Saturday, February 28, 2015

Romanian post office honors King Michael

The Romanian post office honors King Michael and Queen Anne with a stamped postcard

Prince Hermann of Leiningen - A Canadian in line to the British throne

Prince Hermann is the elder son of the late Prince Karl of Leiningen and Princess Marie Louise of Bulgaria.  He is a descendant of Queen Victoria through his father, who was the son of Grand Duchess Marie of Russia and the Prince of Leiningen.  Grand Duchess Marie was the eldest child of Princess Victoria Melita of Edinburgh and Grand Duke Kirill of Russia.   Princess Victoria Melita was the third child of Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna of Russia.

The Duke of Edinburgh was the fourth child of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Princess Isabelle of Bourbon-Parma

HRH Princess Isabelle of Bourbon-Parma, Countess Roger de La Rochefoucauld died on February 26,  2015.  She was  92 years old. 

She is survived  by her children, Count and Countess  Sixte de La Rochefoucauld, Count Hugues de La Rochefoucauld, Count and Countess Charles de La Rochefoucauld, Count Robert de La Rochefoucauld, Mrs Elisabeth Gouvernal; her grandchildren Antoine-Sixte and Silvia Murgia (with Alaïa), Sosthène, Eléonore, Hortense, Louise, Thomas, Arthur.

Princess Isabelle was the only child  of Prince Sixte of Bourbon-Parma and Hedwige de la Rochefoucauld.  She was born at Paris on March 14, 1922.

Her funeral will take place on February 28 at the church in Bonnétable, Sarthe, in France.

A year ago, French newspapers included a death notice for the Princess, but it turned she was still alive.

Le Comte et la Comtesse
Sixte de La Rochefoucauld,
le Comte
Hugues de La Rochefoucauld,
le Comte et la Comtesse
Charles de La Rochefoucauld,
le Comte
Robert de La Rochefoucauld,
Mme Elisabeth Gouvernal,
ses enfants;
Antoine-Sixte, Silvia Murguia,
et leur fille, Alaïa,
Sosthène, Eléonore, Hortense,
Louise, Thomas, Arthur,
ses petits-enfants,
ont la douleur de vous faire part du rappel à Dieu de
SAR la Princesse Isabelle
Comtesse Roger
survenu le 26 février 2015, à l'âge de 92 ans.
La cérémonie religieuse sera célébrée samedi 28 février 2015, à 10 heures, en l'église de Bonnétable (72).
Cet avis tient lieu de faire-part.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Succession to the Crown law ... edging its way to final assent

One step closer to the new Succession law becoming official .. on 2-24, the two houses of the Western Parliament passed the law, sending it to the Australian Parliament for assent. Western Australia was the last of the state parliaments to pass the law (it took them a year). When this happens, then (I think) there will be a privy council meeting with the Queen to make it official. The changes will include: succession of the first born regardless of sex. Those who married Roman Catholics will be restored to the succession (Prince Michael and Lord St Andrews, King Michael of Romania, among others.) Roman Catholics will remain out of succession. The Royal Marriages Act will be confined to the dustbin of history, as permission for marriage will be limited to the first six in line. The gender equal affects only those persons born after October 28, 2011. So, in other words, the Princess Royal and her line will not be moving ahead of the Duke of York. No major shuffling. The Act of Settlement (1701) remains the basis for the succession. The law covers succession and marriage, and not with titles.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A girl for the Battenbergs

February 25, 1885

Princess Victoria, the wife of Prince Louis of Battenberg, was "safely delivered of a daughter at Windsor Castle," earlier today. reports the New York Times.

The mother and her infant daughter are said to be "doing well."

Princess Victoria is the eldest child of the late Princess Alice, third child of Queen Victoria, and Grand Duke Ludwig IV of Hesse and by Rhine.  She married Prince Louis, her father's first cousin, at Darmstadt, on April 30, 1884.

Princess Patricia of Connaught to marry Crown Prince of Sweden's eldest son.

February 25, 1905

The betrothal is "official," according to the New York Times.  Princess Patricia of Connaught is going to marry Prince Oscar, eldest son of the Crown Prince of Sweden and Norway.  

The engagement has the "entire sanction and approval" of the Princess's uncle, King Edward VII.

[This is what happens when one does not check all their facts.  The bride-to-be was Patricia's older sister, Princess Margaret of Connaught, and the Crown Prince's eldest son was named Gustaf Adolf, although Oscar was one of his middle names.]

Oh, yes, the photo has been published before!

The British press, especially Hello!,  Daily Mail,  and The Times, have gone a bit crazy over recently found photo albums that once belonged to the Duke of Windsor.

The Mail claims that the photograph of the Duke of Windsor, dressed in his Garter robe, posing for a photograph in his garden, has never been published.

I say Bull Merdé!    The photo was one of a series taken in 1953 by James Gunn.  This particular photo was included in Philip Ziegler's official biography, King Edward VIII,  published in 1990.
from Hugo Vicker's book, The Private World of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor

From Philip Ziegler's  King Edward VIII

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Margaret sings in the bath

February 24, 1955

Princess Margaret, who is now en route to Bahamas after an official visit to Jamaica,
sings in her bath," reports the Associated Press.

Jamaican Governor Hugh Foot said today that he learned of the Princess' singing when she stayed his residence in Kingston.

Mrs. Foot. "hearing a sudden burst of song," ordered it "hushed," in order to not disturb the 25-year-old princess.  "Let's turn that radio off," she said, but the did not come from the radio.  Rather, it was Princess Margaret who was "warbling in her bath."

France not concerned with Victor Napoleon's marriage

February 24, 1905

The French government has "coldly indicated" to King Leopold II of the Belgians that the marriage of his daughter, Princess Clementine to Prince Victor Napoleon will "in no way interfere with the excellent relations" between France and Belgium, reports the New York Times.

Prince Victor Napoleon, the official Bonapartist pretender, is "politically speaking a negligible quantity," as he has no real interest in taking an "active part in the Bonapartist propaganda."

He has quarreled with his father, Prince Jerome, and has contributed to "spoil" his father's "own dynastic outlook" by proposing a different form of Bonapartism that relies more on the "plebiscitary appeal of the people," and less on the "claims of legitimate descent."

Father and son remained estranged until Jerome's death.   Victor Napoleon is now the head of the family but has only visited Paris twice, in disguise.   The French government knew he was there, but made no attempt to arrest him -- pretenders to the French throne are barred from entering the country -- because Prince Victor Napoleon has had no intention of provoking "any breach of the public peace."

He prefers his time in Brussels, where his "comfort and happiness were studiously looked after by a devoted companion," the mother of his three sons.

This comfortable family life will end if Prince Victor Napoleon marries Princess Clementine.  His relationship with the mother of his sons was never sanctioned by marriage or religion, but many feel that the Prince, now in his middle age, has turned his back on a situation that was always the "excuse" for his "political inactivity."

It is being said in Bonapartist circles that Prince Victor Napoleon would rather give up his claim to his brother, Prince Louis, than not marry Princess Clementine, a "great heiress."

Prince Louis is more popular than his older brother. He will also inherit the fortune of Empress Eugenie, as he is her favorite nephew.

The forthcoming marriage has also led to a complete rupture of relations between Princess Clementine and her father, Leopold.  The Princess will have her own way and marry Prince Victor.  The King is already estranged from his other daughters.

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Snow Princess turns 3

all four photos Foto Kate Gabor, / Kate Gabor, The Royal Court, Sweden
HRH Princess Estelle of Sweden, only child of HRH Crown Princess Victoria and HRH Prince Daniel, celebrates her third birthday today (February 23)

Friday, February 20, 2015

Bulletin: Kaiser to attend funeral

February 20, 1895

Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany will attend the funeral of Archduke Albrecht of Austria, according to a Berlin dispatch from Central News to the New York Times.

Archduke Albrecht, Duke of Teschen, died at Arco on February 18.  He was 77 years  old.  

The late Habsburg military general will receive a state funeral.

Albrecht married Princess Hildegard of Bavaria in 1844.  She died in 1864, at the age of 38, after becoming ill with pleurisy while she was in Munich to attend the funeral of her brother, King Maximilian II.  They had three children: Archduchess Maria Theresia (1845) who is married to Duke Philipp of Württemberg, Archduke Karl (1847-1848), and Archduchess Mathilde (1849-1867).

He is survived by his daughter, Maria Theresia, four grandchildren (Duke Albrecht, Duchess Maria Isabella (wife of Prince Johann Georg of Saxony), and Dukes Robert and Ulrich,  and two great-grandsons, Duke Philipp Albrecht and Duke Albrecht Eugen of Württemberg.

Archduke Albrecht's nephew, Archduke Friedrich, succeeds to the Teschen title, and also inherits his uncle's massive fortune.

Rumors of a royal wedding in Saxony

February 20, 1905

Kaiser Wilhelm II greatly "desires" that King Friedrich August III of Saxony to marry again, now he is divorced from his wife, Louise, reports the New York Times from Berlin.

Wilhelm II would like the bride to be a German princess.   It is believed that 30-year-old Princess Feodora of Schleswig-Holstein, youngest sister of Empress Auguste Viktoria, is most "likely to be chosen" to be King Friedrich August's second wife.

Carl Eduard to marry Holstein princess

Embed from Getty Images 

 February 20, 1905

In her latest column, the Marquise de Fontenoy considers the recently announced engagement of the young Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and Princess Viktoria Adelheid of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg as a "satisfactory match" that will strengthen Duke Carl Eduard's position in Germany.

The match was no doubt engineered by the Duke's first cousin, Kaiser Wilhelm II, as the bride-to-be is the niece of Empress Auguste Viktoria.

Duke Carl Eduard was born in England, as a "prince of the reigning house of Great Britain," as the posthumous son of Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, who died several months before his birth.   His early education took place in England.  He was a pupil at Eton when he became the heir to the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha duchy, which meant that his entire life was uprooted to Germany.    

Marrying a German princess, especially one with close ties to the German Kaiser, can only help Duke Carl Eduard, who will celebrate his 21st birthday, and reach his majority in July.  When that time comes,  the Duke will "assume the reigns of the government of the grand duchies," which have been administered by the Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, whose wife, Princess Alexandra, was the third daughter of the late Duke Alfred of Saxe-Coburg Gotha,  who died in 1900.

The Duke was also the Duke of Edinburgh, the second son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, who became the heir to Coburg duchies, succeeding his childless paternal uncle, Duke Ernst II.  After the tragic death of his only son, Hereditary Prince Alfred in 1899,  the succession devolved on his nephew, the young Duke of Albany, the only son of Duke Alfred's youngest brother, Leopold.  

Queen Victoria's fourth son, Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, and his only son, Prince Arthur of Connaught, renounced their rights in favor of Prince Charles Edward, now known as Carl Eduard.

Since leaving Eton,  Carl Eduard has been educated in Germany, under the supervision of his cousin, the Kaiser, along with the latter's second son, Prince Eitel Friedrich, who has become one of Carl Eduard's closest "chums."

The Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha's marriage will "coincide" with the celebration of his majority.  An early marriage may be a good thing, as the "companionship of a lovely bride" will go far to keep Carl Eduard from "following the example of nearly all his predecessors," most of whom were "unenviably famed for their profligacy, their drunkenness, and their eccentricities."

The future Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha is a firm favorite of her aunt, the Empress Auguste Viktoria as she is the child of her favorite sister, Caroline Mathilde, who is married to Duke Friedrich Ferdinand of Schleswig-Holstein.    They don't spend a lot of time at the court of Berlin or Potsdam, preferring to make their home in the "picturesque and beautiful castle of Glücksburg" in Holstein.

Empress Auguste Viktoria makes "long visits" to her sister each year. 

The young Duke of Saxe-Coburg is by all accounts "a nice young fellow," and there is good reason to believe that Princess Viktoria Adelheid's future will be a happy one.

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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Queen Victoria holds first levee

February 19, 1840

Queen Victoria held her first levee of the season today at St. James's Palace, reports the Court Circular.

The Queen and Prince Albert traveled from Buckingham Palace, and were attended by their suite.  They were escorted by a "party of Life Guards."    The Dukes of Sussex and Cambridge and Prince George of Cambridge were present, as were the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and his elder son, the Hereditary Prince.

The levee took place in the Throne Room.  Prince Albert took his place by the Queen's side.  Several hundred people were presented to the Queen from diplomats and ambassadors to military personnel and members of the peerage.

President Roosevelt sends message to Nicholas II

February 19, 1905

President Theodore Roosevelt has sent a message of condolence through Ambassador McCormick to Russian Emperor Nicholas II, reports the New York Times.'

The message contains a "strong expression of the abhorrence with which the American Government and people" view the recent assassination of the Emperor's uncle, Grand Duke Serge.

The Grand Duke was killed when a bomb was thrown at his carriage as he left his palace in Moscow on February 17.

The heir to Saxe-Weimar's wild youth

February 19, 1905

The recent death of the young Grand Duchess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, leaving her husband, Grand Duke Wilhelm Ernst without male issue, has put the heir presumptive, Prince Wilhelm, 52, again into the spotlight.  Prince Wilhelm, a cousin of the Grand Duke, was "exceedingly wild in his younger days and became involved in so many unpleasant scrapes," writes the Marquise de Fontenoy.  He was sent off to the United States with a small allowance.  He remain in the United States, living under an assumed name for some years.

He always lived beyond his means, and was often in "desperate straits," and was forced to find odd jobs as a riding master, store clerk, "even a waiter."  But after he became ill, Prince Wilhelm returned to the bosom of his family, where he was "nursed back to health."

Having sowed all of his wild oats, Prince Wilhelm, the eldest son of Prince Hermann and Princess Augusta, decided to turn his life around.  In 1885, he married Princess Gerta of Isenburg-Büdingen.   The couple have three children, Prince Hermann (February 1886), Albert (December 1886) and Sophie (1888).

The marriage has "turned out fairly well."  Wilhelm has had several "brief lapses from the paths of respectability and godliness," which has meant that he and his family have not been permitted to live in Weimar, but in Heidelberg.  He enjoys spending time with the students at the university in Heidelberg, where he will reminisce "over a friendly mug of beer or a glass of wine."

Princess Gerta is said to be a "sensible, patient" woman with a "forgiving disposition." 
Grand Duchess Karoline died at Weimar on January 17.  She was only 20 years old.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Too much focus on what Catherine wears!

When I took J-classes in college, I was taught that the six most important things to write were: who, what, where, how and why?

Where seems to have become wear when journalists write about the Duchess of Cambridge,  especially when she appears in public.  The focus has become what the duchess is wearing (coat, dress, shoes, oh, it's that clutch again), and not on the who, what, where, how and why.

This bothers me.  Why?  It is sexist, for starters, because focusing on the clothes diminishes what the Duchess is trying to do: highlight important charities.   When a royal male is working, reporters rarely mention the clothes, apart from the color of the suit.  It is demeaning to report on what a woman wears, and not what a woman does.  The reporting has become too shallow and less focused on the real story.  The clothes are not the real story.

Yes, there is the "Kate effect," where the largely British designers have seen their bottom line soar after the Duchess is seen wearing their clothes.  Last year, Seraphine, a British design firm that specializes in maternity wear, saw their profits jump 60%  due to the Duchess of Cambridge's clothing choices.  

Profits are a good thing.  Companies can grow, and pay more to their workers (one hopes) but reporters should report on the Duchess and the event, first and foremost, as the duchess is not a mannequin, but a member of the British royal family.    Although there are still a few glass ceilings that need to be crashed, the number of women executives, political and religious leaders and CEOS continue to grow.  No serious journalist would report what these women are wearing so why should they report what the Duchess of Cambridge is wearing?

In contrast, read this article from the Sydney Morning Herald about Crown Princess Mary of Denmark's visit to Ethiopia.   The writer does not mention what the Crown Princess is wearing.  This is how the Duchess of Cambridge's engagements, at home and abroad, should be covered.

Beat reporters and journalists should leave the fashion reporting to the fashion magazines and bloggers, and focus on the who, what, where (NOT WEAR), how and why.

It can be done.  Here is a very good example about the Duchess of Cambridge's visit earlier today to the Emma Bridgewater factory in Stoke-on-Trent.  Richard Palmer is getting a round of applause from me (and a thank you) for writing a good, responsible news story about the Duchess of Cambridge.  Plenty of photos, but no mention of what she wore.    This is classic reporting: who, what, where, how and why.

Oh, by the way, I am wearing a Ralph Lauren rose pullover with Ralph Lauren jeans and G.H. Bass Shoes.  My handbag is by Coach.  My silver earrings were bought in tiny jewelry store in Budva, Montenegro's Old Town.  My watch is by Bulova (Caravelle) and my silver flower bracelet was purchased in Bucharest, Romania.  As it is very cold here today, I wore one of my two Icelandic wool jackets (bought in Iceland), with a Washington Nationals scarf, a multi-colored Washington Nationals winter hat, and Washington Nationals gloves.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Just standing around

wonder what they were talking about

All three are from the Marlene A. Eilers Koenig Collection.   The third card is signed but I am not sure who signed it, Crown Prince Wilhelm, Cecilie or one of their two sons. .

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Prince Harry plays soccer

Both photos @Russell Biggs

These two photos were taken on December 24, 2014 at Castle Rising, King's Lynn, Norfolk, by Russell Biggs. He is the copyright holder.  Do not copy, use, publish, reprint, etc., because you don't have the copyright holder's permission.

Queen approves marriage of cousin at Privy Council meeting

I declare My Consent to a Contract of Matrimony between My Cousin Juliet Victoria Katharine Nicolson and Simon Alexander Rood, which Consent I am causing to be signified under the Great Seal and to be entered into the Books of the Privy Council."

Elizabeth R.

This approval of the marriage of Miss Juliet Nicolson to Simon Rood may be the last of a consent of marriage according to the 1772 Royal Marriages Act, which will be scrapped once the new Succession law becomes official (Australia has not completed its approval, but this should happen sometime in 2015.)

Miss Nicolson is the second of three children of the Captain Mark and the Hon. Katharine Nicolson (nee Fraser),  Mrs. Nicolson is the eldest of three daughters of the late Alexander Ramsay of Mar and Lady Saltoun.

Alexander Ramsay of Mar was the only child of Princess Patricia of Connaught, a granddaughter of Queen Victoria, and the Hon. Alexander Ramsay.

Mrs. Nicolson is the heiress presumptive to the Saltoun Lordship

Juliet and Simon will be married this summer.   Juliet's older sister, Louise, who married Charles Morshead in 2013, is expecting her first child this spring.

The Privy Council meeting was held on February 11.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Carol wants to return for sister's wedding

Embed from Getty Images

February 13, 1930

Former Crown Prince Carol of Romania has sent telegraph his mother, Queen Dowager Marie, "beseeching permission" to return to Romania to attend his sister, Princess Ileana's wedding, reports the New York Times.

Queen Marie has called a meeting between Premier Maniu and other government officials and the Regents for King Michael to "decide upon the request."

Princess Ileana and her fiance, Count Alexander von Hochberg

The government deny refuse Carol's request to attend King Ferdinand's funeral.  It is expected that the final decision in this matter will be made by Premier Maniu.

Friedrich August to sue ex-wife

February 14, 1905

The lawyer for King Friedrich August of Saxony met today with the lawyers representing the king's former wife, the Countess Montignoso to demand that she "relinquish custody of her child, Princess Anna."  The King has decided to take action in the Italian courts to obtain full custody of his youngest child.

Friedrich August's lawyer, Dr. Koerner, announced today that he would make public his interview with the Countess, who, he said, recognizes the king's right, under the law of Saxony, to claim his child, but she refuses to give her daughter to Dr. Koerner.

Dr. Koerner has also denied that he "used violent or offensive language" to the Countess, who was born Archduchess Louisa of Austria, Princess of Tuscany.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Maria Pia weds Alexander

February 12, 1955

Princess Maria Pia of Italy and Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia were married today in the parish church in Cascais, a fishing village in Portugal.

The 20-year-old princess is the daughter of the exiled King Umberto of Italy.  Prince Alexander, 30, is the eldest of three children of the exiled Prince and Princess Paul.

The "simple ceremony" took only seven minutes as Princess Maria Pia is a Roman Catholic and Prince Alexander is a member of the Orthodox church.   As this was a mixed marriage, the nuptial mass was not performed.

The Italian and Yugoslav national anthems were sung as the newly married couple appeared at the church.  Waiting outside were 2500 cheering Italians, who had traveled to Portugal for this event.  More than 10,000 Portuguese "surrounded the church."

The couple met last year on the Greek liner Agamemnon, on a cruise hosted by Queen Frederika for European royalty.

Former Queen Marie Jose of Italy and Prince Paul headed the procession.  They were followed by Prince Alexander and his mother, Princess Olga.  Last to arrive at the church were King Umberto and Princess Maria Pia.

The bride was dressed in a "gown of white satin the Italian Renaissance style."  Her train was described as "medium length," and the veil was held in place a diamond diadem.  She carried a bouquet of orange blossoms, "surrounded by Portuguese lace," and she held a "small embroidered purse" that that three Roman girls had made "and sent for luck.

The "magnificent reception" at the Estoril Palace hotel followed the wedding service.

United Press reports that 4000 people attended the reception, where "champagne flowed freely."   Guests included the young exiled King of Simeon of Bulgaria, Archduke Franz Josef of Austria, the Count of Barcelona, the Count of Paris, the Duke of Braganza.

The "huge wedding cake" was cut with a ceremonial sword. 

The newly married Prince and Princess Alexander left the hotel for a "secret honeymoon haven at a private walled estate in Portugal," and were expected to travel to Madeira in a few days.

Archduke Karl Stephan to be crowned as king of Poland

Embed from Getty Images
 February 12, 1915

Archduke Karl Stephan of Austria has been selected to be the King of Poland, reports the New York Times.  His coronation will take place in the next few days in Cracow.

It is believed that his selection has been "directed by the fact" that he is "allied with the very ancient Polish house of Radziwill."

This coup by Austria is seen as political and double-edged.  It is "aimed" against the Hohenzollerns (Wilhelm II, the German Emperor) and their attempt to capture "yet another future throne," and the move will also "influence the Poles themselves in favor of the failing cause of Austria."

It is not known what Germanic Poles think of this move, as Russian armies are "on the point of sweeping into the plains of Hungary, but Russian Poles do not approve of Austria's choice.

But there are worries as Austria should have made this important move toward her "Slav subjects" more than six months ago by selecting a king.   Austrian officials have been attempting to bribe public opinion in Poland with "paper money that probably will prove worthless when the war is over."     Last August, Grand Duke Nicholas promised Polish unification and autonomy under the "scepter of the Czar," with a ruler similar to the Prince of Albania.

Many feel that Russia's position is an "infinitely better offer" than Austria's decision to crown a Habsburg Archduke as a "nominal King of a non-existent Poland.

Countess Montignoso victorious in custody

February 12, 1905

The Countess Montignoso has been "victorious in the first stage" of her battle with her former husband, King Friederich August of Saxony, reports the New York Times.

The King wants to remove their daughter, Princess Anna, from her mother's care, but for the time being, at least, the child will remain with the Countess.

After meeting with the King of Saxony's emissary, the Countess' lawyers "declared that orders of foreign authorities could not be executed in Italy," and the custody case would have to be tried in Italian law courts.

Her lawyers have also asserted that even if the King would win in court, there would be "difficulty in enforcing a decree" to remove Anna from her mother's care.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

the day after Victoria's wedding

February 11, 1840

While Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were on their honeymoon at Windsor Castle,  other members of the Royal Family had remained in London.  Tonight,  the Duchess of Kent, mother of the Queen, attended by Lady Fanny Howard, the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and the Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Coburg dined with the Dowager Queen at Marlborough House, reports the Court Circular.  Earlier in the day, the Dowager Queen visited the Princess Augusta at Clarence House, St. James's Palace.

On Monday night, following the departure of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert to Windsor Castle,  The Princess Augusta, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, accompanied by Prince George and Princess Augusta of Cambridge, dined with the Dowager Queen at Marlborough House.

At Windsor Castle today, the Queen and Prince Albert "walked out together on the Slopes and the east terrace of the Castle."  They also "promenaded for a short time." 

Tomorrow evening, the Duchess of Kent and the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and the Hereditary Prince are "expected to arrive" tomorrow at Windsor for a visit.

A lobster banquet for Alexader and Maria Pia

February 11, 1955

Former King Umberto of Italy hosted a lobster banquet tonight in honor of his daughter, Princess Maria Pia, and Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia, reports the Associated Press.

The "pretty" princess and Prince Alexander will be married to tomorrow at the Our lady of Assumption, a Roman Catholic church, which overlooks the "ancient fishing village.

The 30-year-old Prince Alexander served as a pilot for the RAF during the second world war.

More than 2000 guests attended the reception, held at the Palacio Hotel in Estoril.  Among those attending were the bride's mother, former Queen Marie Jose and the bridegroom's parents, former Regent, Prince Paul and Princess Olga of Yugoslavia. 

Other guests include the Duchess of Kent, who is the younger sister of Princess Olga.

An American Queen for Hungary?

February 11, 1920

Hungary may have an American Queen, according to an exclusive dispatch to the Los Angeles Times.

Count Laszlo Szechenyi, who is married to Gladys Vanderbilt, may become King or regent of Hungary, according to the "embryonic plans of the present Apponyi government."

Hungary must "become" a monarchy, but the Entente powers will not allow a Habsburg restoration. Archduke Josef is said to be the "popular choice in certain circles," but others are favoring one of the Teck princes or Prince Arthur of Connaught, all of whom are Englishmen, to sit on Hungary's throne.

But "radical, far-seeing members of the government," have suggested Count Szechenyi, a member of the Hungarian nobility.   He has been selected because he is married to the daughter of an American millionaire.

The Hungarians are convinced that an American Queen sitting on the Budapest throne would "surely enlist American sympathies, " and would help Hungary gain much needed "social, material and financial reconstruction."

The Hungarian Chamber of Deputies will meet in Budapest on February 16.  Count Apponyi will be elected as a curator, and he plans to "submit a motion" to restore the monarchy.  Several candidates' names will be offered, but a "judicious propaganda" will result in Count Szechenyi's appointment as the new king of Hungary.

Gladys Moore Vanderbilt, daughter of Cornelius Vanderbilt II and his wife, Alice, married Count Szechenyi on January 27, 1908, in New York City.  They have four daughters, Cornelia, Alice, Gladys, and Sylvia.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

175 years ago today: Queen Victoria married Prince Albert

February 10, 1840

The "important and national event" took place earlier today at noon, at the Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace, where the marriage of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert was celebrated.  According to The Times,  this was the first royal event since the marriage of the late Princess Charlotte of Wales, that has "excited so great an interest."

It was a surprise to many that the marriage would be celebrated at noon, "instead of an advanced hour of the evening, as was heretofore the custom with respect to Royal marriages."

This knowledge brought "many, many thousands" from all over London into St. James's Park at "an early hour."    There has not been such an "extraordinary display" in the park since the "rejoicings of the visit of the allied Sovereigns in 1814."

People were already gathering in the Park by 9:00 a.m., to get a "good place" to view the Royal cortege leave from Buckingham Palace and down The Mall to St. James's Palace.
By noon, the crowds had grown larger, "between the back of Carlton-terrace. and the foot of Constitution-hill," leading to the difficulty of maintaining an open carriageway."

The "lowering aspect of the weather" has not had "terrors for the visitors, male and female, young and old," arriving in masses.  The crowds were not deterred by the "smart showers which came down at intervals."

The officers of the household and the attendants of Her Majesty began to arrive at Buckingham Palace at 10:30.  These included the Earls of Belfast, Surrey, and Albemarle.   At 11:30, the "six gentlemen composing the foreign suites of His Royal Highness Prince Albert and the Duke of Saxe-Coburg -Gotha mustered in the Grand Hall."   They departed from the Palace in a Royal Carriage for the ride to St. James's.

The carriages were returned at 11:45, and "notice was given to the Royal bridegroom that all was in readiness for his department."   Wearing the uniform of a British Field Marshal, Prince Albert left his private apartments, passed through the staterooms, to his carriage.  he was accompanied by his father, the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and his elder brother, the Hereditary Prince.

Prince Albert entered his carriage to cheers, and "he made his acknowledgments with an air of the most courteous gallantry."  He and his father and brother traveled in one carriage, and his attendants followed in two more carriages.

They were escorted by a Squadron of Life Guards.

As Prince Albert made his way to the chapel, Queen Victoria was informed by her Lord Chamberlain that "all was ready."  She left her apartments "on the arm of the Earl of Uxbridge as Lord Chamberlain, supported by the Duchess of Kent."  They were followed by a Page of Honour.

The Queen carried her train over her arm.   As she descended down the stairs to the Grand Hall, she was "greeted with loud acclamations."   The Queen kept her eyes to the ground, and only gave a slight acknowledgment with her head.  She wore "no diamonds on her head, nothing but a simple wreath of orange blossoms."  Her "magnificent wreath" did not cover her face, but fell over her shoulders.  She wore "very large diamond earrings, a diamond necklace," and the Order of Garter.

The Duchess of Kent and the Duchess of Sutherland rode in the carriage with the Queen.    The procession left "the Palace at a slow pace under a strong escort of the Household Cavalry."

There was a "vociferous applause" as the Queen's procession traveled down the Mall.  The police, ever vigilant police "conducted themselves with great temper, and maintained order without the violent exercise of their supreme authority."

The crowds had hoped for a view of the couple, but the carriage windows were closed, and the "royal party only partially recognized."

At 12:15, the strains of the "national air" of 'God Save the Queen,' was played by the band in front of the palace.  This was the signal that the bride was now on her way to St. James's Palace to "plight her troth" to Prince Albert.   "Tremendous" cheers resounded through the park.

The Queen's cortege was attended by a full guard of honour.   She was "enthusiastically cheered" as the carriage headed toward St. James's Palace.  She appeared "highly gratified by the loyalty" from her subjects, and offered a smile, although it was noted that her "countenance was extremely pale." 

The drive took about ten minutes.   At St. James's Palace, the Queen was "conducted to her closet," before heading to the chapel.

The seats in the chapel "were stuffed, covered with crimson cloth, and elegantly ornamented with gold fringe.   The communion table held a vast quantity of gold plate.  The railing was also covered with crimson velvet, and stools were placed at the right of the altar for the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and the Bishop of London.  Four chairs of state, "gilt and covered with crimson silk velvet,: were placed in front of the communion table, the highest in elevation was for the Queen.  There were also two stools placed at the altar for the bride and groom to kneel.

The Queen Dowager (Queen Adelaide, widow of William IV) arrived a few minutes before noon and took her seat near the altar.  She was "arrayed in a robe of rich silk purple velvet trimmed with ermine."

At 12:25 p.m., the Royal bridegroom entered the chapel to a "flourish of trumpets and drums."  As he walked toward the altar, he was "greeted with a loud clapping of hands from the gentlemen," as the ladies waved their handkerchiefs with enthusiasm.   Prince Albert looked attractive, much improved since his arrival in England a few days earlier.  His father and brother were also greeted with the "utmost cordiality."

The Prince was conducted to his seat on the left side of the altar.  He spent a few minutes in conversation with the Queen Dowager until the "trumpets and drums" announced the arrival of Queen.   Her procession was longer and included her pages of honor, equerries, and other court officials, followed by Her Royal Highness Princess Sophia Matilda, Her Royal Highness Princess Mary of Cambridge, Her Royal Highness Princess Augusta of Cambridge, Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge, Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester, Her Royal Highness The Princess Augusta, His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge and the His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, and their attendants.

Queen Victoria was next.  Her train was carried by 12 "unmarried Ladies;"  Lady Adelaide Paget, Lady Caroline Gordon Lennox, Lady Sarah Villiers, Lady Elizabeth Howard, Lady Frances Cowper, Lady Ida Hay, Lady Elizabeth West, Lady Catherine Stanhope, Lady Mary Grimston, Lady Mary Hoard, Lady Eleanora Paget, and Lady Jane Bouverie.

They were followed by the Ladies of the Bedchamber, the Maids of Honour and the Women of the Bedchamber.

(The Times relied on the official program for the list of the Queen's procession.  The Duchess of Gloucester did not attend the wedding as she was confined to her home with a cold.)

Princess Sophia Matilda of Gloucester was "cheered" as she was escorted to her seat.  Princess Augusta of Cambridge "excited general admiration by her affability and beauty."   The Duchess of Cambridge led her youngest child, Princess Mary, into the chapel, and the "mother of so beautiful a child was certainly not to be seen without interest."

There appeared to be some sympathy for the bride's mother, the Duchess of Kent, who appeared "disconsolate and distressed."  The Duke of Sussex, who gave away the bride, "seemed to be excellent spirits."

Queen Victoria looked "anxious and excited," and "paler even than usual."  Her wedding gown was a "rich white satin, trimmed with white orange-flower blossoms."  On her head, she wore an orange blossom wreath, covered with a "beautiful veil of Honiton lace."

Her bridesmaids and trainbearers "were similarly attired," apart from not wearing veils.

The national anthem was played as the queen approached the chapel.  She walked up the aisle, followed by the train bearers and attendants.  She knelt on her footstool, after "having performed her private devotions," she took place in her chair of state.

The Archbishop of Canterbury read the service with "great appropriateness and feeling."  The Bishop of London repeated the responses.

Prince Albert's response to the vows was "I will," in a firm tone.  Queen Victoria also spoke in a "firm voice, and a tone audible in all parts of the chapel," when she responded "I will," to the vows.

The Archbishop of Canterbury asked: "Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?"  The Duke of Sussex took the Queen's hand, and said: "I do."   The Archbishop "then laid hold" of Victoria's hand, and pressed into Albert's, as the couple plighted their troth.

Then, the Archbishop took the "plain gold ring, from Prince Albert, placed it on the Queen's fourth finger, then returned to Albert, who put the ring on Victoria's finger: "With this ring, I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow; in the name of Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."

He concluded the service with O Eternal God, Creator, and Preserver of Mankind, Giver of all spiritual grace, the Author of everlasting life, send thy blessing upon these thy servants, Victoria and Albert, whom we bless in thy name; that, as Isaac and Rebecca, lived faithfully together, so these persons may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant betwixt them made (whereof this ring was given and received is a token and pledge,) and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together, and live according to thy laws, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
"Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder."

After the ceremony was concluded,  members of the Royal Family moved to take their places in the procession, paying their congratulations to the Queen.  The Duke of Sussex shook her hand, "which appeared to have little ceremony, but with cordiality in it, affectionately kissed her cheek.   The Queen stepped to the other side of the altar, to greet and kiss the Queen Dowager.

Prince Albert took the Queen's hand, escorting her out of the Chapel.  As the procession proceeded down the aisle, the Queen "spoke frequently to the Earl of Uxbridge," who was giving directions as "to the order of the procession."

The "nuptial procession" returned to Buckingham Palace in the same order.  There was a lot of cheering and the "waving of handkerchiefs was renewed" when the Queen and Prince Albert appeared, holding hands.   Prince Albert enclosed  Victoria's hand in his own "in such a way as to display the wedding ring, which appeared more solid than is usual in ordinary weddings."

The Royal ladies were all cheered as they were driven to the palace. One of the most enthusiastic cheers was for the Duke of Wellington, who was not a part of the wedding procession.  

The procession reached Buckingham Palace at 1:25 p.m.  Prince Albert helped his new bride out of the carriage.  She entered her "own hall with an open and joyous countenance, flushed perhaps in the slightest degree."

A wedding breakfast was held in Buckingham Palace.  The guests included the Duchess of Kent, the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, the Duke of Sussex, the Duchess of Gloucester, Prince George of Cambridge, Princess Augusta of Cambridge, the Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Princess Sophia Matilda of Gloucester, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, Viscount Melbourne and members of the Queen's household.

The newlyweds left Buckingham Palace at 3:45 p.m.  The sun "shone forth with full brightness, the skies were cleared of their murky clouds," as the couple got into the carriage.  Prince Albert was dressed "in a plain dark travelling dress," and the Queen had changed into a "white satin pelisse, trimmed with swansdown, with a white satin bonnet and feather."

There were crowds all along the route from the Buckingham Palace through London to Eton, arriving at Windsor Castle after 6 p.m.

In her diary later that night,  Queen Victoria wrote:...."My DEAREST DEAREST DEAR Albert sat on a footstool by my side, & his excessive love & affection gave me feelings of heavenly love & happiness, I never could have hoped to have felt before! - really how can I ever be thankful enough to have such as a Husband !"

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A joint 50th birthday celebration for the TRH the Earl and Countess of Wessex

@HRH The Duke of York

From the Duke of York:- A family photo before we join the guests at my brother and sister-in-law's joint 50th Birthday Reception at Buckingham Palace, to recognise the important work with their many organisations

It is a girl for Axel and Charlotte de Sambucy

Baron Axel de Sambucy de Sorgue and his wife, Charlotte, are the parents of a daughter, Augustine Jeanne France Marie, who was born two months prematurely, on January 26, 2015, at Paris.  Augustine, who weighed less than 3lbs (1kg 900).  Baron Axel is the son of HRH Princess Chantal of France and Baron Francois-Xavier de Sambucy de Sorgue.

Mother and baby are doing well.  Augustine will stay in the hospital for about 6 weeks.

The couple were married on June 8, 2014 in Marrakech.

Congratulations to Axel and Charlotte!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

An interview with Crown Prince Alexander

in Washington, D.C., following the National Prayer Breakfast

Interviewer: Dr Branko Mikašinović
Serbian Institute in Washington, D. C.
 February 5, 2015

 Interview of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander for the Serbian Institute in Washington, DC, shortly after the end of this year's National Prayer Breakfast, February 5, 2015.

The Crown Prince: “If we want to maintain young people not to leave Serbia we have to have investors” 

Your Highness, you have attended these events many times in the past. What is the significance of the National Prayer Breakfast?

 It’s a wonderful opportunity that was started under President Eisenhower, more than 60 years ago, and it gathers every state of the United States, and this time over 130 countries. And for breakfast this morning, we are close to 4,000 people. Everybody gets together and it’s based on the principles of Jesus, who brings everybody together, but there’s respect of all religions. It’s absolutely amazing to see so many different people from different walks of life.

 What does your participation today means for Serbia? Your actual presence here at the Prayer Breakfast?

It means a lot. I think one should stress the opportunity to meet people. I just came, this time, from a lunch with the South East European representatives. And you have a whole lot from our region, the Balkans, as you might say. These are former Prime Ministers, MPs, everything you can imagine. And everybody gets on very well, they are friendly, they hug each other, they want to talk more, and they have their Prayer Breakfasts in each capital. We have one in Belgrade, there’s one in Tirana, there’s one in Podgorica, there’s all sorts of things. And to see this friendship and exchange of interest, is so positive. So, in this hotel, every year, there is much more understanding between our peoples, of our region and beyond, with all the other peoples of the world. And the horrors that have happened just a few days ago are very apparent and everybody’s feeling very strong about it. President Obama even spoke about it today, so for everybody to hear this, 130 nationalities to hear this, brings people closer on this very small planet that we live.
What are the topics most discussed at the Prayer meeting among the international delegates and what is the importance of it?

The topics are multi-ones. For example, development, education… Education was one of the big ones. How to maintain people not to leave a country. And creating jobs came then. So, if you want to keep the young people and we certainly have a big problem in Serbia, of close to 20,000 people who receive their diplomas leaving the country. You have to have investors. So, that was discussed, too. And also visitation of people from other countries. Many people here would like to come and visit us, because they made friends and we’re lucky to have a place where they can meet. And we’ve done that before, bringing a few Congressmen, a few leaders, a few members of Parliament and others. So, you have this networking, I think the big word is network.

What are the next events that you plan to attend during your current US visit?

It’s a very good question. My wife with her Foundation, humanitarian Foundation called Lifeline has organized, with her wonderful people, four events in the United States. First one is in Saint Petersburg, and the second one is in Miami. That’s on the East Coast, and then we’re going to go to the West Coast, where we have an event in Los Angeles, and in San Marcos, just south. And the purpose of these events is to help the serious situation that our people find themselves in. For example, we have outbreaks of cancer, we have lacks of equipment, we need specialized medicine. Another very important point is to bring people over to the United States for training. To bring them up to date with the latest technology. And my wife through her connections has organized this in Houston, Texas, in New York and other places. So, this is major point of our trip, after this Washington visitation.

 Thank you very much, Your Highness. 

Thank you, it’s a great pleasure.


A noble wedding: von Neipperg & de Limburg-Stirum

Countess Caroline von Neipperg and Count Philippe de Limburg-Stirum at the wedding of Theresa von Einseidel and HRH Prince Francois d'Orléans  @Marianne van Dam

Countess Caroline (full name Maria Caroline Marita Therese) von Neipperg (1986) is engaged to marry Count Philippe Count de Limburg Stirum (1985), son of Count Christian de Limburg Stirum and Countess  Colienne d'Oultremont.

The wedding will take place on May 23, 2015, at  Saint-Emilion, France, where the bride-to-be's parents, Count and Countess Stephan von Neipperg, own a winery.   Countess Stephan was born Baroness Sigweis von Stotzingen.

Count Philippe is the younger brother of Count Rudolphe de Limburg-Stirum, who is married to Archduchess Marie Christine of Austria.

Count Stephan is the 5th child of Josef Hubert, Count of Neipperg, and his first wife, Countess Maria of Ledeburg-Wicheln.   His eldest brother, Hereditary Count Karl, is married to Archduchess Andrea of Austria, daughter of the late Archduke Otto, who was the head of the imperial house until his death.  (Archduchess Marie Christine is a granddaughter of Otto's younger brother, Archduke Carl Ludwig.)

Count Philippe served in the Belgian Air Force.  He is now an Associate at Deutsche Bank in Amsterdam.   He has a Master of Science in Mathematical Engineering from the Royal Military Academy.   

Countess Caroline works as a Fuel Price at TOTAL Supply Marketing in France.  Before transferring to the French office, Caroline worked as a Diversification Advisor in North East Africa (Kenya and Uganda.)  She earned a Masters in Management, Economics and Finance from ESCP Europe.  Her master's thesis concentrated on the bond market in the Islamic financial system.

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cadiz

Marlene A Eilers Koenig Collection

March 8, 1972: The wedding of Don Alfonso, Duke of Cadiz, and Doña Maria del Carmen Martinez-Bordiu y Franco

Don Alfonso, the Prince of Asturias

Marlene A Eilers Koenig Collection

Another new addition to my postcard collection.   Don Alfonso, the Prince of Asturias, the eldest son of King Alfonso XIII and Queen Victoria Eugenia.  This image was taken before 1931 when the Royal Family went into exile. 

Queen Ingrid and King Frederik IX: can keep their eyes off each other

Marlene A Eilers Koenig Collection

This is a new postcard for my collection.  King Frederik IX and Queen Ingrid (early 50s perhaps).  A couple definitely in tune with each, comfortable, and yes, it seems, in love.

The "grasping" Duke of Orleans waits for father-in-law's death

Archduchess Maria Dorothea renounces her rights to the Austro-Hungarian throne (at her wedding)

the wedding of Archduchess Maria Dorothea of Austria and the Duke of Orleans

February 6, 1905

The Duke of Orléans "possesses a very large fortune," which he inherited from his father and from his granduncle, the late Duke of d'Aumale,  remains "just as a grasping" as his late great grandfather, King Louis Philippe, according to the Marquis de Fontenoy.

The Marquise described the late King as the "stockjobber French king of inglorious memory."

The Duke of Orleans has had "many quarrels" with his father-in-law, Archduke Josef of Austria about money.   The archduke and his family were "much opposed" to his daughter, Dorothea's marriage to the French pretender.  Upon learning "something of the latter's character and antecedents,  Archduke Josef remained determined to protect his daughter's interests, and, at the last minute, declined to pay her dowry of two million florins.  He decided that he would furnish her with the capital, until his death.

The Duke was said to be "so angered by this" that he nearly called off the wedding.  A compromise was achieved when the archduke would gift the duke a quarter of a million francs after the wedding.  The Duke of Orleans would also be appointed as a Knight of the Order of Golden Fleece.

Archduke Josef realized that if he "placed the duke in possession of his wife's dowry on the wedding day," he would be able to take an "early opportunity to effect a separation from the duchess," while retaining control of her dowry.

The marriage took place on November 5, 1896.

The archduke's fears were soon "justified" by the Duke of Orleans' treatment of his wife, surely an "ill-matched couple."  The Duke subjected the Duchess to neglect and contempt.  The stories of their separation and the marital breakdown and their desire for an annulment has been the talk of "royalist circles" in France and at court in Vienna.

Archduke Josef is dying, and his daughter, the Duchess of Orleans, is at his bedside at his residence at Fiume on the Adriatic coast.  The Duke of Orleans has not joined her, waiting for that moment when he will gain full possession of her dowry.  The Duchess of Orleans will have no say in the "disposition of her dowry or inheritance."  Her husband will achieve full control, and his "chosen cronies and intimate associates" are already "rejoicing on the impending access to his fortune."

The Duke of Orleans is "compelled to wait" for his wife's money, and now that his father-in-law is near death,  the duke's followers "hope that better times are in store for them.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Infanta Isabel of Spain

Marlene A. Eilers Koenig collection
Infanta Maria Isabel Francisca de Asis of Spain (1851-1931) was twice styled as Princess of Asturias.  She was the eldest daughter of Queen Isabel II.

On May 13, 1868,  Isabel married Prince Gaetano of Bourbon-Two-Sicilies, Count of Girgenti,  son of King Ferdinando II of Bourbon-Two-Sicilies.    She became a widow three years later when Gaetano took his own life.   He shot himself in the head in a hotel room in Lucerne, Switzerland.

Gaetano was a first cousin to Isabel's mother and father.

Isabel was Princess of Asturias from her birth until the birth of her brother, Alfonso XII, in 1857.  After he succeeded to the throne,  Isabel was the heiress presumptive.  She was again named as Princess of Asturias, a title she held until the birth of her niece, Mercedes, in September 1880.

Isabel never remarried. She was one of the most popular members of the Royal Family.  Although the new Republican government said she could remain in Spain, she chose to go into exile with the rest of the Spanish royal family.  She died on April 22, 1931 in France, only five days after her nephew, King Alfonso XIII was forced into exile.

Gottfried and Margarita arrive in New York

Marlene A. Eilers Koenig collection

The Prince and Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenburg in New York City to attend Gloria Vanderbilt's hearing to regain custody of her daughter, Gloria.
Prince Gottfried and Princess Margarita arrived in New York on October 15, 1934.  This photo was taken the following day.  Neither looked too happy.

Princess Olga and baby Nicholas

Marlene A. Eilers Koenig Collection

A lovely photo of motherhood as Princess Paul of Serbia (Olga of Greece and Denmark) holds her new son, Prince Nicholas,  born June 29, 1928 in London.  Nicholas was the second of three children of Prince Paul and Princess Olga.

Prince Nicholas died in a car accident in Datchet, Buckinghamshire, on April 12, 1954.  (Since 1974, Datchet has been a part of Berkshire.)  He was en route to visit his aunt, the Duchess of Kent.

Infanta Maria Cristina gives money to a musician

Marlene A. Eilers Koenig Collection



Infanta Maria Cristina of Spain, younger daughter of King Alfonso XIII and Queen Victoria Eugenia of Spain, gives a donation to a street musician in Santander, Spain. The Infanta was on a shopping trip, and disdained her limo, preferring to walk from store to store. A year later, the Spanish royal family was in exile.

Infanta Beatriz chats with dad via telephone

February 5, 1935

Infanta Beatriz, who is on her honeymoon in the United States with her husband, Alessandro, Prince Torlonia, spoke with her father, former King Alfonso XIII of Spain, now living in Rome, by a "transatlantic radio telephone from the National Broadcasting Company studios in Rockefeller Center," reports the New York Times.

The 4,000 mile connection took place at 4:45 p.m. (9:45 p.m. in Rome).  King Alfonso told his daughter that the weather in Rome "was hot."

Accompany Infanta Beatriz was her husband, Don Alessandro, her mother-in-law, and several American friends.  They were given a tour of the radio studios by John de Jara Almonte, an executive with the company, who speaks Spanish.  Infanta Beatriz, however, is fluent, in English.

They were able to watch comedian Ed Wynn rehearse a new skit.