am too small to wear anything heavy or elaborate, so the dress has been made as simple as possible, introducing some ancestral lace, including a bit worn by one of my very great-grandmothers at a ball given by Bonnie Prince Charlie. The sleeves are of Nottingham, as a tribute to a British industry on which I am very keen; and Queen Alexandra has given me the bit to be appliqued to my long tulle veil."
Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon will marry the Duke of York on April 26 at Westminster Abbey.
Two royal deaths
April 24, 1923
Grand Duchess Luise of Baden died this morning at her palace in Baden. She was 84-years-old. The Grand Duchess was the only daughter of Kaiser Wilhelm I of Germany, and thus, the oldest member of the House of Hohenzollern. She was the widow of Grand Duke Friedrich of Baden, and the mother of the present head of the house, Prince Max.
When she was five-years-old, the princess fell from a palace window and was caught "in the arms of a soldier of the Lifeguards on sentinel duty."
According to the New York Times, the Grand Duchess "was beloved by all classes in Baden for her benevolence and democratic spirit."
The New York Times also reports the death of the former Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar, Wilhelm Ernst. He was known even to his fellow Princes as "the Best Hated Prince in Germany."
He died "last night" at Schloss Heinrichsbau in Silesia. After he abdicated his throne, Wilhelm Ernst was able to make an arrangement with the new government, where he and his family would receive an annuity of about 300,000 marks. In return, he "was to renounce all claims to his former title."
Grand Duke Wilhelm Ernst was 47-years-old.
Belgian queen votes for the first time
April 24, 1921
Women voted for the first time today in Belgian elections, and among the women who exercised their franchise was Queen Elisabeth of the Belgians. The Queen voted in Brussels, and stood in line, and waited to "enter the booth to record her vote," reported the Associated Press.
The German-born queen is the consort of King Albert.
Women voted for the first time today in Belgian elections, and among the women who exercised their franchise was Queen Elisabeth of the Belgians. The Queen voted in Brussels, and stood in line, and waited to "enter the booth to record her vote," reported the Associated Press.
The German-born queen is the consort of King Albert.
Prince Axel nearly killed in plane accident
April 24, 1913
The New York Times reports today about the "narrow escape" of Prince Axel of Denmark in a flying accident. Prince Axel, who is the son of Prince Waldemar of Denmark, is a member of Denmark's Naval Flying Corps.
He was making a flight of "an hour's duration at a height of 1,800 feet in a new biplane," when he began his descent, and a
"gust of wind threw his machine against a barrier with such force that it was smashed."
Prince Axel managed to jump out of plane in "the nick of time," and suffered no major injuries.
The New York Times reports today about the "narrow escape" of Prince Axel of Denmark in a flying accident. Prince Axel, who is the son of Prince Waldemar of Denmark, is a member of Denmark's Naval Flying Corps.
He was making a flight of "an hour's duration at a height of 1,800 feet in a new biplane," when he began his descent, and a
"gust of wind threw his machine against a barrier with such force that it was smashed."
Prince Axel managed to jump out of plane in "the nick of time," and suffered no major injuries.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
royal ties to the dead polo ponies in Florida
Victor Vargas' daughter, Margarita, is married to Don Luis Alfonso de Borbon y Martinez Bordiu. who is the son of the late Duke of Cadiz, a grandson of Alfonso XIII.
Don Luis Alfonso and Margarita are the parents of a daughter, Eugenia.
An extensive profile of Vargas in Time.
Victor Vargas' daughter, Margarita, is married to Don Luis Alfonso de Borbon y Martinez Bordiu. who is the son of the late Duke of Cadiz, a grandson of Alfonso XIII.
Don Luis Alfonso and Margarita are the parents of a daughter, Eugenia.
An extensive profile of Vargas in Time.
Grand Duchess Marie Adelaide says Germans steal food
April 23, 1915
Grand Duchess Marie Adelaide of Luxembourg has filed an official protest in Berlin against the distribution of food supplies in her war-ravaged country, according to the New York Times. The Grand Duchess asserts that nearly half of her subjects are on the verge of starvation. Gifts of food and clothes are being sent to Luxembourg from all over the world, but the items are not reaching Luxembourg's citizens. She says that the German army "is requisitioning provisions in exchange for scrip."
Grand Duchess Marie Adelaide of Luxembourg has filed an official protest in Berlin against the distribution of food supplies in her war-ravaged country, according to the New York Times. The Grand Duchess asserts that nearly half of her subjects are on the verge of starvation. Gifts of food and clothes are being sent to Luxembourg from all over the world, but the items are not reaching Luxembourg's citizens. She says that the German army "is requisitioning provisions in exchange for scrip."
Swedish government gifts Haga Palace to Victoria
The Swedish government has given Crown Princess Victoria and her fiance, Daniel Westling, a home as a wedding gift. After their marriage in June 2010, the couple will live in the Haga Palace, outside Stockholm. The Haga Palace was a royal residence until 1966, when King Gustav VI Adolf ceded it to the government. It was the primary home of King Carl XVI Gustaf and his siblings when they were growing up.
Infanta Cristina and family to move to Washington
Infanta Cristina of Spain and her family will be moving to Washington, D.C., in the not-to-distant future, according to a report in the Latin American Herald Tribune.
The Infanta's husband, Don Inaki Urdangarin, is to head a unit of the Spanish telecommunications company, Telefonica.
Cristina, who is the second child of King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia, and her husband, have four children: Juan, Pablo Nicolas, Miguel and Irene. Her brother, the Prince of the Asturias, received a degree from Georgetown University, so perhaps he can give her a few tips on life in Washington.
It is entirely possible that the family will settle in DC proper, but it is also likely that they could head to one of the surrounding 'burbs', such as Montgomery County, the City of Alexandria, VA, or Fairfax County, Virginia, which has the highest per capital income in the US.
The Infanta's husband, Don Inaki Urdangarin, is to head a unit of the Spanish telecommunications company, Telefonica.
Cristina, who is the second child of King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia, and her husband, have four children: Juan, Pablo Nicolas, Miguel and Irene. Her brother, the Prince of the Asturias, received a degree from Georgetown University, so perhaps he can give her a few tips on life in Washington.
It is entirely possible that the family will settle in DC proper, but it is also likely that they could head to one of the surrounding 'burbs', such as Montgomery County, the City of Alexandria, VA, or Fairfax County, Virginia, which has the highest per capital income in the US.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Grand Duchess Charlotte defiant
April 22, 1939
Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg issued a message today, celebrating Luxembourg's 100th anniversary. She told her subjects that she will devote her life "to the welfare of our dear country and to safeguard its independence."
Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg issued a message today, celebrating Luxembourg's 100th anniversary. She told her subjects that she will devote her life "to the welfare of our dear country and to safeguard its independence."
Queen Geraldine rejects offer for movie
April 22, 1939
Queen Geraldine of Albania, who is in exile in Greece with her husband, King Zog, and their infant son, Skander, has declined an offer from Hollywood to star in a movie, reports the Associated Press. This statement was made today by the attorney for Geraldine's family, the Counts Apponyi. The Queen was born Countess Geraldine Apponyi, a member of an Hungarian noble family. The AP also reports that King Zog has been offered a lecture tour of the US, but has turned the offer down. He is currently weighing his options regarding where the royal family will live after leaving Greece. England and the United States are on the short-list. Geraldine's mother, Gladys, is American, who now lives in France. However, Queen Geraldine has never been to the the United States.
Queen Geraldine of Albania, who is in exile in Greece with her husband, King Zog, and their infant son, Skander, has declined an offer from Hollywood to star in a movie, reports the Associated Press. This statement was made today by the attorney for Geraldine's family, the Counts Apponyi. The Queen was born Countess Geraldine Apponyi, a member of an Hungarian noble family. The AP also reports that King Zog has been offered a lecture tour of the US, but has turned the offer down. He is currently weighing his options regarding where the royal family will live after leaving Greece. England and the United States are on the short-list. Geraldine's mother, Gladys, is American, who now lives in France. However, Queen Geraldine has never been to the the United States.
Infante Juan arrives in France
April 22, 1931
Infante Juan of Spain, whom many consider to be the heir to the Spanish throne, arrived in Paris today from Naples. He was driven straight to Fontainebleau, where his mother, Queen Victoria Eugenie, is staying, reports the New York Times.
Infante Juan of Spain, whom many consider to be the heir to the Spanish throne, arrived in Paris today from Naples. He was driven straight to Fontainebleau, where his mother, Queen Victoria Eugenie, is staying, reports the New York Times.
British royals in Spain
April 22, 1927
Although they are traveling in "strict incognito," the Prince of Wales and his brother, Prince George, "found Madrid much decorated in their honor, with flags flying from every balcony, upon their arrival today," according to the New York Times.
The two British princes were met at the station by King Alfonso XIII and Queen Victoria Eugenia, and several Spanish government officials. The British Ambassador was also on hand for the arrival. The royal party traveled back to the Palace, where the Prince of Wales will be staying at the apartments of the Duke of Genoa. The prince and his brother immediately went by car to pay a call on Infanta Isabel and Princess Fernando Alfonso, who in Madrid, and after this meeting, the two British princes paid a casual visit to the Prado Picture Gallery.
The princes joined the Spanish royal family for lunch, apart from the two youngest royal children. Afterwards, the prince of Wales and Prince George witnessed a polo march at the Royal Polo Club.
Tonight, they are having dinner with the Spanish royal family.
Tomorrow, the Prince of Wales is expected to visit El Escorial. He and his brother are also going to meet with Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Two-Sicilies and his wife, Luisa, and his 23-year-old daughter, Infanta Isabel Alfonsa.
Prince Hendrik's debts remain unpaid
April 22, 1901
The New York Times reports today about the non-payment of Prince Hendrik of the Netherlands's debts. Prince Hendrik, who is married to Queen Wilhelmina, is said to have not yet paid his pre-marital debts. Shortly before his marriage, the former Prince Heinrich of Mecklenburg-Strelitz assured his creditors in Berlin and in Frankfurt, that he would pay one-third of the debt within the first month of the marriage. This has not happened. Thus, the money-lenders have now appealed directly to the Prince's wife, Queen Wilhelmina, who has made it clear that she is not responsible for her husband's debts. She has declared that Hendrik is solely responsible for the debts, and must pay the creditors from the allowance he receives from the state.
It is said that the Queen is "very angry" about this situation.
The New York Times reports today about the non-payment of Prince Hendrik of the Netherlands's debts. Prince Hendrik, who is married to Queen Wilhelmina, is said to have not yet paid his pre-marital debts. Shortly before his marriage, the former Prince Heinrich of Mecklenburg-Strelitz assured his creditors in Berlin and in Frankfurt, that he would pay one-third of the debt within the first month of the marriage. This has not happened. Thus, the money-lenders have now appealed directly to the Prince's wife, Queen Wilhelmina, who has made it clear that she is not responsible for her husband's debts. She has declared that Hendrik is solely responsible for the debts, and must pay the creditors from the allowance he receives from the state.
It is said that the Queen is "very angry" about this situation.
that Luxembourg announcement
I hear people are fretting about what I wrote regarding a possible announcement in Luxembourg. I wrote the following on March 31 - but it was not linked to April Fool's Day.
Perhaps, a few readers should take a reading comprehension course.
I said I heard from sources who would know that they expected an announcement ... I was not told what it was. Nor did I ever say that it would be an engagement announcement. That was speculation on my part. I also used the word "possible" in my post. I was never told what the announcement would be.
Must be the California sunshine causing all that comprehension problems for some readers.
Perhaps, a few readers should take a reading comprehension course.
I said I heard from sources who would know that they expected an announcement ... I was not told what it was. Nor did I ever say that it would be an engagement announcement. That was speculation on my part. I also used the word "possible" in my post. I was never told what the announcement would be.
Must be the California sunshine causing all that comprehension problems for some readers.
Benjamin Lascelles marries
Here is a link to an article regarding the Hon. Benjamin Lascelles' wedding on Saturday at Harewood House.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Princess Elizabeth turns 21
April 21, 1947
Princess Elizabeth, heiress presumptive to the British throne, today celebrated her 21st birthday in Cape Town, South Africa. She is on a tour of the country with her parents, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth and her younger sister, Princess. Earlier today, the Princess gave a speech regarding her future as Britain's queen regnant.
"On my twenty-first birthday I welcome the opportunity to speak to all the peoples of the British Commonwealth and Empire, wherever they live, whatever race they come from, and whatever language they speak.
Let me begin by saying 'thank you' to all the thousands of kind people who have sent me messages of good will. This is a happy day for me; but it is also one that brings serious thoughts, thoughts of life looming ahead with all its challenges and with all its opportunity.
At such a time it is a great help to know that there are multitudes of friends all round the world who are thinking of me and who wish me well. I am grateful and I am deeply moved.
As I speak to you today from Cape Town I am six thousand miles from the country where I was born. But I am certainly not six thousand miles from home. Everywhere I have travelled in these lovely lands of South Africa and Rhodesia my parents, my sister and I have been taken to the heart of their people and made to feel that we are just as much at home here as if we had lived among them all our lives.
That is the great privilege belonging to our place in the world-wide commonwealth - that there are homes ready to welcome us in every continent of the earth. Before I am much older I hope I shall come to know many of them.
Although there is none of my father's subjects from the oldest to the youngest whom I do not wish to greet, I am thinking especially today of all the young men and women who were born about the same time as myself and have grown up like me in terrible and glorious years of the second world war.
Will you, the youth of the British family of nations, let me speak on my birthday as your representative? Now that we are coming to manhood and womanhood it is surely a great joy to us all to think that we shall be able to take some of the burden off the shoulders of our elders who have fought and worked and suffered to protect our childhood.
We must not be daunted by the anxieties and hardships that the war has left behind for every nation of our commonwealth. We know that these things are the price we cheerfully undertook to pay for the high honour of standing alone, seven years ago, in defence of the liberty of the world. Let us say with Rupert Brooke: "Now God be thanked who has matched us with this hour".
I am sure that you will see our difficulties, in the light that I see them, as the great opportunity for you and me. Most of you have read in the history books the proud saying of William Pitt that England had saved herself by her exertions and would save Europe by her example. But in our time we may say that the British Empire has saved the world first, and has now to save itself after the battle is won.
I think that is an even finer thing than was done in the days of Pitt; and it is for us, who have grown up in these years of danger and glory, to see that it is accomplished in the long years of peace that we all hope stretch ahead.
If we all go forward together with an unwavering faith, a high courage, and a quiet heart, we shall be able to make of this ancient commonwealth, which we all love so dearly, an even grander thing - more free, more prosperous, more happy and a more powerful influence for good in the world - than it has been in the greatest days of our forefathers.
To accomplish that we must give nothing less than the whole of ourselves. There is a motto which has been borne by many of my ancestors - a noble motto, "I serve". Those words were an inspiration to many bygone heirs to the Throne when they made their knightly dedication as they came to manhood. I cannot do quite as they did.
But through the inventions of science I can do what was not possible for any of them. I can make my solemn act of dedication with a whole Empire listening. I should like to make that dedication now. It is very simple.
I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.
But I shall not have strength to carry out this resolution alone unless you join in it with me, as I now invite you to do: I know that your support will be unfailingly given. God help me to make good my vow, and God bless all of you who are willing to share in it."
Princess Elizabeth, heiress presumptive to the British throne, today celebrated her 21st birthday in Cape Town, South Africa. She is on a tour of the country with her parents, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth and her younger sister, Princess. Earlier today, the Princess gave a speech regarding her future as Britain's queen regnant.
"On my twenty-first birthday I welcome the opportunity to speak to all the peoples of the British Commonwealth and Empire, wherever they live, whatever race they come from, and whatever language they speak.
Let me begin by saying 'thank you' to all the thousands of kind people who have sent me messages of good will. This is a happy day for me; but it is also one that brings serious thoughts, thoughts of life looming ahead with all its challenges and with all its opportunity.
At such a time it is a great help to know that there are multitudes of friends all round the world who are thinking of me and who wish me well. I am grateful and I am deeply moved.
As I speak to you today from Cape Town I am six thousand miles from the country where I was born. But I am certainly not six thousand miles from home. Everywhere I have travelled in these lovely lands of South Africa and Rhodesia my parents, my sister and I have been taken to the heart of their people and made to feel that we are just as much at home here as if we had lived among them all our lives.
That is the great privilege belonging to our place in the world-wide commonwealth - that there are homes ready to welcome us in every continent of the earth. Before I am much older I hope I shall come to know many of them.
Although there is none of my father's subjects from the oldest to the youngest whom I do not wish to greet, I am thinking especially today of all the young men and women who were born about the same time as myself and have grown up like me in terrible and glorious years of the second world war.
Will you, the youth of the British family of nations, let me speak on my birthday as your representative? Now that we are coming to manhood and womanhood it is surely a great joy to us all to think that we shall be able to take some of the burden off the shoulders of our elders who have fought and worked and suffered to protect our childhood.
We must not be daunted by the anxieties and hardships that the war has left behind for every nation of our commonwealth. We know that these things are the price we cheerfully undertook to pay for the high honour of standing alone, seven years ago, in defence of the liberty of the world. Let us say with Rupert Brooke: "Now God be thanked who has matched us with this hour".
I am sure that you will see our difficulties, in the light that I see them, as the great opportunity for you and me. Most of you have read in the history books the proud saying of William Pitt that England had saved herself by her exertions and would save Europe by her example. But in our time we may say that the British Empire has saved the world first, and has now to save itself after the battle is won.
I think that is an even finer thing than was done in the days of Pitt; and it is for us, who have grown up in these years of danger and glory, to see that it is accomplished in the long years of peace that we all hope stretch ahead.
If we all go forward together with an unwavering faith, a high courage, and a quiet heart, we shall be able to make of this ancient commonwealth, which we all love so dearly, an even grander thing - more free, more prosperous, more happy and a more powerful influence for good in the world - than it has been in the greatest days of our forefathers.
To accomplish that we must give nothing less than the whole of ourselves. There is a motto which has been borne by many of my ancestors - a noble motto, "I serve". Those words were an inspiration to many bygone heirs to the Throne when they made their knightly dedication as they came to manhood. I cannot do quite as they did.
But through the inventions of science I can do what was not possible for any of them. I can make my solemn act of dedication with a whole Empire listening. I should like to make that dedication now. It is very simple.
I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.
But I shall not have strength to carry out this resolution alone unless you join in it with me, as I now invite you to do: I know that your support will be unfailingly given. God help me to make good my vow, and God bless all of you who are willing to share in it."
Band plays for Princess Elizabeth
April 21,1935
A Royal Guardsman band played for Princess Elizabeth today. The princess, who turned nine, stood alone, and "clapped her hands and danced in delight." The Princess "stole the hearts of 5,000 spectators by beating time on the window pane," reports the Associated Press.
Nine candles "beamed on a pink and white frosted cake," which was baked for the princess, and she played host to her grandparents, King George V and Queen Mary, her parents, the duke and duchess of York, the Duke and Duchess of Kent, the Duke of Gloucester and Princess Victoria. The bells of St. George's Chapel pealed in honor of the Princess, who is second in line to the throne.
Alfonso cheered by British crowds
April 21, 1931
The New York Times reports today that King Alfonso XIII, who recently was forced to leave Spain, received a "tumultuous welcome" from cheering crowds in London largely at the same time that the British government was officially recognizing the new Spanish Republic.
Alfonso was "all but swept off his feet by the demonstration." When he arrived at Claridge's Hotel, he was greeted in the lobby by another exiled monarch, the former King Manoel of Portugal. The two men chatted for a few minutes before Alfonso went to his room.
The other members of the Spanish royal family have left Paris and will reside in Fontainebleau, where twenty hotel rooms have been reserved for the royal party and their staff. It is believed that the "air of the pine forest" will be good for Alfonso's eldest son, the Prince of the Asturias is too weak to walk and had to be carried by servants to the car for the drive to Fontainebleau.
King Alfonso XIII will rejoin his family in France.
The New York Times reports today that King Alfonso XIII, who recently was forced to leave Spain, received a "tumultuous welcome" from cheering crowds in London largely at the same time that the British government was officially recognizing the new Spanish Republic.
Alfonso was "all but swept off his feet by the demonstration." When he arrived at Claridge's Hotel, he was greeted in the lobby by another exiled monarch, the former King Manoel of Portugal. The two men chatted for a few minutes before Alfonso went to his room.
The other members of the Spanish royal family have left Paris and will reside in Fontainebleau, where twenty hotel rooms have been reserved for the royal party and their staff. It is believed that the "air of the pine forest" will be good for Alfonso's eldest son, the Prince of the Asturias is too weak to walk and had to be carried by servants to the car for the drive to Fontainebleau.
King Alfonso XIII will rejoin his family in France.
Little Princess Elizabeth dances a jig
April 21, 1931
A "dainty" little princess who turned five-years-old today delighted crowds outside Windsor castle when she danced a celebratory Irish jig. The little girl is Princess Elizabeth, the elder daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York. She is third in line to the British throne. During "her happy day," Princess Elizabeth "unwrapped scores of presents," and she was cheered by the crowds who had gathered outside the castle to watch the guard mount.
Will Manoel's wife be a duchess or a queen
April 21, 1913
The New York Times reports today on the controversy regarding the future title of King Manoel II's fiancee, Princess Augusta Victoria of Hohenzollern. Will she be called Queen, as some think, although some "German experts on Court questions declare that she will rank only as a Duchess, with the title of Royal Highness." But others believe she will be styled as Queen as Manoel "has not recognized his deposition from the throne of Portugal" and continues to be styled as King and Your Majesty.
The New York Times reports today on the controversy regarding the future title of King Manoel II's fiancee, Princess Augusta Victoria of Hohenzollern. Will she be called Queen, as some think, although some "German experts on Court questions declare that she will rank only as a Duchess, with the title of Royal Highness." But others believe she will be styled as Queen as Manoel "has not recognized his deposition from the throne of Portugal" and continues to be styled as King and Your Majesty.
Very little is known about the bride-to-be as her entire life has been spent in southern Germany. It is "understood that she will bring to Manoel a plump dowry," as her family is very rich.
The couple met last year when King Manoel was visiting his aunt, Duchess Karl Theodor of Bavaria. He went to Sigmaringen last week to again visit the family, and the couple's betrothal was announced three days later.
Princess gets rabies shot
Princess Maria Immaculata of Savoy, who is the wife of Prince Johann Georg of Saxony, today received a rabies shot from the Berlin Institutes's Dr. Koch, reports the New York Times in today's edition. Prince Johann Georg is the brother of King Friedrich August.
The princess and several members of her suite, as well as members of the domestic staff, suffered bites from the princess' favorite dog, "which had shown signs of irritation for a week and had snapped viciously at all comers." The dog was tested, and the report came back that the dog was suffering from rabies. The Princess and everyone else who had come in contact with the dog received the rabies inoculation.
Back home
Royal Musings was on holiday last week as I was in London and in Chichester. I met up with friends and I also had lunch with my publisher, Ted Rosvall, to talk about projects, etc. My next book will be on the descendants of Grand Duke Adolphe of Luxembourg, scheduled for the fall of 2010. While in London, I saw the movie Young Victoria (good, but a few doozies of mistakes), a revival of Carousel and a superb production of Hay Fever, starring my favorite actress, Dame Diana Rigg.
I shopped, bought a few books, and treats for the kitties. I found a few new royal postcards, and I visited several exhibitions, including the Last Debutantes exhibit at Kensington Palace. I also saw the Bruegel exhibit at Buckingham Palace. On Sunday, my last full day, my friend Paul and I were planning to go to Hampton Court, but the trains were not running to Hampton, so we went to plan B, which was to visit the Tower. Neither of us had been there in at least 20 years. After that, we took a cab to Fortnum and Mason for Afternoon tea, and then a nice, long walk through St. James's Park, and down the Mall to see the new statue of the Queen Mother.
The trip was too short, but I know I will be back again in the not-to-distant future.
I shopped, bought a few books, and treats for the kitties. I found a few new royal postcards, and I visited several exhibitions, including the Last Debutantes exhibit at Kensington Palace. I also saw the Bruegel exhibit at Buckingham Palace. On Sunday, my last full day, my friend Paul and I were planning to go to Hampton Court, but the trains were not running to Hampton, so we went to plan B, which was to visit the Tower. Neither of us had been there in at least 20 years. After that, we took a cab to Fortnum and Mason for Afternoon tea, and then a nice, long walk through St. James's Park, and down the Mall to see the new statue of the Queen Mother.
The trip was too short, but I know I will be back again in the not-to-distant future.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Duke of Genoa dead at 77
April 15, 1931
Prince Tomasso Alberto Vittorio of Savoy, Duke of Genoa died tonight at 10:30 p.m. He was 77 years old and had been suffering from arteriosclerosis for "several months," according to the New York Times obituary. He was an uncle of King Vittorio Emanuele.
Prince Ferdinando the Duke and Duchess of Pistoia, the Duke of Ancona, the Duke of Bergamo, and other members of the Italian royal family were at the duke's bedside when "the end came."
He was doubly related to the king. His father was the brother of King Vittorio Emanuele's grandfather, and his sister was Queen Margherita, who was the present king's mother.
Prince Tomasso was born in Turin on February 6, 1854. He succeeded as duke of Genoa a year later, when his father died on February 10, 1855. On April 14, 1883, he married Princess Elisabeth of Bavaria, who grew up at Schloss Nymphenburg, "where the wedding was celebrated." She died in 1924 at the age of 61.
The Duke of Genoa last visited the USA in 1917 as a representative of the king.
He is survived by four sons and two daughters. The eldest son, Prince Ferdinando succeeds as Duke of Genoa.
Prince Tomasso Alberto Vittorio of Savoy, Duke of Genoa died tonight at 10:30 p.m. He was 77 years old and had been suffering from arteriosclerosis for "several months," according to the New York Times obituary. He was an uncle of King Vittorio Emanuele.
Prince Ferdinando the Duke and Duchess of Pistoia, the Duke of Ancona, the Duke of Bergamo, and other members of the Italian royal family were at the duke's bedside when "the end came."
He was doubly related to the king. His father was the brother of King Vittorio Emanuele's grandfather, and his sister was Queen Margherita, who was the present king's mother.
Prince Tomasso was born in Turin on February 6, 1854. He succeeded as duke of Genoa a year later, when his father died on February 10, 1855. On April 14, 1883, he married Princess Elisabeth of Bavaria, who grew up at Schloss Nymphenburg, "where the wedding was celebrated." She died in 1924 at the age of 61.
The Duke of Genoa last visited the USA in 1917 as a representative of the king.
He is survived by four sons and two daughters. The eldest son, Prince Ferdinando succeeds as Duke of Genoa.
Dowager Empress and other family members are safe
April 15, 1919
It is being reported in Paris that the Dowager Empress of Russia and 19 other members of the Imperial family are now in Constantinople after leaving the Crimea. They arrived in Turkey several days ago. Other members of the family on board the ship include Grand Dukes Nicholas and Peter. Both are married to sisters of Queen Elena of Italy, who has extended an invitation to the two Grand Dukes and their wives to come to Italy. Empress Marie and her family will board a British warship in Malta, where they will learn the British government's decision regarding a new place of residence.
Archduke Josef killed by Reds
April 15, 1919
There are unconfirmed reports that Archduke Josef of Austria and two former government officials have been executed by Budapest Bolsheviks. The archduke is the son of Archduke Josef Karl. He was born in 1872 and received a technical education at the University of Budapest. During the war, he served as Commander of the Seventh Corps of the Austro-Hungarian army. It was reported on April 11 that the archduke and his son, Archduke Josef Franz, had taken the oath to submit unconditionally the new Hungarian national council.
The reports are based on telegraphs from Berlin to Copenhagen.
There are unconfirmed reports that Archduke Josef of Austria and two former government officials have been executed by Budapest Bolsheviks. The archduke is the son of Archduke Josef Karl. He was born in 1872 and received a technical education at the University of Budapest. During the war, he served as Commander of the Seventh Corps of the Austro-Hungarian army. It was reported on April 11 that the archduke and his son, Archduke Josef Franz, had taken the oath to submit unconditionally the new Hungarian national council.
The reports are based on telegraphs from Berlin to Copenhagen.
Alfonso flees; Spain is a republic
April 14, 1931
King Alfonso XIII has yielded his throne, and Spain is now a republic, according to news reports. The Spanish monarchy, which "stood proudly for fifteen centuries, with only one brief intermission, was toppled over in a few breathless hours this afternoon, without a drop of bloodshed," the New York Times reported on its front page.
The Republican flag flies throughout Spain.
The king, accompanied by the Duke of Miranda, and two Civil Guards, and is en route to Cartagena, where he will board a ship to Marseilles. Earlier today, he slipped out of the palace by a garden gate and got out of Madrid before anyone realized it.
An official statement will be released tomorrow regarding Alfonso's position. He has neither abdicated nor renounced his throne but has chosen to leave Spain for the time being to avoid bloodshed.
The new provisional government will soon hold elections, but it is apparent from last night's demonstrations that the people are eager for a republic.
The new President Alcala Zamora gave a brief interview to the New York Times. He said: "America is the leader of democracy in the world and I send her cordial greetings."
Queen Victoria Eugenie is expected to arrive in France by tomorrow and will travel to England to visit her mother, Princess Beatrice.
Grand Duchess Olga to marry Duke Peter
April 14, 1901
Grand Duchess Olga of Russia, who is the youngest sister of Nicholas II, is to marry Duke Peter of Oldenburg, according to the Chicago Daily Tribune. The Grand Duchess, the paper notes, "has been the subject of many matrimonial rumors. Olga, who is in her 19th year, is very "Russian in her appearance and tastes." She is also the "possessor of vast estates and an immense fortune," and it is expected that her brother will provide her with a "liberal dowry."
Duke Peter is a German noble in name only, and he is "virtually a Russian prince. His great-grandfather, Duke Georg of Oldenburg, settled in Russia, and married the daughter of Emperor Paul. His son, Duke Peter, had three sons, including Duke Alexander, who commanded the Russian Imperial Guards. Duke Alexander married Eugenie of Leuchtenberg, a granddaughter of Nicholas I. It is their son, Peter, who is now engaged to Grand Duchess Olga. Thus, the close ties between the Russian branch of the Oldenburg family and the Romanovs continue.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
A lot of purient people out there
I am getting a lot of hits because so many people are googling "Eugenie topless" and being led to Royal Musings! Hmm! Well, you won't find the photos here, but spend some time browsing through the entries. Welcome.
It is not necessary to publish photos of a teenage princess who might have removed her top while swimming in Thailand, which she whould not done ... if she did. Teenage princesses should know that when they are outdoors, they are subject to the camera's prying lens. There is something to be said for being discreet and wearing a one piece swimsuit. There is also something to be said for a teenage princess to understand that she will always live an extraordinary life, which means, perhaps, being more circumspect when outside. There is no opportunity to live a normal life because being a princess is not normal.
Some may argue that the Princess is on her gap year, and she's having fun traveling the world. One can assume that her parents are footing most the expenses for this trip. But she is also traveling with her tax-payer supported personal protection officer.
While I do believe that she and her older sister, Princess Beatrice, should continue to have security, Princess Eugenie also needs to understand and respect her own position as a member of the British royal family. It is expected that in time, the princess will probably undertake engagements as a working member of the royal family, but this won't happen for at least another five years. But I do think that Eugenie -- and her older sister -- should be involved in some charitable work, and should undertake one or two patronages while they are still at school. This will give them a grounding, a sense of purpose and a not-so-gentle reminder of who they are, and who they represent. Princess Eugenie needs to step up to the plate, and realize that she is different from other people her age, and being different means she must live her life differently. She can never be ordinary, so why even try!
It is not necessary to publish photos of a teenage princess who might have removed her top while swimming in Thailand, which she whould not done ... if she did. Teenage princesses should know that when they are outdoors, they are subject to the camera's prying lens. There is something to be said for being discreet and wearing a one piece swimsuit. There is also something to be said for a teenage princess to understand that she will always live an extraordinary life, which means, perhaps, being more circumspect when outside. There is no opportunity to live a normal life because being a princess is not normal.
Some may argue that the Princess is on her gap year, and she's having fun traveling the world. One can assume that her parents are footing most the expenses for this trip. But she is also traveling with her tax-payer supported personal protection officer.
While I do believe that she and her older sister, Princess Beatrice, should continue to have security, Princess Eugenie also needs to understand and respect her own position as a member of the British royal family. It is expected that in time, the princess will probably undertake engagements as a working member of the royal family, but this won't happen for at least another five years. But I do think that Eugenie -- and her older sister -- should be involved in some charitable work, and should undertake one or two patronages while they are still at school. This will give them a grounding, a sense of purpose and a not-so-gentle reminder of who they are, and who they represent. Princess Eugenie needs to step up to the plate, and realize that she is different from other people her age, and being different means she must live her life differently. She can never be ordinary, so why even try!
Luxembourg engagement
April 14, 1893
The Courts of Europe were taken by surprise when Prince Wilhelm of Luxembourg announced his engagement to Infanta Maria Anna of Portugal. Prince Wilhelm, who is 42-years-old, has been linked to several European princess. He is considered to be one of "richest matches" in Europe. Maria Anna is the 5th daughter of the late Dom Miguel, the former king of Portugal, who abdicated in 1834, and died in 1866. Maria Anna was born in 1861, and has five sisters, all of whom are already married. She is also very wealthy.
The Courts of Europe were taken by surprise when Prince Wilhelm of Luxembourg announced his engagement to Infanta Maria Anna of Portugal. Prince Wilhelm, who is 42-years-old, has been linked to several European princess. He is considered to be one of "richest matches" in Europe. Maria Anna is the 5th daughter of the late Dom Miguel, the former king of Portugal, who abdicated in 1834, and died in 1866. Maria Anna was born in 1861, and has five sisters, all of whom are already married. She is also very wealthy.
Princess Bertha to marry a Smith
April 14, 1925
Prince and Princess Michael Cantacuzene announced today the engagement of their daughter, Princess Bertha, to Bruce Smith of Lexington, Kentucky.
Princess Cantacuzene is the former Julia Grant, a granddaughter of the late President Ulysses S. Grant. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Floyd Smith. Princess Bertha's brother, Prince Michael, is married to an American, Clarissa P. Curtis of Boston.
Prince and Princess Michael Cantacuzene announced today the engagement of their daughter, Princess Bertha, to Bruce Smith of Lexington, Kentucky.
Princess Cantacuzene is the former Julia Grant, a granddaughter of the late President Ulysses S. Grant. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Floyd Smith. Princess Bertha's brother, Prince Michael, is married to an American, Clarissa P. Curtis of Boston.
Grand Duke Krill "threatens his foes"
April 14, 1925
The New York Times reports today that the quarrel between the supporters of Grand Duke Nicholas and Grand Duke Kirill "reached a head today" when Kirill's supporters "openly declared war" on the supporters of the former Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armies, Grand Duke Nicholas.
Grand Duke Nicholas has not claimed the succession, but he does "deny the right" of Kirill to name himself as Emperor of all the Russians, which is against the wishes to the Dowager Empress Marie and other members of the family.
Kirill's supporters have "issued a warning" that those who refuse to recognize Kirill as emperor "will never be permitted to return to Russia," where "on pain of being shot instantly when they cross the frontier."
One of Kirill's main supporters is his cousin, Grand Duke Dimitri, who now works for a well-known champagne company -- has declared himself to be Kirill's representative in France.
It is also understood that Grand Duke Kirill, who recently visited Paris, is now in Coburg, where he has "concluded an alliance with German Nationalists against the Bolshevist Government of Russia."
The New York Times reports today that the quarrel between the supporters of Grand Duke Nicholas and Grand Duke Kirill "reached a head today" when Kirill's supporters "openly declared war" on the supporters of the former Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armies, Grand Duke Nicholas.
Grand Duke Nicholas has not claimed the succession, but he does "deny the right" of Kirill to name himself as Emperor of all the Russians, which is against the wishes to the Dowager Empress Marie and other members of the family.
Kirill's supporters have "issued a warning" that those who refuse to recognize Kirill as emperor "will never be permitted to return to Russia," where "on pain of being shot instantly when they cross the frontier."
One of Kirill's main supporters is his cousin, Grand Duke Dimitri, who now works for a well-known champagne company -- has declared himself to be Kirill's representative in France.
It is also understood that Grand Duke Kirill, who recently visited Paris, is now in Coburg, where he has "concluded an alliance with German Nationalists against the Bolshevist Government of Russia."
German Crown Prince in Vienna
April 14, 1901
Crown Prince Wilhelm of Germany has arrived in Vienna, Austria, for an official visit, according to the New York Times, which received the report by Atlantic cable.
The Crown Prince was greeted at the railroad station by Emperor Franz Joseph and other members of the Austrian Imperial Family. "A large and enthusiastic" crowd awaited his arrival. The Crown Prince also had a private meeting with the emperor.
"Amid popular demonstrations," Crown Prince Wilhelm visited Capuchin Mausoleum, where he, representing his father, laid wreaths on the graves of Empress Elisabeth, Archduke Rudolf and Archduke Albrecht.
At 5 p.m., the Crown Prince was the guest of honor at a state banquet at the Hofburg, which was followed by a reception and then a gala performance at the opera. At the banquet, Emperor Franz Joseph proposed a toast to the Crown Prince, where he hoped that the visit "would knit still closer the personal and political relations between the two imperial houses." Crown Prince Wilhelm proposed a similar toast.
Crown Prince Wilhelm of Germany has arrived in Vienna, Austria, for an official visit, according to the New York Times, which received the report by Atlantic cable.
The Crown Prince was greeted at the railroad station by Emperor Franz Joseph and other members of the Austrian Imperial Family. "A large and enthusiastic" crowd awaited his arrival. The Crown Prince also had a private meeting with the emperor.
"Amid popular demonstrations," Crown Prince Wilhelm visited Capuchin Mausoleum, where he, representing his father, laid wreaths on the graves of Empress Elisabeth, Archduke Rudolf and Archduke Albrecht.
At 5 p.m., the Crown Prince was the guest of honor at a state banquet at the Hofburg, which was followed by a reception and then a gala performance at the opera. At the banquet, Emperor Franz Joseph proposed a toast to the Crown Prince, where he hoped that the visit "would knit still closer the personal and political relations between the two imperial houses." Crown Prince Wilhelm proposed a similar toast.
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