Not the right thing to say and do, Sir. The Rock is British .. and is British by law, territory, design - and the the people on the Rock want to be British ...
News and commentary about the reigning royal houses of the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Spain, Monaco -- and the former European monarchies as well.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
It's Opening Day! See Ya
It's Opening Day! Yea ... The photos are from Wednesday night's Fan Fest at Nationals Park. Season ticket holders were able to have their pictures taken with players ... And yes, that is pitcher Jordan Zimmermann.
And my beloved Screech!!!! Go Nats! See Ya. I will be at the Game!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Queen Elizabeth: loving mum
If money were no object (but it is), I would bid on the first letter written to Lady Mary Cambridge ...
Otto is not engaged to Italian princess
March 30, 1931
Prince Sixtus of Bourbon-Parma, brother of former Empress Zita of Austria, today denied press reports of an engagement between his nephew, Archduke Otto, and Princess Maria of Italy, Prince Sixus made the comments to the Associated Press while traveling through Budapest.
The Princess is the youngest child of King Vittorio Emanuele and Queen Elena.
Prince Sixtus of Bourbon-Parma, brother of former Empress Zita of Austria, today denied press reports of an engagement between his nephew, Archduke Otto, and Princess Maria of Italy, Prince Sixus made the comments to the Associated Press while traveling through Budapest.
The Princess is the youngest child of King Vittorio Emanuele and Queen Elena.
Karl fails to regain throne
March 30, 1921
Former Austro-Hungarian Emperor Karl I has failed in his attempt to regain his Hungarian throne, reports the Associated Press. Last night the former emperor "held an agitated conference with friends and friendly opponents at the home of Bishop Count Mikes in Steinamanger," reports the Associated Press.
Karl gave them the details of his "quiet trip across the Swiss frontier and of his unexpected appearance in Hungary." He said he had been advised by "his followers" that the "Hungarian people eagerly were waiting for him." He left Prangins, Switzerland, accompanied by Counts Erody, Hunyady, and Almassy, and slipped across the border near "the Austrian frontier." Karl was dressed as a Tyrolean tourist.
After leaving Switzerland, the party switched to a military car, and they were driven to Count Erody's estate in Austria, near Steinamanger. From there, Karl "passed the Hungarian border Saturday night in a simple villager's car," and arrived at Steinamanger, where Bishop Mikes hid him in his castle.
Karl is reported to have told the Bishop: "I have had enough of exile and deprivation and now am coming back as your liege lord. I am convinced the population will receive me enthusiastically and rally round my banner."
Hungarian Premier Teleky tried to dissuade the former emperor by "pointing out the resentment of the Allies toward the Habsburgs." But Karl continued to insist that he would travel to Budapest "in order to see who was courageous enough to touch the King's anointed person." He added that he had received word from the French premier, M. Briand, who had told him that the Allies would now consider the question of the throne as an internal matter for Hungary.
Karl remained obstinate and refused to be swayed. On Sunday, the former emperor's entourage, which included three cars, arrived early in the afternoon at the Premier's palace in Budapest, where he washed and changed from civilian clothes to a "General's uniform and attached the Hungarian colors to his sword." He then walked to the royal palace and "demanded the key to the King's private rooms," which had been closed since he left Hungary.
His appearance has created great consternation in Budapest. He demanded to see the Regent, Admiral Horthy, after being shown into the guests' waiting room. "I want to see Admiral Horthy," he said. "Call him to me."
The regent sent back a response: "At present, I am head of the Hungarian State. Nobody has a right to send for me."
The Regent did agree to meet with Karl, and when the former King of Hungary entered the small room, he greeted Horthy "in a most friendly manner." He took from his pocket Hungary's highest military order: the Cross of Maria Theresa and pinned on Horthy's breast.
Admiral Horthy accepted the order, but "firmly insisted that he was not willing to hand over power to Charles." He also declared that "he would offer armed resistance" if Karl used force to overthrow "the present regime. After talking for three hours with Horthy, Karl left the palace with "tears in his eyes." He agreed to leave the country immediately.
By the time he arrived back at Steinamanger, Karl changed his mind, and "declared he would not pass over the frontier." He said he felt ill, and went to bed in the castle, "where at last accounts he was under guard." He informed the Hungarian government that he would move to a neutral county, probably Spain. Earlier today, Spain's representative in Hungary, Count Reale de Guarcia, told Horthy that Karl was now under "Spanish protection," and Spain "was offering its hospitality" to the former emperor.
The British, French, and Italian High commissioners in Budapest met after Karl's visit and reminded Horthy of the Allies' opposition to the return of the Habsburgs to power. Count Stefan Bethlen has been charged with acting for the Hungarian and has gone to Steinamanger to effect Karl's immediate departure. Bishop Count Mikes has been arrested and charged "with being the head of the movement" to restore Karl to the Hungarian throne.
Hungary's War Minister, General Belitska, said today: "The former King is not supported by the troops. The army, as one man, is standing behind Regent Horthy. Karl is a prisoner, rather than a guest at Steinamanger."
Prince Laurent has done it again!!
The British Royal family has Prince Andrew. In Belgium, Prince Laurent is the bad boy. When it comes down to picking which one is worse, I would vote for Laurent. The Duke of York is the UK's Special Representative for International Trade and Investment. He does not receive a salary for this position. He receives £249,000, provided by the Queen, as an allowance. This allowance is not for the Duke's personal use. He cannot use these funds to pay for his daughters' university fees or buy a new car. Two thirds of the Civil List appanages are used to pay for staff salaries and correspondence, and the business of carrying out official duties.
Prince Laurent receives a tax-free annual allowance of approximately $439,000. I do not know if this is a salary, or if the money is used to pay salaries of staff and other expenses restricted to official duties.
Laurent, the youngest of three children of King Albert II and Queen Paola, is back on the front pages of Belgium's newspaper because he recently traveled to the Congo "against the written advice" of the Belgian government. His recent trip has, according to the Associated Press, "reinvigorated a debate in Parliament about cutting royal stipends."
Belgium and the Congo have had a long and difficult relationship, and for a Belgium official, whether it be an elected official or a member of the Royal Family, a trip there is a "test of diplomacy." The Congo was formerly the Belgian Congo, a colony of the small European country, and, at one time, the personal fiefdom of King Leopold II. Much of the Belgian Royal Family's wealth came from the exploitation of the Congo and the rape and degradation of its people.
Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme said yesterday that he "regretted" Prince Laurent's decision to visit the Congo because it can "be seen as carrying a political message." Foreign Minister Steven Vanackere said that Prince Laurent, as a member of the royal family, "does not enjoy the freedom of unfettered travel."
Although the government had requested that Prince Laurent postpone his trip, he did not heed their advice. "This move was not coordinated in advance with the government or with the Palace. Despite the government's request to postpone the Palace and the trip to ensure necessary preparation, the prince decided not to delay his departure," the government said in an official statement.
Prince Laurent responded to the government statement on Wednesday. "This trip was a private study tour, and the purpose was purely scientific and not political."
In mid-march, Prince Laurent, 47, traveled to Kinshasa on behalf of the Prince Laurent Foundation, which raises money for the welfare of domestic and wild animals.
For more information about King Leopold II and the Belgian Congo:
Prince Laurent receives a tax-free annual allowance of approximately $439,000. I do not know if this is a salary, or if the money is used to pay salaries of staff and other expenses restricted to official duties.
Laurent, the youngest of three children of King Albert II and Queen Paola, is back on the front pages of Belgium's newspaper because he recently traveled to the Congo "against the written advice" of the Belgian government. His recent trip has, according to the Associated Press, "reinvigorated a debate in Parliament about cutting royal stipends."
Belgium and the Congo have had a long and difficult relationship, and for a Belgium official, whether it be an elected official or a member of the Royal Family, a trip there is a "test of diplomacy." The Congo was formerly the Belgian Congo, a colony of the small European country, and, at one time, the personal fiefdom of King Leopold II. Much of the Belgian Royal Family's wealth came from the exploitation of the Congo and the rape and degradation of its people.
Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme said yesterday that he "regretted" Prince Laurent's decision to visit the Congo because it can "be seen as carrying a political message." Foreign Minister Steven Vanackere said that Prince Laurent, as a member of the royal family, "does not enjoy the freedom of unfettered travel."
Although the government had requested that Prince Laurent postpone his trip, he did not heed their advice. "This move was not coordinated in advance with the government or with the Palace. Despite the government's request to postpone the Palace and the trip to ensure necessary preparation, the prince decided not to delay his departure," the government said in an official statement.
Prince Laurent responded to the government statement on Wednesday. "This trip was a private study tour, and the purpose was purely scientific and not political."
In mid-march, Prince Laurent, 47, traveled to Kinshasa on behalf of the Prince Laurent Foundation, which raises money for the welfare of domestic and wild animals.
For more information about King Leopold II and the Belgian Congo:
The King's Speech
The King's Speech, the Best Picture of 2010, will be re-released on Friday into theaters throughout the United States. The re-release is due to the change in rating, from R to PG-13. This means the use of a certain word by King George VI has been changed.
Lots of adverts on TV for this re-release, which may give some people the idea that the movie will be shown on Friday. It is not going to be shown on TV on Friday. In fact, it won't be on HBO or Showtime for some months.
Lots of adverts on TV for this re-release, which may give some people the idea that the movie will be shown on Friday. It is not going to be shown on TV on Friday. In fact, it won't be on HBO or Showtime for some months.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
So what will they eat ...
Prince William and his new bride will be the guests of honor at two receptions at Buckingham Palace following their wedding.
The first reception will be hosted by Queen Elizabeth II. This will not be a traditional sit down wedding breakfast, but a canapé reception. The menu is being prepared by the Queen's head chief, Mark Flanagan, The two-bite finger food could include "smoked salmon on a beetroot blini, confit duck-leg terrine with smoked duck and pear chutney, and quail eggs with celery salt, goat cheese, caramelized walnuts and Parmesan crisps," according to People magazine.
The champagne will flow,, and there will be a selection of delectable desserts created by Buckingham Palace's pastry chef, Kathryn Boyden.
The palace has also announced that the White Drawing room, the Music Room, the Blue Drawing Room, the State Dining Room and the Picture Gallery will be used for the reception. The wedding cake will be on display in the Picture Gallery.
Nearly 2000 people have been invited to the wedding at Westminster Abbey. Only 600 will be attending the afternoon reception. This group will be whittled down to 300 for the dinner and dance, hosted by the Prince of Wales, at Buckingham Palace. Details for this event have not yet been released.
Unlike the recent wedding of Crown Princess Victoria and Daniel Westling, the receptions, including the dancing, will not be televised. It is also unlikely that photographs from these events, including the cutting of the cake will be released to the media.,,20395222_20476931,00.html
The first reception will be hosted by Queen Elizabeth II. This will not be a traditional sit down wedding breakfast, but a canapé reception. The menu is being prepared by the Queen's head chief, Mark Flanagan, The two-bite finger food could include "smoked salmon on a beetroot blini, confit duck-leg terrine with smoked duck and pear chutney, and quail eggs with celery salt, goat cheese, caramelized walnuts and Parmesan crisps," according to People magazine.
The champagne will flow,, and there will be a selection of delectable desserts created by Buckingham Palace's pastry chef, Kathryn Boyden.
The palace has also announced that the White Drawing room, the Music Room, the Blue Drawing Room, the State Dining Room and the Picture Gallery will be used for the reception. The wedding cake will be on display in the Picture Gallery.
Nearly 2000 people have been invited to the wedding at Westminster Abbey. Only 600 will be attending the afternoon reception. This group will be whittled down to 300 for the dinner and dance, hosted by the Prince of Wales, at Buckingham Palace. Details for this event have not yet been released.
Unlike the recent wedding of Crown Princess Victoria and Daniel Westling, the receptions, including the dancing, will not be televised. It is also unlikely that photographs from these events, including the cutting of the cake will be released to the media.,,20395222_20476931,00.html
Tatiana living in the USA
March 29, 1921
Harold Veo, who says he was "formerly a member of the Imperial Orchestra of Russia, and now resides in Birmingham, has told the New York Times that the "Czar of Russia and his family were not murdered, but escaped to America in disguise in the Summer of 1918." He adds that the Imperial family is now living in the United States, probably in California."
He also asserts that the Grand Duchess Tatiana "preceded the family here" and is now married to an American waiter in Jersey City, New Jersey. Mr. Veo says he has met the Grand Duchess and her husband.
According to Washington officials, "no credence" is given to the story from Birmingham that the "Grand Duchess Tatiana is the wife of a waiter in Jersey City."
Practically "no doubt" exists that Nicholas II, his wife, Alexandra, and their five children were murdered at Ekaterinburg in July 1918.
Harold Veo, who says he was "formerly a member of the Imperial Orchestra of Russia, and now resides in Birmingham, has told the New York Times that the "Czar of Russia and his family were not murdered, but escaped to America in disguise in the Summer of 1918." He adds that the Imperial family is now living in the United States, probably in California."
He also asserts that the Grand Duchess Tatiana "preceded the family here" and is now married to an American waiter in Jersey City, New Jersey. Mr. Veo says he has met the Grand Duchess and her husband.
According to Washington officials, "no credence" is given to the story from Birmingham that the "Grand Duchess Tatiana is the wife of a waiter in Jersey City."
Practically "no doubt" exists that Nicholas II, his wife, Alexandra, and their five children were murdered at Ekaterinburg in July 1918.
No one wants the Duke of Orleans
March 29, 1915
The Duke of Orléans, the French Legitimist heir to the throne, wants to serve in the military, preferably in France, but is not having any success, reports the New York Times. The French government has refused the Duke's request "that he receive permission to enlist in the Foreign Legion under an assumed name."
The French newspaper, Francaise, "deals at length" with the Duke's effort "to obtain service" under the flag of France.
The Duke also sought to "have amended the law passed in 1886," which forbids him from entering France or serving in the French army. He said he would resume his exile later "if he were permitted to fight," but his efforts were "fruitless."
He was also denied enlistment in the British, Belgian and Russian armies. The military authorities in those countries refused to accept him, "out of courtesy to the French Government." The Duke then appealed to French Premier Viviani "for the right to enter the Foreign Legion," but the Premier responded saying that "such a step was impracticable," as the Duke would be recognized, and the Government "would be compelled to expel him from France."
Premier Viviani did suggest to the Duke that he try again to enter the Russian Army, and he promised to inform the Russian government that France "would raise no objection. Unfortunately, for the Duke, Petrograd's response was "a polite refusal of the request."
The Duke of Orléans, the French Legitimist heir to the throne, wants to serve in the military, preferably in France, but is not having any success, reports the New York Times. The French government has refused the Duke's request "that he receive permission to enlist in the Foreign Legion under an assumed name."
The French newspaper, Francaise, "deals at length" with the Duke's effort "to obtain service" under the flag of France.
The Duke also sought to "have amended the law passed in 1886," which forbids him from entering France or serving in the French army. He said he would resume his exile later "if he were permitted to fight," but his efforts were "fruitless."
He was also denied enlistment in the British, Belgian and Russian armies. The military authorities in those countries refused to accept him, "out of courtesy to the French Government." The Duke then appealed to French Premier Viviani "for the right to enter the Foreign Legion," but the Premier responded saying that "such a step was impracticable," as the Duke would be recognized, and the Government "would be compelled to expel him from France."
Premier Viviani did suggest to the Duke that he try again to enter the Russian Army, and he promised to inform the Russian government that France "would raise no objection. Unfortunately, for the Duke, Petrograd's response was "a polite refusal of the request."
First glimpse of Savannah Phillips
Baby Savannah is not yet included in the line of succession on the official website. This may be due to the fact that she has not yet been baptised.
Baby Savannah is not yet included in the line of succession on the official website. This may be due to the fact that she has not yet been baptised.
Kate's hen party
Kate has had her hen party, which was hosted by her sister, Philippa, a friend's house.
Not exactly sure what they do at a hen party, but it's not a bridal shower. American brides-to-be have bridal showers, usually hosted by the maid of honor, at a home or a restaurant, where the bride-to-be receives gifts (usually from the wedding list), as well as the er um sexy lingerie for the wedding night. Here in the U.S., a bride might have more than one shower, as co-workers might host one or friends if the maid of honor is from out of town and won't arrive until right before the wedding. A bride-to-be will receive gifts at the shower(s) and at the wedding.
Not exactly sure what they do at a hen party, but it's not a bridal shower. American brides-to-be have bridal showers, usually hosted by the maid of honor, at a home or a restaurant, where the bride-to-be receives gifts (usually from the wedding list), as well as the er um sexy lingerie for the wedding night. Here in the U.S., a bride might have more than one shower, as co-workers might host one or friends if the maid of honor is from out of town and won't arrive until right before the wedding. A bride-to-be will receive gifts at the shower(s) and at the wedding.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Good Morning America's Royal Wedding site
ABC will also be televising the wedding, according to the GMA site, but full details have not been announced.
I took the quiz - and was named a Windsor expert! :)
ABC will also be televising the wedding, according to the GMA site, but full details have not been announced.
I took the quiz - and was named a Windsor expert! :)
How to spot ...
"a minor royal." Silly photo display by the BBC -- why include a photo of Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Denmark? Obviously, the BBC researchers have not done their research well, as Prince Joachim is Margrethe II's younger son, and unlikely to represent his mother at Prince William's wedding. The Danish representatives will be Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik or the Crown Prince and Crown Princess. The Danish magazine, Billed-Bladet, reported last month that the Queen and her husband will be attending the wedding, although the palace has not yet confirmed this.
I wish major news organizations would not use the term "minor royals." Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, the Duke and Duchess of Kent and Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Denmark are all royal highnesses, and the same royal grade as the Prince of Wales and Prince William. King Constantine is an exiled king with the rank of Majesty.
Princess Anne and Princess Margaret's children are not royal. Peter and Zara are commoners, as are David and Sarah, the children of Princess Margaret, although they have bear courtesy titles as they are children of an earl. David is Viscount Linley and Sarah is styled The Lady Sarah Chatto. David will be a peer of the realm when he succeeds his father as the 2nd Earl of Snowdon.
I wish major news organizations would not use the term "minor royals." Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, the Duke and Duchess of Kent and Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Denmark are all royal highnesses, and the same royal grade as the Prince of Wales and Prince William. King Constantine is an exiled king with the rank of Majesty.
Princess Anne and Princess Margaret's children are not royal. Peter and Zara are commoners, as are David and Sarah, the children of Princess Margaret, although they have bear courtesy titles as they are children of an earl. David is Viscount Linley and Sarah is styled The Lady Sarah Chatto. David will be a peer of the realm when he succeeds his father as the 2nd Earl of Snowdon.
Queen Marie plans to return home
March 28, 1941
Queen Marie of Yugoslavia said tonight that will return to Belgrade with her two younger sons "as soon as she is well enough," reports the Associated Press.
Marie, 41, is recovering from an operation she underwent in Switzerland about a year ago. She is the widow of King Alexander, who was assassinated in Marseilles, in 1934, and the mother of the young king Peter II, and Princes Tomislav and Andrej.
"I have tried to bring up all three boys to act on their own judgment to work out their problems to be tough," she said. "I know Peter is well able to look after himself and that he will be a worthy king."
Queen Marie of Yugoslavia said tonight that will return to Belgrade with her two younger sons "as soon as she is well enough," reports the Associated Press.
Marie, 41, is recovering from an operation she underwent in Switzerland about a year ago. She is the widow of King Alexander, who was assassinated in Marseilles, in 1934, and the mother of the young king Peter II, and Princes Tomislav and Andrej.
"I have tried to bring up all three boys to act on their own judgment to work out their problems to be tough," she said. "I know Peter is well able to look after himself and that he will be a worthy king."
Crown Prince Michael doing better
March 28, 1931
Crown Prince Michael of Roumania "is progressing satisfactorily toward recovery from an attack of influenza,"reports the Associated Press. His doctors say that the nine-year-old prince, who was briefly king of Roumania, will be able to get out of bed tomorrow. They also stated that his "quick recovery" was due to his mother, Queen Helen's "excellent nursing." He has been staying with his mother at her home in Bucharest since end of term at his military school.
Crown Prince Michael of Roumania "is progressing satisfactorily toward recovery from an attack of influenza,"reports the Associated Press. His doctors say that the nine-year-old prince, who was briefly king of Roumania, will be able to get out of bed tomorrow. They also stated that his "quick recovery" was due to his mother, Queen Helen's "excellent nursing." He has been staying with his mother at her home in Bucharest since end of term at his military school.
The death of a prince who became a commoner
Prince Georg Wilhelm Albert Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach was the fourth child of Wilhelm Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach and his second wife, Princess Feodora of Saxe-Meiningen. But the young prince, who was born three years after the fall of the German monarchies, was a gifted musician, which he shared with his mother, Princess Feodora. He studied music with the well-known pianist Max Martin Stein in Breslau, gave his first recital in 1944, and took part in a master class with Elly Ney in Salzburg.
In the waning days of the Second World War, Prince Georg and other family members left their home, Schloss Heinrichau in Silesia, and made their way to Meiningen, and then Georg walked across the border into northern Bavaria. He was arrested three times and then released by the Soviets.
Georg settled in West Germany. In 1946, he was admitted to a new School of music in Freiburg, where he was admitted to Carl Seemann's master class. He continued with his piano studies, there and also studied voice from 1949 to 1953 with Margarethe von Winterfeldt.
In 1946, Prince Georg adopted the stage name, Jörg Brena. He officially adopted the name seven years later on the occasion of his marriage. This change also included renouncing his title and succession rights.
He taught singing at the Freiburg Music school and earned a deserved reputation as an oratorio singer. In later years he returned to Weimar, where he was involved with the Stiftung Sophienhaus He also took part in musical programs in Weimar, celebrating his family's heritage.
Prince Georg was born on November 24, 1921, at Schloss Heinrichau. Jörg Brena died on March 11, 2011 at Bad Krozingen. His funeral took place on March 23 at Freiburg. He was 89 years old.
If you liked this article
Sunday, March 27, 2011
No royal duties for Beatrice and Eugenie
Obituary: Princess Antoinette of Monaco
From the Daily Telegraph with a glaring error: Juliette Louvet's mother was the washerwoman, not Juliette, She was a singer and an entertainer. This is made clear in the original press reports of Louis' relationship with Charlotte's mother.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Andrew and Sarah: sour relations
I would call this good news ... if the story is true! It is about time that the Duke of York recognizes the albatross around his neck.
Royal Wedding: the Wedding Cake
The name of baker/designer of Prince William and Miss Middleton's wedding cake:
I love the bit about William having an alternative cake... in the South, we call that the groom's cake!
I love the bit about William having an alternative cake... in the South, we call that the groom's cake!
BBC One's Royal Wedding anchors
BBC One has announced the anchor team for their royal wedding coverage:
The presenting line-up will include Radio 1's Fearne Cotton, Jake Humphrey, the Formula 1 host, Vernon Kay, who hosts a game show, and Radio 1's Scott Mills. News anchor Huw Edwards, a BBC News anchor, will join Fiona Bruce and Sophie Raworth, who are also BBC news anchors.
Veteran anchor David Dimbleby, 72, has not been asked to join the royal wedding team. With a lineup like this, I am not convinced that the BBC coverage will be better than NBC, for example. Do we really expect presenter who talks about car racing to know who the Duchess of Kent is let alone, the Prince or Orange?
The presenting line-up will include Radio 1's Fearne Cotton, Jake Humphrey, the Formula 1 host, Vernon Kay, who hosts a game show, and Radio 1's Scott Mills. News anchor Huw Edwards, a BBC News anchor, will join Fiona Bruce and Sophie Raworth, who are also BBC news anchors.
Veteran anchor David Dimbleby, 72, has not been asked to join the royal wedding team. With a lineup like this, I am not convinced that the BBC coverage will be better than NBC, for example. Do we really expect presenter who talks about car racing to know who the Duchess of Kent is let alone, the Prince or Orange?
Friday, March 25, 2011
Queen Marie in Paris
March 25, 1931
Queen Marie of Roumania, accompanied by her daughter, Princess Ileana, arrived in Paris today for an unofficial visit, according to a wireless to the New York Times. She was met by representatives of the Foreign Office, the French President and the Roumanian minister, and then was taken directly to her hotel.
The Queen told reporters she would remain in Paris for several days before going to Brittany to visit her brother-in-law and sister, Grand Duke Kirill and Grand Duchess Victoria of Russia. It was also announced that Marie would not visit Morocco, as originally planned, and she expected to "remain in France for some time."
This afternoon, Marie, the widow of King Ferdinand, spent the afternoon shopping, and this evening, she and Princess Ileana planned to go to the theatre.
Queen Marie of Roumania, accompanied by her daughter, Princess Ileana, arrived in Paris today for an unofficial visit, according to a wireless to the New York Times. She was met by representatives of the Foreign Office, the French President and the Roumanian minister, and then was taken directly to her hotel.
The Queen told reporters she would remain in Paris for several days before going to Brittany to visit her brother-in-law and sister, Grand Duke Kirill and Grand Duchess Victoria of Russia. It was also announced that Marie would not visit Morocco, as originally planned, and she expected to "remain in France for some time."
This afternoon, Marie, the widow of King Ferdinand, spent the afternoon shopping, and this evening, she and Princess Ileana planned to go to the theatre.
A girl for Aspasia Manos
March 25, 1921
![]() |
Queen Sophie holding her granddaughter |
Mme. Manos is the daughter of a former aide-de-camp to King Constantine. Her marriage to King Alexander is "reported to have taken place" before he succeeded to the throne. The marriage was said to be the "culmination of youthful friendship."
The Greek premier Venizelos was determined "bring about a separation between the couple so that the king might marry a princess of royal blood." He was not successful. Last October, when Alexander was dying "from the effects of the bite of a monkey," Mme. Manos was by his side. After his death, Mme. Manos's attorney "made a legal plea" for Alexander's property. A Greek court "dismissed the opposition" supported by King Constantine, and ordered "the property turned over" to Alexander's widow.
Not long after Constantine resumed the throne, he declared that his son's widow "had no status in royalty." Mme. Manos is said to have visited Queen Sophie every day, and is on good terms with other members of the Greek royal family. There were reports that if she had given birth to son, she would "set up a claim for his succession to the Greek throne."
The Greek royal house expects to celebrate another birth within the family, as Princess Alice, the wife of King Constantine's younger brother, Prince Andrew, is expected to give birth her fifth child in June.
A son for the Duchess of Brunswick
The Duchess of Brunswick-Lüneburg gave birth to a son this afternoon, according to a dispatch from Brunswick and received by Reuters "by way of Amsterdam," reports the New York Times.
This is the second son for the ducal couple. The Duchess is the former Princess Viktoria Luise of Prussia, only daughter of Kaiser Wilhelm II. She married Prince Ernst August of Hanover on May 24, 1913. Their first son, Prince Ernst August, was born on March 18, 1914.
The names of the infant prince were not announced.
This is the second son for the ducal couple. The Duchess is the former Princess Viktoria Luise of Prussia, only daughter of Kaiser Wilhelm II. She married Prince Ernst August of Hanover on May 24, 1913. Their first son, Prince Ernst August, was born on March 18, 1914.
The names of the infant prince were not announced.
Prince Bernhard of Lippe is in the USA
March 25, 1907
Prince Bernhard of Lippe arrived in the United States from Germany "three or four days ago," according to the Marquise de Fontenoy's latest dispatch. He plans to spend three or four months in this country before returning home, and he has several American cousins.
His grandmother is American, which is why "so many obstacles were placed in the way of the succession of his elder brother, Leopold, to the throne of Lippe. The mother of the now reigning Prince Leopold and Prince Bernhard was born in the United States to Count Leopold Wartensleben and Miss Mathilde Halbach-Bohlen of Philadelphia.
The marriage between an American girl and Count Wartensleben was originally seen as unequal, as the bride was not a member of a mediatized or even a noble family in Europe. Her commoner birth was deemed sufficient "to invalidate the rights of succession of her children to the throne of Lippe."
There was much controversy over the succession for several years, and was "characterized by much bitterness. Eventually, the Supreme court of the German empire in 1905, "decided the issue in accordance with the wishes of the people in Lippe, and in favor of Count Leopold." His succession allowed for his children and his siblings to advance to the rank of prince or princess.
Prince Bernhard of Lippe arrived in the United States from Germany "three or four days ago," according to the Marquise de Fontenoy's latest dispatch. He plans to spend three or four months in this country before returning home, and he has several American cousins.
His grandmother is American, which is why "so many obstacles were placed in the way of the succession of his elder brother, Leopold, to the throne of Lippe. The mother of the now reigning Prince Leopold and Prince Bernhard was born in the United States to Count Leopold Wartensleben and Miss Mathilde Halbach-Bohlen of Philadelphia.
The marriage between an American girl and Count Wartensleben was originally seen as unequal, as the bride was not a member of a mediatized or even a noble family in Europe. Her commoner birth was deemed sufficient "to invalidate the rights of succession of her children to the throne of Lippe."
There was much controversy over the succession for several years, and was "characterized by much bitterness. Eventually, the Supreme court of the German empire in 1905, "decided the issue in accordance with the wishes of the people in Lippe, and in favor of Count Leopold." His succession allowed for his children and his siblings to advance to the rank of prince or princess.
More wedding guests confirmed:
The Duke and Duchess of Brabant will be attending the wedding of Prince William of Wales and Miss Catherine Middleton, according to an announcement this morning from the Royal Palace in Brussels. The Duke of Brabant is the heir apparent to the Belgian throne. He and his wife, Mathilde, will be representing King Albert II and Queen Paola.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
zu Fürstenberg - Borromeo nuptials: June 11
Prince Antonius zu Fürstenberg, younger son of the Prince and Princess zu Fürstenberg, and Countess Matilde Borromeo, will be married on June 11 at Costarossa, the Borromeo family farm in Valle Lomelina, Pavia, Italy. The future Princess Antonius is is in the early stages of her first pregnancy, according to Italian edition of Vanity Fair.
Matilde once quipped: "I am a countess who raises cows."
Matilde once quipped: "I am a countess who raises cows."
Interview with Lord Nicholas Windsor
The first article contains a major error. Lord Nicholas's sister, Lady Helen, has not joined the Roman Catholic church.
This is a two part interview:
Lord and Lady Nicholas and their two sons live in Italy. Lady Nicholas' mother, Swedish-born Ingrid Detter, is also a convert to Roman Catholicism. From 1984 through 2005, Prof Detter, a barrister, was an advisor to the late Pope John Paul II.
It should also be noted that millions of devout Christians believe in supporting women who may have to make difficult decisions.
This is a two part interview:
Lord and Lady Nicholas and their two sons live in Italy. Lady Nicholas' mother, Swedish-born Ingrid Detter, is also a convert to Roman Catholicism. From 1984 through 2005, Prof Detter, a barrister, was an advisor to the late Pope John Paul II.
It should also be noted that millions of devout Christians believe in supporting women who may have to make difficult decisions.
Princess Antoinette's funeral
Princess Antoinette of Monaco was eulogized today at her funeral, which took place in the Peace Chapel at Monaco's Cathedral.
The Prince of Monaco and his fiancee, Charlene Wittstock, led the mourners, which included the late Princess's son and daughter, Christian and Elisabeth de Massy and their families, and the Princess of Hanover, and her four children, and Princess Stephanie of Monaco.
Princess Caroline's estranged husband, Prince Ernst August, was not at the funeral. He and his wife have been living separate lives for more than a year now. He has been spending time with a young Romanian woman.
Princess Antoinette died on March 17 after a long illness. She was 90 years old.
The Prince of Monaco and his fiancee, Charlene Wittstock, led the mourners, which included the late Princess's son and daughter, Christian and Elisabeth de Massy and their families, and the Princess of Hanover, and her four children, and Princess Stephanie of Monaco.
Princess Caroline's estranged husband, Prince Ernst August, was not at the funeral. He and his wife have been living separate lives for more than a year now. He has been spending time with a young Romanian woman.
Princess Antoinette died on March 17 after a long illness. She was 90 years old.
Elisabeth of Austria arrives in Greece
March 25, 1891
The Empress of Austria, accompanied by her daughter, Archduchess Marie Valerie, and her son-in-law, Archduke Franz Salvator, and their suite, arrived in Athens,on Monday night, according to the Court Circular. The "Imperial party paid a visit to the King and Queen of the Hellenes and the Duke and Duchess of Sparta." They also went to the Acropolis by moonlight, and "inspected the general objects of interest."
Empress Elisabeth and her party left Athens this afternoon for Palestine.
The Empress of Austria, accompanied by her daughter, Archduchess Marie Valerie, and her son-in-law, Archduke Franz Salvator, and their suite, arrived in Athens,on Monday night, according to the Court Circular. The "Imperial party paid a visit to the King and Queen of the Hellenes and the Duke and Duchess of Sparta." They also went to the Acropolis by moonlight, and "inspected the general objects of interest."
Empress Elisabeth and her party left Athens this afternoon for Palestine.
The Athlones have left the White House
March 24, 1945
The Earl of Athlone, Governor General of Canada, and his wife, Princess Alice, left Washington, D.C., this afternoon after spending two days at the White House with President and Mrs. Roosevelt. Lord Athlone and Princess Alice boarded a train for Ottawa after "bidding farewell" to the Roosevelts.
Earlier today, they attended a luncheon hosted by Acting Secretary of State and Mrs. Grew in Blair House, "the historic mansion the government has acquired for entertainment of visitors."
President Roosevelt accompanied Lord Athlone and Princess Alice to Union Station.
Only 16 guests attended the luncheon, according to the Chicago Daily Tribune. The guests were limited to Lord Athlone's party, the Ambassadors of both countries and their wives and "military and naval aides."
The highlight of their stay was the state dinner given at the White House last night. Vice President and Mrs. Truman "headed the group from the President's official family." Canadian ambassador and Mrs. L.B. Pearson "were the only foreign diplomats" to attend the dinner.
The Earl of Athlone, Governor General of Canada, and his wife, Princess Alice, left Washington, D.C., this afternoon after spending two days at the White House with President and Mrs. Roosevelt. Lord Athlone and Princess Alice boarded a train for Ottawa after "bidding farewell" to the Roosevelts.
Earlier today, they attended a luncheon hosted by Acting Secretary of State and Mrs. Grew in Blair House, "the historic mansion the government has acquired for entertainment of visitors."
President Roosevelt accompanied Lord Athlone and Princess Alice to Union Station.
Only 16 guests attended the luncheon, according to the Chicago Daily Tribune. The guests were limited to Lord Athlone's party, the Ambassadors of both countries and their wives and "military and naval aides."
The highlight of their stay was the state dinner given at the White House last night. Vice President and Mrs. Truman "headed the group from the President's official family." Canadian ambassador and Mrs. L.B. Pearson "were the only foreign diplomats" to attend the dinner.
Prince Rostislav of Russia robbed of clothing
March 25, 1931
Prince Rostislav of Russia, nephew of the late emperor of Russia, and his wife, Princess Alexandra, were the victims of a robbery at their first floor apartment at 1311 Astor Street in Chicago, reports the Chicago Daily Tribune. The prince went to the police and and said the robbers had "taken clothing belonging to him and the princess valued at about $300."
The robbery took place when the prince and princess were out. Prince Rostislav said the burglars ended the apartment through a rear door. They stole a wrist watch, a silver cigarette case, a tan polo coat and a black and white fox scarf.
Prince Rostislav and Princess Alexandra Galitzine, both exiles from their native Russia, were married in a society wedding in Chicago in 1928. The prince is the son of Grand Duke Alexander and Grand Duchess Xenia of Russia, a sister of Nicholas II.
Both Prince Rostislav and his wife are employed by loop department stores.
Prince Rostislav of Russia, nephew of the late emperor of Russia, and his wife, Princess Alexandra, were the victims of a robbery at their first floor apartment at 1311 Astor Street in Chicago, reports the Chicago Daily Tribune. The prince went to the police and and said the robbers had "taken clothing belonging to him and the princess valued at about $300."
The robbery took place when the prince and princess were out. Prince Rostislav said the burglars ended the apartment through a rear door. They stole a wrist watch, a silver cigarette case, a tan polo coat and a black and white fox scarf.
Prince Rostislav and Princess Alexandra Galitzine, both exiles from their native Russia, were married in a society wedding in Chicago in 1928. The prince is the son of Grand Duke Alexander and Grand Duchess Xenia of Russia, a sister of Nicholas II.
Both Prince Rostislav and his wife are employed by loop department stores.
A bride for Alfonso
March 25, 1905
By cable to the Chicago Daily Tribune
Madrid's correspondent to the London Daily Mail says it is "reliably stated that the preliminary negotiations for the marriage of Princess Patricia, daughter of the Duke of Connaught, and King Alfonso were formally opened."
The report further states that "well-informed courtiers" believe that the marital negotiations "are almost certain to succeed."
Princess Patricia is the youngest of three children of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught. Her older sister, Princess Margaret, is engaged to marry Hereditary Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden later this year.
By cable to the Chicago Daily Tribune
Madrid's correspondent to the London Daily Mail says it is "reliably stated that the preliminary negotiations for the marriage of Princess Patricia, daughter of the Duke of Connaught, and King Alfonso were formally opened."
The report further states that "well-informed courtiers" believe that the marital negotiations "are almost certain to succeed."
Princess Patricia is the youngest of three children of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught. Her older sister, Princess Margaret, is engaged to marry Hereditary Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden later this year.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
BBC Interview: Crown Prince Alexander & Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia
A truly lovely piece -- and it is nice to see Alexander and Katherine in their home in Belgrade ...
(and I have been in those rooms!)
(and I have been in those rooms!)
an actor .. and a monk
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HRH Prince Georg of Bavaria |
Prince Georg of Bavaria, a grandson of the late Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria, celebrated his first mass yesterday in Innsbruck, according to the New York Times. Prince Georg was recently ordained at a Jesuit convent and will enter a Benedictine monastery at Easter. During the war, he held the rank of Major, serving with the German army. In 1912, he married Archduchess Isabella of Austria, daughter of Archduke Friedrich, but the marriage was soon dissolved and annulled on the grounds of non-consummation.
Former Archduke Leopold of Austria, Prince of Tuscany, who now goes by the name Leopold Woelfing, has "joined the theatrical profession and will begin a tour through Europe starting April 1. He will appear with a well-known cabaret in Berlin, and will play an "Admiral in the old Austro-Hungarian uniform."
Leopold is the son of Archduke Leopold Ferdinand.
Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria ready to shine in England?
Will the German Empress "take all her jewels with her and will she find a husband for daughter, Victoria Luise," who the German people affectionately call 'Prinzesschen', asks the Berlin correspondent for the Los Angeles Times.
The Empress will be accompanying her husband, Kaiser Wilhelm II, in May for the "unveiling of the Queen Victoria memorial, and many believe the answer to the first question will be yes. Kaiser Wilhelm "has no idea of hiding his light under a bushel anywhere." He will give "orders to his submissive spouse that she shall keep his company and make a good show." There will be no competition as Wilhelm "will do all the talking, so if she is suitably bedecked that will suit Wilhelm to a T."
It is expected that the Kaiserin "wants much encouragement to display the contents of her jewel case." She is usually "plastered with jewelry, from her coiffure downwards." She often wears an enormously long rope of pearls. From the first days of their marriage, Auguste Viktoria has accepted that her husband is the boss, and she has "conducted herself accordingly with complete success." She is keenly interested in affairs of state, and "although he hasn't realized it, it has been a restraining influence on her impulsive and telegram-dispatching husband."
[one can only wonder what Wilhelm would have made of texting, Twitter, and Facebook -- Unlike, unlike, Unlike!]
This will be Princess Viktoria Luise's first trip to England, and she is looking forward to it with "great excitement." Her visit to England is giving rise to rumors about a possible future marriage with a member of the British royal family. But who will be the "object of the search?"
The Prince of Wales is still a schoolboy, and the only other eligible princes are Princess Beatrice's three sons, Princes Alexander, Leopold, and Maurice of Battenberg, and Prince Arthur of Connaught. The three Battenberg princes are seen as the most unlikely for the Kaiser "was always gratuitously rude to their father," and would not acknowledge his royal rank for many years, even after the late Prince Henry had been given the rank of royal highness by Queen Victoria.
Although "a very nice boy," Prince Arthur "has no position of his own," as he is the king's nephew and not the king's son.
Queen Alexandra in Copenhagen
March 23, 1901
Queen Alexandra arrived today in Copenhagen, reports the New York Times. She was accompanied by her father, King Christian IX of Denmark, and her younger sister, the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia from Roskilde.
Queen Alexandra arrived today in Copenhagen, reports the New York Times. She was accompanied by her father, King Christian IX of Denmark, and her younger sister, the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia from Roskilde.
Peter Jones sets the standard for royal commemoratives!!!
Commemorate the royal wedding in patriotic style
The wedding of HRH Prince William and Catherine Middleton on Friday 29th April has been heralded as one of the most significant royal events for a generation.
There is a long list of traditions associated with royal wedding celebrations, from the procession of the glass coach and community street parties, to sleeping on Horse Guards Parade to secure a front row place. But, one of the most enduring customs is the production of commemorative souvenirs, a tradition which started in the 1660’s.
Whilst container-loads of imported souvenirs will be shipped from China and the Far East, Peter Jones China has commissioned exclusive commemorative items from a number of prestigious British manufacturers to celebrate the wedding of the decade in patriotic style. Manufacturers include Royal Crown Derby, Caithness Glass, Caverswall China and Aynsley China, world famous British companies all known for the fine quality commemorative wares.
Royal commemorative specialist, Peter Jones China has been working with UK potteries and glass companies for more than 30 years to create limited edition collectables that capture the spirit of important national occasions including Jubilees, sporting achievements and political milestones. Collectors around the world aspire to include some of the company’s rarest items in their collections.
Whether you’re a die-hard collector, or simply want to add a lasting memento of the marriage to your china cabinet, Peter Jones China has a wide range of high quality souvenirs to mark Wills and Kate’s big day.
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The Peter Jones China Royal Wedding Collection includes both traditional and contemporary commemorative items, including plates, lion head beakers, mugs and paperweights. The company has also commissioned a small number of collectable from prestigious international brands such as Steiff and Swarovski.
The Peter Jones China order line is (+44) 1924 362510
Royal wedding commemorative china -- made in England
Capture the excitement of the nation with Peter Jones China
Peter Jones China, specialists in commemoratives and gifts, has commissioned Aynsley China to produce this beautiful Large Prestige Loving Cup (£295). This classic piece is rarely produced, but Peter Jones China has commissioned an exclusive edition of only 100 loving cups worldwide; making this a true collector’s item.This fine bone china collector’s item has been finished to the highest standard, with valuable 22 carat gilding on the handles, rim and base. Decorated beautifully with traditional royal emblems and featuring individual portraits of Prince William and Catherine Middleton.
Peter Jones China has a wide selection of high quality commemorative products from world-leading producers and UK manufacturers to mark both the engagement and wedding.
Aynsley China was established in Staffordshire in 1775 and is one of only a few UK manufacturers still producing top quality China in the UK today. The Peter Jones China order line is (+44) 1924 362510
The Aynsley China Prestige Large Loving Cup is exclusive to Peter Jones China.
Peter Jones China has 9 shops across the North of England and all products are available on their website
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sisters: Auguste and Elisabeth of Bavaria
Princess Elisabeth Maria Auguste (1874-1957) and Princess Auguste Maria Luise (1875-1964) were the first two children of Prince Leopold of Bavaria and Archduchess Gisela of Austria, eldest daughter of Franz Joseph.
The two sisters were the eldest in the family. They had two younger brothers, Prince Georg Franz Josef Leopold Maria and Prince Konrad Luitpold Franz Joseph Maria.
The two princesses were named after their grandmothers. The elder princess was named for her maternal grandmother, Empress Elisabeth of Austria, born Duchess Elisabeth in Bavaria, while the younger princess was named for her paternal grandmother, Princess Luitpold of Bavaria, born Archduchess Auguste of Austria, Princess of Tuscany.
The marital ties between Bavaria and Austria were numerous, so it is not a surprise that Princess Leopold would look to her own family to find husbands for her daughters. She was certainly successful in arranging a marriage between Auguste and Archduke Joseph August of Austria, the third child of Archduke Karl. The groom was twenty-one years old at the time of the wedding, and his bride was eighteen.
The marriage took place in the court church of All Saints in Munich on November 15, 1893. and "was solemnized "with all the splendor of Court Ceremony. A civil ceremony took place in the palace's throne room, and this was followed by the Roman Catholic service. Emperor Franz Joseph attended both services. According to the New York Times, Munich was illuminated at night, and music filled the public squares. The streets were crowded with people, "cheering for the young couple.
Both Vienna and Munich newspapers commented "warmly" on this marriage, as new evidence of "the bond of union between Austria and Bavaria which has endured a hundred years," and would continue to remain strong in the future.
There was much comment in the Munich and Viennese newspapers about Auguste, the second daughter, getting married before her older sister, Elisabeth. There were plans for her to marry an Austrian prince and then her mother considered Archduke Franz Ferdinand, but nothing came of it. At the time of Auguste's marriage, there were rumors that Elisabeth had fallen in love with a Lieutenant in the Bavarian army. Despite her parents' wishes, Elisabeth "declared that she would rather die than marry another."
Princess Leopold refused to give into Elisabeth's threats, and would not delay Auguste's marriage. Elisabeth has been told that after Christmas she will be allowed to " marry the young man of her choice."
Princess Elisabeth decided to take matters into her own hands. It was reported on December 29, 1893, by Cable and the Associated Press that Elisabeth had eloped to Genoa with the man she loved, a Lieutenant in the Bavarian army. The young man was Baron Otto Ludwig von Seefried auf Buttenheim, a German count who was not only of a much lower rank than Princess Elisabeth, he was also Lutheran.
It was "love at first sight" for the couple, who met at a Court Ball in Munich. Elisabeth's family tried everything to break off the love affair. but Elisabeth refused to budge.
After the wedding had taken place, Otto wrote to Prince and Princess Leopold, stating that he and Elisabeth did not want to be parted, and they had only two options: suicide or elopement. They chose the latter. Prince Leopold and his father, Prince Leopold, were furious at the news of Elisabeth's marriage. Eventually, Elisabeth and her father were reconciled through the efforts of her mother and her grandfather, Franz Joseph. It was said that consent for the marriage was obtained only after Elisabeth "had compromised her reputation by eloping with her love and remaining with him without the sanctification of the ecclesiastical marriage." On January 9, it was announced that "there was no question regarding the legality" of Princess Elisabeth's marriage.
Although he was not pleased with his granddaughter's marriage, Franz Joseph thought she showed great strength and courage. He presented the newlyweds with a palace in Vienna. In 1904, he raised Otto to the rank of Count.
The couple had five children: Countess Gisela (1895-1895), who died as an infant; Countess Elisabeth (1897-1975); Countess Auguste (1899-1978); Countess Marie Valerie (1901-1970) and Count Franz-Joseph (1904-1969). Auguste married Prince Adalbert of Bavaria.
Auguste and her husband were the parents of six children: Josef Franz (1895-1957), Archduchess Gisela (1897-1901); Archduchess Sophie (1899-1978); Archduke Ladislaus (1901-1946); Archduke Matthias (1905-1905); and Archduchess Magdalena (1909-2000).
On June 17, 1895, the Chicago Daily Tribune reported that Franz Joseph had become a great-grandfather for the first time with the birth of a son to Archduke Josef August and Archduchess Auguste. (Princess Elisabeth's daughter, Gisela, was actually the first great-grandchild.)
The "young mother is fast recovering her strength, and it is a pretty picture to see her fondling her bonny boy." In honor of her son's birth, Auguste received a new tiara, the design based on her favorite flower, the lily of the valley. The tiara, "executed in pearls and diamonds," was sent to the new mother, "concealed in a hamper of silver straw, full to the brim with fragrant lilies of the valley and of white violets."
Josef August and his wife, Auguste, lived for many years in Hungary. Their son, Josef Franz, was happily married to Princess Anna of Saxony. The family largely adjusted to life after the empire, and "adopted their habits to it." Auguste's "only passion" was going to the movies, and sometimes, she would go to the cinema twice a day. Her "trend of thought is democratic," and she accepted that times changed and the "old glory will never return."
[As you can see, I have added new postcards to my collection.]
If you liked this post, perhaps you can buy me a latte
Grand Dame: Princess Franciska Montenuovo

Countess Franziska Maria Stephania Kinsky zu Wchinitz und Tettau was the daughter of Ferdinand Bonaventura, 7th Prince Kinsky zu Wchinitz und Tettau and Princess Maria Josepha of Liechtenstein. She married at Vienna on October 30, 1879 to Alfred, 2nd Prince of Montenuovo, only son of Wilhelm Albrect, 1st Prince of Montenuovo, and Countess Juliana Batthyany-Strattman. Alfred was a grandson of Adam, Count of Neipperg and Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria, second wife of Napoleon.
Franziska and Alfred, who served in several high court positions, culminating with the position of 1st Obersthofmeister in 1909, had four children:
Princess Juliane(1880-1961). Married in 1903 to Count Dionys Draskovich von Trakostjan. This marriage ended in divorce. In 1914, she married Karl, Prince of Oettingen-Oettingen und Oettingen-Wallerstein.
Prince Ferdinand, who succeeded his father as the 3rd Prince (1888-1951). Married in 1927 to Hungarian Baroness Ilona Solmossy.
Prince Ferdinand was the last of the Princes Montenuovo as he died without male issue.
Another confirmation:
The Prince of Monaco and his fiancee, Miss Charlene Wittstock, have confirmed that they will attend the wedding of Prince William of Wales and Miss Catherine Middleton.,,20395222_20475429,00.html
People magazine has a big boo boo: Prince Rainier did not attend the Prince of Wales' wedding. The Princess of Monaco was accompanied by her son, Hereditary Prince Albert.,,20395222_20475429,00.html
People magazine has a big boo boo: Prince Rainier did not attend the Prince of Wales' wedding. The Princess of Monaco was accompanied by her son, Hereditary Prince Albert.
I did not choose this outfit: Archduchess Antonia
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Marlene A. Eilers Koenig collection |
Archduchess Maria Antonia of Austria, Princess of Tuscany, was the sixth of ten children of Archduke Leopold Salvator of Austria, Princess of Tuscany, and Infanta Blanca of Spain.
She was born Maria Antonia Roberta Blanka Leopoldina Karole Josepha Raphaela Michaela Ignatia Aurelia in Zagreb on July 13, 1899. She was married twice. The first marriage took place in Barcelona on July 16, 1924, when she married Ramon Orlandis y Villalonga (1896-1936.) In 1942, in Uriguay, she married Argentine-born Don Luis Perez Sucre.
The archduchess and her first husband were the parents of five children who bore the surname Orlandis y Habsburgo: Blanca Maria (1926-1969), Juan, Baron de Pinopar (1928-1977); Maria Antonia (1929-1991), Isabel (1931) and Maria Alfonso (1936).
One brother, Archduke Anton, was the first husband of Princess Ileana of Roumania.
A Royal Lady: Archduchess Maria Therese
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Marlene A Eilers Koenig collection |
Archduchess Maria Theresa was born Infanta Maria Teresa of Portugal, second daughter of Miguel I of Portugal and Princess Adelheid of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg.
Miguel overthrew Portugal's righful queen, Maria II, in 1828. He remained on the throne until 1828, when he was deposed, and Queen Maria's rights were restored. Miguel went into exile, and was never able to return to Portugal. In 1851, at the age of 48, he married 20-year-old Princess Adelheid of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg. The couple had six daughters and one son, Miguel, who was the grandfather of the Duke of Braganza, present head of the former royal house of Portugal. Former King Miguel died in 1866, leaving his young widow to raise their children at her family home, Schloss Kleinheubach.
Adelheid did rather well in finding husbands for her six daughters. The eldest daugher, Maria das Neves married Alfonso Carlos, Duke of San Jaime, Carlist pretender to the Spanish throne. Maria José was the second wife of Duke Karl-Theodor in Bavaria. Adelgundes married Prince Enrico of Bourbon-Parma, Count of Bardi. Maria Ana made a grand marriage with Guillaume IV, Grand Duke of
Luxembourg, and the youngest daughter, Maria Antonia was the second wife of Roberto I, Duke of Parma.
In spite of her Portuguese title, Infanta Maria Teresa, was raised in a German-speaking home. Once described as one of Europe's most beautiful princess, Maria Teresa was seen as a good catch for a prince. Her mother arranged for a marriage between Maria Teresa and Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria, a younger brother of Emperor Franz Joseph.
This was Karl Ludwig's third marriage. His first wife, Princess Margarete of Saxony, died from typhoid in 1858, after nearly two years of marriage. In 1862, he married Princess Maria Annunziata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, who succumbed to tuberculosis at the age of 28 in 1871. Karl Ludwig's first marriage was childless, and he had four children, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Archduke Otto, Archduke Ferdinand Karl and Archduchess Margarete.
Maria Teresa and Karl Ludwig were married on July 23, 1873 at Kleinheubach. The couple had two daughters, Archduchess Maria Annunziata and Archduchess Elisabeth.
The marriage was not a happy one, as Karl Ludwig abused his wife, physically and mentally. After the death of Crown Prince Rudolf in 1889, Archduchess Maria Teresa stood in for Empress Elisabeth after the latter had withdrawn from society. She remained at the court's forefront until Karl Ludwig's death from typhoid in 1896.
She continued to wield power from behind the scenes, and was a vocal supporter of her stepson, Archduke Franz Ferdinand's wish to marry Countess Sophie Chotek. She brought Sophie into her home, and begged the emperor to allow the marriage. After the emperor had acquiesced, Maria Teresa arranged for the marriage to take place in her private chapel.
Maria Teresa remained close to her stepson and his wife. She broke the news of their deaths to their three children, and she succeeded in having the Emperor provide an allowance for the three children, as most of their father's property had been inherited by his nephew, Archduke Karl, who was married to Maria Teresa's niece, Zita.
She went into exile to Madeira with Karl and Zita, but after some thought, she decided to return to Vienna, where she remained for the rest of her life. In 1929, she made arrangements to sell the Napoleon Diamond necklace, which she had inherited from her husband. Unfortunately, she was nearly scammed by her grand-nephew, Archduke Leopold and the two agents, who called themselves Col. Townsend and Princess Baronti.
The necklace was valued at $450,000, but due to the economic depression, no one believed that the necklace would sell for full value. The two "agents" offered the necklace in New York for $100,000. Archduke Leopold was drawn into the scam, stating that the necklace was real. But after it was sold to David Michel of New York for $60,000, the scammers took nearly $54,000 for expenses.
When Archduchess Maria Teresa learned of what had happened, she filed suit in a New York, and was able to have the necklace returned to her. The two scammers ran off, and were never caught. Archduke Leopold spent time in a New York jail for his role in the scam.
After Maria Teresa's death, members of her family sold the necklace to Paul-Louis Weiller, a French industrialist. In 1960, he sold the necklace to the famed jeweler, Harry Winston, who then sold it to American heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post. Two years, later, Mrs. Post donated the necklace to the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.
Archduchess Maria Teresa died in Vienna on February 12, 1944.
She died in Vienna on February 12, 1944.
If you liked this article.
Monday, March 21, 2011
King Constantine talks about his godson's wedding
An interview with King Constantine II of the Hellenes
Juliana Baroness Freiin von Gemmingen-Hornberg
Monday's Heilbronner Stimme includes a death notice for Juliana Freiin von Gemmingen-Hornberg, eldest daughter of Wolf-Eckart Freiherr and Christine Freifrau von Gemmingen-Hornberg, Prinzessin von Wied.
Baroness Juliana died on March 17 at Babstadt in Bad Rappenau. The funeral will take place at the Pfarrkirche Babstadt, The burial at the local cemetery in Babstadt will be private. Juliana is survived by her parents and her sister Emily and her brothers, Alexander and Philipp, and her grandmothers, Helga Freifrau von Gemmingen-Hornberg, and Sophie Charlotte Furstin von Wied.
She was a pupil at the Astrid-Lindgren School in Neckarsulm, which specializes in physical and mental disabilities.
Juliana Freiherrin von Gemmingen-Hornberg died nine days before her fourteenth birthday.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Oh, Andrew, Andrew, Andrew
And everyone writes about Catherine Middleton's uncle Gary Goldsmith ... I think William has Kate beat with dear Uncle Andrew:
Queen's Master of Music not asked to compose for wedding
and Sir Peter Maxwell-Davies, one of the finest living composers, won't even watch the wedding
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Antoinette's baptism
Princess Antoinette of Monaco was baptised on March 5, 1921. The ceremony took place at Monaco's Cathedral. The Bishop of Monaco conducted the ceremony and the "numbers of clergy and the splendour of their vestments were remarkable," reported the The Times of London. The Princess' parents, the Duchess of Valentinois and Prince Pierre were present for the ceremony, as were the baby's grandfather, Hereditary Prince Louis, who had come from Silesia, "where he is attached to the Plebiscite Commission), the maternal grandmother, the Marquise de Polignac, and the Prince of Monaco, who is the infant princess' great-grandfather.
The route between the Cathedral and the Palace was lined with cheering crowds. The Prince of Monaco hosted luncheon and a reception in the afternoon at the Palace. The parents received a congratulatory telegram from the Pope. The Duchess de Valentinois, "in response to the acclamation of the populace, had to appear on the balcony.
In the evening, there were musical concerts and a torchlight procession in honor of the infant princess, third in line to the Monegasque throne.
The route between the Cathedral and the Palace was lined with cheering crowds. The Prince of Monaco hosted luncheon and a reception in the afternoon at the Palace. The parents received a congratulatory telegram from the Pope. The Duchess de Valentinois, "in response to the acclamation of the populace, had to appear on the balcony.
In the evening, there were musical concerts and a torchlight procession in honor of the infant princess, third in line to the Monegasque throne.
Princess Antoinette of Monaco
The Prince of Monaco's press office today announced the death of Princess Antoinette of Monaco, who died "overnight" at the Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco.
The princess was the elder sister of the late Prince Rainier III. They were the only children of the late Princess Charlotte and her husband, Prince Pierre de Polignac.
Princess Antoinette "was involved in the cause of animal rights," reports the Associated Press, and was president of Monaco's Society for the Protection of Animals.
Her nephew, Prince Albert II, ordered all the flags in the principality lowered to half-staff.
Princess Antoinette Louise Albert Suzanne of Monaco was born December 28, 1920. She was married three times. Her first husband, Alexandre Noghes, a tennis champion and Monegasques lawyer were married in 1951 after the birth of their three children, Elisabeth-Anne (1947), Christian-Louis (1949) and Christine Alix(1951-1989.) Several weeks before her marriage, Antoinette was created Baroness de Massy, and her three children bear the surname de Massy.
The princess and her husband were divorced in 1954. She married for a second time in 1961 to Jean-Charles Rey. This marriage ended in divorce in 1974. In 1983, she married John Gilpin, a former British ballet dancer. Sadly, he died only six weeks after the marriage.
The Princess is survived by her her two children and numerous grandchildren.
The Royal Household and the Government of Monaco will observe two weeks of mourning until April 1. Princess Antoinette's remains have been brought to the Palace Chapel, where friends, family and members of the public will be able to pay their last respects. The funeral will be held in the Cathedral on March 24.
The princess was the elder sister of the late Prince Rainier III. They were the only children of the late Princess Charlotte and her husband, Prince Pierre de Polignac.
Princess Antoinette "was involved in the cause of animal rights," reports the Associated Press, and was president of Monaco's Society for the Protection of Animals.
Her nephew, Prince Albert II, ordered all the flags in the principality lowered to half-staff.
Princess Antoinette Louise Albert Suzanne of Monaco was born December 28, 1920. She was married three times. Her first husband, Alexandre Noghes, a tennis champion and Monegasques lawyer were married in 1951 after the birth of their three children, Elisabeth-Anne (1947), Christian-Louis (1949) and Christine Alix(1951-1989.) Several weeks before her marriage, Antoinette was created Baroness de Massy, and her three children bear the surname de Massy.
The princess and her husband were divorced in 1954. She married for a second time in 1961 to Jean-Charles Rey. This marriage ended in divorce in 1974. In 1983, she married John Gilpin, a former British ballet dancer. Sadly, he died only six weeks after the marriage.
The Princess is survived by her her two children and numerous grandchildren.
The Royal Household and the Government of Monaco will observe two weeks of mourning until April 1. Princess Antoinette's remains have been brought to the Palace Chapel, where friends, family and members of the public will be able to pay their last respects. The funeral will be held in the Cathedral on March 24.
More Confirmations:
The Dutch royal house has confirmed that the Prince of Orange and Princess Maxima of the Netherlands will represent Queen Beatrix at the wedding of Prince William of Wales and Miss Catherine Middleton.
The Imperial Household Agency has noticed Buckingham Palace that Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako of Japan will be unable to attend the wedding due to events in Japan.
The Imperial Household Agency has noticed Buckingham Palace that Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako of Japan will be unable to attend the wedding due to events in Japan.
Paul Fürst von Quadt dead at 80
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Schwäbische Zeitung |
Paul Franz von Assisi Georg Ghislain Edmund Maria Alexander Fürst von Quadt zu Wykradt und Isny died on March 16. He was 80 years old. The prince was the fourth child of the late Alexander Fürst von Quadt zu Wykradt und Isny and Countess Maria-Anna Esterhazy von Galantha. Following the death of his father in 1936, Paul's oldest brother, Alban, succeeded as the new Prince. He was killed in action in September 1942. The title should have passed to the second son, Count Peter, but he chose to renounce his rights in favor of Paul following Alban's death. Paul was only eleven years old when he succeeded to the title.
In September 1955 he married Princess Charlotte of Bavaria, daughter of Duke Albrecht. He is survived by his wife and four children, Alexander, who succeeds as the new Fürst, Maria-Anna Countess Schenk von Stauffenberg, Maria Georgina Countess von Eltz gennant Faust von Stromberg and Count Bertram.
Bertram is now the heir presumptive as Alexander and his wife, Martina, have three daughters, Philippa, Charlotte and Anna. Bertram and his wife, Sandra, have no children.
Here is an article in German on the late Prince's 80th birthday celebrations last November.,-Fuerst-erhaelt-%E2%80%9Ehoechste-Auszeichnung-Isnys%E2%80%9C-_arid,4197957.html
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Prince Napoleon is dead
Prince Napoleon died this afternoon in Rome, according to the Chicago Daily Tribune. His "last hours were agonizing," which "required the united strength of four men to keep him in bed."
His "cries, caused by the agony he endured," could be heard in the streets.
The funeral for the Bonapartist pretender "will be conducted with religious ceremonies." His body will be placed in one of the crypts of the royal mausoleum near Turin.
The prince received the last rights this morning at 6 a.m, and he was, according to the priest, "in full possession of his faculties."
The prince was the second son of the late Prince Jerome, brother of Napoleon I, by his second marriage to Princess Catharina Friederike of Württemberg. The late Prince Jerome had been forced by his brother to "discard his American wife." The Prince, known commonly as "Plon-Plon," has been generally referred to as Prince Jerome Napoleon.
The prince was the second son of the late Prince Jerome, brother of Napoleon I, by his second marriage to Princess Catharina Friederike of Württemberg. The late Prince Jerome had been forced by his brother to "discard his American wife." The Prince, known commonly as "Plon-Plon," has been generally referred to as Prince Jerome Napoleon.
Prince Napoleon Joseph Charles Paul Bonaparte was born on September 9, 1822, at Trieste. He spent most of his life in Trieste, Vienna, Florence, and Rome, "with occasional visits to Switzerland, Spain, and England."
Many considered him the "cleverest man of the Bonaparte family since the great Napoleon,: but he was a "conspicuous failure both in politics and war."
He is survived by his three children, Prince Victor, who succeeds as head of the Bonaparte cause, Prince Louis, and Princess Marie Laetitia, by his marriage to Princess Clotilde of Italy, daughter of King Victor Emmanuel. The couple was estranged.
The New York Times is reporting that Princess Marianne Bonaparte, a grandniece of Napoleon, died today at Ajaccio, Corsica. More likely, the woman was Maria Anna Cecchi, the first wife of Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte, son of Prince Lucien, and younger brother of Napoleon I.
Maria Anna and Louis Lucien married in 1832 and were separated in 1850.
Franz Joseph to remarry?
March 17, 1899
According to the Vienna correspondent for the Daily News, a London newspaper, Franz Joseph will remarry, after the period of mourning for the late Empress Elisabeth is ended. There are rumors that the Emperor will marry Princess Marie Isabelle of France, sister of the Duke of Orléans, "with the view of securing the Austro-Hungarian throne to a direct descendant." Princess Marie Isabelle is 21-years-old.
According to the Vienna correspondent for the Daily News, a London newspaper, Franz Joseph will remarry, after the period of mourning for the late Empress Elisabeth is ended. There are rumors that the Emperor will marry Princess Marie Isabelle of France, sister of the Duke of Orléans, "with the view of securing the Austro-Hungarian throne to a direct descendant." Princess Marie Isabelle is 21-years-old.
Alexandrine doing better
March 17, 1935
Queen Alexandrine of Denmark is "resting easy" after undergoing emergency surgery yesterday in Stockholm, reports the Associated Press.
According to the latest bulletin, Queen Alexandrine is in no danger. Her husband, King Christian X, "spent nearly the entire day" at her side. The Queen came to Stockholm for the announcement of her elder son, Crown Prince Frederik's engagement to Princess Ingrid of Sweden.
Queen Alexandrine of Denmark is "resting easy" after undergoing emergency surgery yesterday in Stockholm, reports the Associated Press.
According to the latest bulletin, Queen Alexandrine is in no danger. Her husband, King Christian X, "spent nearly the entire day" at her side. The Queen came to Stockholm for the announcement of her elder son, Crown Prince Frederik's engagement to Princess Ingrid of Sweden.
No truth to the Langhorne-Teck romance
March 17, 1907
"My daughter Nora has never met Prince Francis of Teck," said Mr. Chiswell Dabney Langhorne to a New York Times reporter. Langhorne made the emphatic declaration at Mirador, his country home near Greenwood in Albemarle County, Virginia. He denies that there "is any truth in the story" that Prince Francis, younger brother of the Princess of Wales, "is a suitor for his daughter's hand."
Miss Langhorne has been in Richmond for the last two weeks with her sister, Mrs. T. Moncure Perkins. She is now on her way to Mirador, where she will spend Easter with her father.
Mrs. Perkins also denies that Miss Langhorne has "never even seen" Prince Francis, although he is a friend their sister, Mrs. Waldorf Astor. Miss Langhorne has spent the Winter in Switzerland and spent only two weeks in England last month. She was ill, and confined to her room. She did not accept any social invitations, and sailed for American only after her doctor said it was all right for her to travel.
She is only 19-years-old, and recently completed her education. According to her family, Miss Langhorne will be "introduced into Society" next winter. The family "resents the story" of the engagement, which has been making the "rounds in Virginia for several weeks."
"My daughter Nora has never met Prince Francis of Teck," said Mr. Chiswell Dabney Langhorne to a New York Times reporter. Langhorne made the emphatic declaration at Mirador, his country home near Greenwood in Albemarle County, Virginia. He denies that there "is any truth in the story" that Prince Francis, younger brother of the Princess of Wales, "is a suitor for his daughter's hand."
Miss Langhorne has been in Richmond for the last two weeks with her sister, Mrs. T. Moncure Perkins. She is now on her way to Mirador, where she will spend Easter with her father.
Mrs. Perkins also denies that Miss Langhorne has "never even seen" Prince Francis, although he is a friend their sister, Mrs. Waldorf Astor. Miss Langhorne has spent the Winter in Switzerland and spent only two weeks in England last month. She was ill, and confined to her room. She did not accept any social invitations, and sailed for American only after her doctor said it was all right for her to travel.
She is only 19-years-old, and recently completed her education. According to her family, Miss Langhorne will be "introduced into Society" next winter. The family "resents the story" of the engagement, which has been making the "rounds in Virginia for several weeks."
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Kate's royal descent is not through Henry VIII
Update - Catherine is not a descendant of Henry VIII or Mary Boleyn
Some historians believe that he was the father of Catherine and Henry Carey, the children of Mary Boleyn. Mary was Anne Boleyn's older sister, and Henry's mistress before he dumped her for Anne. She was married to William Carey during the time of her affair with Henry. The Dictionary of National Biography states that Catherine was born in 1529-30. But this date has proved to be incorrect. William Carey died in June 1528. She was appointed as a maid of honour to Anne of Cleves in the spring of 1540, and she gave birth to her first child in 1540-41 Thus, it is more likely that Catherine was born in 1524, one or 2 years before Mary gave birth to a son, Henry.
William Carey was rewarded with land grants in 1524 and 1526, the years of the births of Mary's children.
After Anne's execution, members of the Boleyn family continued to suffer "constant persecution and spoliation" by Henry, and, afterward, by Elizabeth I. If William Carey was Catherine's father, she certainly would not have been selected by Henry to be one of Anne of Cleves' maids of honour. Catherine and her brother, Henry, created Baron Hunsdon of Hunsdon. Despite the taint of their Boleyn blood, Mary's two children remained in favor at the courts of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I.
In 1540 Catherine married Francis (later Sir) Knollys. They had eleven children. Their eldest child, Lettice, born 1540, married Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of Essex. Her second husband was Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester.
Lady Knollys died on January 15 1569 at Hampton Court Palace. Queen Elizabeth paid for the "opulent" funeral, that she described as royal. The funeral was overseen by the Earl Marshal and the Earl Treasurer the Earl of Leicester. Lady Knollys' funeral documents at Westminster Abbey were found with those of Henry III, Henry VI, Queen Mary II, King William III, Prince George of Denmark, and Queen Anne.
Lord Hunsdon's funeral was also grand and paid for by Elizabeth I. He rests in one of the loftiest tombs in Westminster Abbey.
Kate is a descendant of Catherine Carey through her 10th child, Elizabeth, who married Sir Thomas Leighton. The late Diana, Princess of Wales also descended from this marriage. Charlotte Eagar has written a fascinating article about these connections in the March 12 issue of The Spectator.
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