From CNN. I concur with Christiane Amanpour.
I have met King Simeon on several occasions. A truly kind and generous man, who has survived numerous traumas in his life - from the death of his father, thus becoming king at age 6 to a brutal Communist takeover of Bulgaria (his uncle Prince Kyril, one of his regents, was forced to dig his own grave) to exile, and more recently, the death of his beloved eldest son, Crown Prince Kardam,
News and commentary about the reigning royal houses of the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Spain, Monaco -- and the former European monarchies as well.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
A profile of Jazmim Grace Grimaldi
Jazmin Grace Grimaldi, Albert II's natural daughter, has given an interview to Harper's Bazaar
Edison James Kittycat Koenig (1997-2015)
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Edison lived the life of luxury. A relaxing massage from younger sister, Sienna. |
It was in late October 1998 when my husband, Bill, and I walked from our home to Edison High School to purchase a Halloween pumpkin. We noticed a cat jumping in an out of a storm drain. He was underweight and hungry. To make a long story short, I went home and got a can of food. We came every day for two weeks to try and catch the cat. I brought a crowbar and opened the drain. (There had been a drought so no real water in the drain.)
All of this was being done less than two months after having a hysterectomy! It took us about two weeks to finally catch the cat. We took him home, and kept him overnight in one of the bathrooms in case he was ill. The next day, we took him to our vet, and said, if he said serious issues, it might be best to euthanize. Later that day, the vet called back to say he had no serious issues, and we had a little marshmallow. My husband and I looked at each other, and said to the vet: snip him.
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true kitty love. November 2014 with his sister, Sienna Rose. |
In other words, Edison -- what else would we name him -- was welcomed into the family, albeit reluctantly by Louis and Buddy. Especially Buddy. (Eventually, they learned to get along in order to gang up on their sister, Ella, who joined the family a year or so after Lord Louis went to cat heaven in 2001.)
Edison James Kittycat was about 18 months when he moved into his forever home. He was given the birth date of June 1, 1997.
One of his first party pieces was to climb the Christmas tree, and sleep in middle branches. He did this without breaking ornaments or taking down the tree. He also loved his treats, and knew where they were kept -- in the drawer by my bed.
Ella died in February 2013, followed by Buddy in August 2013.
Edison is survived by his mom, Marlene, and his loving younger sister, Sienna Rose, 10.
A friend gave me this book after Louis died in 2001. Will read it again later this day.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
The Sun is not a newspaper. Toilet paper has more value
Repeat after me: The Sun is not a newspaper. It is a rag. Coverage of real news is an anathema to editor Stig Abel and his not-so-merry band of pseudo-journalists. The daily rag is owned by Rupert Murdoch. This alone should tell you that there is no interest in reporting real news.
On Thursday's the Sun's cover story was about film footage of the Prince of Wales (Edward VIII), the Duchess of York and her two daughters, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret. The footage shows the Duchess of York and Princess Elizabeth, then about 7 years old allegedly making the Nazi salute.
It is believed that the Duke of York (George VI) was behind the camera, and the filming took place at Birkhall in 1933, the year Adolf Hitler came to power.
It can only be assumed that the Duchess and her daughter were mimicking the Nazi salute, and they certainly were not alone in doing so during the 1930s and 1940s. (Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator comes to mind.) What was the purpose by publishing these photos and film? Did Murdoch and his crème-de-la-scum editorial team really think that this image would bring down the monarchy?
Really, Mr. Abell? Did you think the United Kingdom would rally around you and call for the end of the monarchy? Please, what was the purpose for this release?
Stig Abell is not a journalist. He does not have a clue about ethics in journalism. He knows nothing about who, what, where, how or why: the important ingredients for a news story. I sincerely doubt that the none of the Sun's writers could ever handle a real breaking news story or understand true investigative journalism.
There is no question of the Royal Family's loyalty to the United Kingdom, and their hatred of Adolf Hitler and Fascism. Hitler once described Queen Elizabeth as the most "dangerous woman in Europe."
The late Queen Mother's views were largely influenced by her close friend, D'Arcy Osborne (12th Duke of Leeds), who was based at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C., in the mid-1930s. Osborne was "appalled" by Nazism. He wrote to the then Duchess of York in early 1934, describing Nazism as a "nauseating and ridiculous affair [with] its spurious Aryanism and its German theology."
The Queen Mother's official biographer, William Shawcross. noted that Osborne shared "the Duchess's misgivings about Germany." In 1940, Queen Elizabeth wrote to the American First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt: "When we think of our gallant young men being sacrificed to the terrible machine that Germany has created."
Nor did the Queen Mother care for Sir Oswald Mosley, Bt, a distant cousin, who founded the British Union of Fascists. She wrote to D'Arcy Osborne in January 1938: "We don't want Mosleys, perhaps something will turn up."
I hope the Palace orders an investigation into how this film was acquired by the Sun, especially, if the original film was kept in the Royal Archives at Windsor Castle.
There is nothing newsworthy about this story. I would not be surprised if there were other occasions when members of the Royal Family made fun of Hitler and his goose-stepping cronies in the mid-1930s before his real intentions were made known.
Mr. Abell needs to be held accountable for his unethical journalistic practices. He should take a leave of absence and apply to the Columbia Journalism School (Columbia University) where he will "learn how to think critically and be both ethical and street smart." Critical thinking and ethics: not required to be the managing editor of Sun. Shame on Stig Abell for once again taking the low road.
On Thursday's the Sun's cover story was about film footage of the Prince of Wales (Edward VIII), the Duchess of York and her two daughters, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret. The footage shows the Duchess of York and Princess Elizabeth, then about 7 years old allegedly making the Nazi salute.
It is believed that the Duke of York (George VI) was behind the camera, and the filming took place at Birkhall in 1933, the year Adolf Hitler came to power.
It can only be assumed that the Duchess and her daughter were mimicking the Nazi salute, and they certainly were not alone in doing so during the 1930s and 1940s. (Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator comes to mind.) What was the purpose by publishing these photos and film? Did Murdoch and his crème-de-la-scum editorial team really think that this image would bring down the monarchy?
Really, Mr. Abell? Did you think the United Kingdom would rally around you and call for the end of the monarchy? Please, what was the purpose for this release?
Stig Abell is not a journalist. He does not have a clue about ethics in journalism. He knows nothing about who, what, where, how or why: the important ingredients for a news story. I sincerely doubt that the none of the Sun's writers could ever handle a real breaking news story or understand true investigative journalism.
There is no question of the Royal Family's loyalty to the United Kingdom, and their hatred of Adolf Hitler and Fascism. Hitler once described Queen Elizabeth as the most "dangerous woman in Europe."
The late Queen Mother's views were largely influenced by her close friend, D'Arcy Osborne (12th Duke of Leeds), who was based at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C., in the mid-1930s. Osborne was "appalled" by Nazism. He wrote to the then Duchess of York in early 1934, describing Nazism as a "nauseating and ridiculous affair [with] its spurious Aryanism and its German theology."
The Queen Mother's official biographer, William Shawcross. noted that Osborne shared "the Duchess's misgivings about Germany." In 1940, Queen Elizabeth wrote to the American First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt: "When we think of our gallant young men being sacrificed to the terrible machine that Germany has created."
Nor did the Queen Mother care for Sir Oswald Mosley, Bt, a distant cousin, who founded the British Union of Fascists. She wrote to D'Arcy Osborne in January 1938: "We don't want Mosleys, perhaps something will turn up."
I hope the Palace orders an investigation into how this film was acquired by the Sun, especially, if the original film was kept in the Royal Archives at Windsor Castle.
There is nothing newsworthy about this story. I would not be surprised if there were other occasions when members of the Royal Family made fun of Hitler and his goose-stepping cronies in the mid-1930s before his real intentions were made known.
Mr. Abell needs to be held accountable for his unethical journalistic practices. He should take a leave of absence and apply to the Columbia Journalism School (Columbia University) where he will "learn how to think critically and be both ethical and street smart." Critical thinking and ethics: not required to be the managing editor of Sun. Shame on Stig Abell for once again taking the low road.
Gala dinner in Belgrade
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Crown Prince Alexander with Victoria da Silva and her father Sir Desmond |
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The Prince of Monaco visits Serbia for the first time |
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Crown Prince Alexander and the Prince of Montenegro |
From the official press release:
The birthday celebration was graced by the presence of: Their Majesties King Carl XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia of Sweden (His Majesty is the head of state of Sweden), His Serene Highness Prince Albert of Monaco (head of state of Monaco) in his first visit to Serbia, Her Majesty Queen Mother Sofia of Spain, Their Majesties Czar Simeon II and Czarina Margarita of the Bulgarians, Their Royal Highnesses Crown Princess Margarita and Prince Radu of Romania, His Royal Highness Prince Nikola Petrovic Njegos of Montenegro, Their Royal Highnesses Prince Raad Bin Zaed and Princess Majda Bin Zaed of Jordan, His Royal Highness Prince Ludwig and Princess Marianna of Baden, His Highness Prince Aga Khan Amin, His Royal Highness Prince Nikola (the son of HRH Prince Tomislav), Her Highness Princess Ira of Fürstenberg, His Royal Highness Prince Serge (the son of HRH Prince Alexander), Their Highnesses Prince Pierre and Princess Sylvia d’Arenberg, Ms. Victoria De Silva (the granddaughter of HRH Prince Tomislav), Sir Desmond de Silva Q.C, P.C.
Their Royal Highnesses welcomed the guests in the Blue Salon of the Royal Palace, and then followed a cocktail on the lower terrace of the Royal Palace and the premiere screening of a short documentary film about the Crown Prince. The birthday celebration was enhanced by Sanja Ilic and “Balkanika” with their program “Balkan concept”, which was followed by a gala dinner on the upper terrace of the Royal Palace.
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander addressed the guests and numerous media representatives.
We are forwarding the Crown Prince’s speech as a whole.
After the speech the Crown Prince cut his birthday cake.
JULY 18, 2015Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Your Serene Highnesses, Your Excellences, Your Holiness, Reverend fathers, imams and effendis, Your Lordships, Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming to my birthday. I am so happy to see you all here this evening in the home of my ancestors. In the country that was created by my ancestors and the ancestors of my compatriots. In the city that became our capital six centuries ago.
Now, that I am seventy, it is a good moment to review the past decades.
For someone who, by a twist of fate and history, was born in exile, who was declared an enemy of the state as a two-year-old. The fact that I am celebrating my seventieth birthday finally rehabilitated in my homeland, in my home, with my family, people and my friends from around the world, is an emotional moment, is something I have wished for all my life. I am grateful to God for that, but I also owe a lot to those who are here tonight to grace this celebration. To those who unfortunately are no longer with us, but whose spirit will never leave us, as well as to those who are with us in their thoughts tonight, with their many good wishes and hopes that we have a future that we are worthy of.
We have fought together for justice, democracy, human rights, freedom, respect for everyone’s religion, ethnic origin, for a country of equal citizens, which is equal to and respected by other countries, for the community of peace, harmony and progress.
Tonight, surrounded by my immediate and wider family, I thank my wife and our children for their love and support. I thank my relatives and friends from many royal families that have given me the honour of their presence and for their good wishes. I warmly thank our prime minster Mr. Aleksandar Vucic and all the top Serbian state officials, the representatives of churches and religious communities, diplomatic corps and to all of you Who are making this evening unforgettable, and – above all – to our people who make me happy to belong to them.
From Karadjordje to me there is a continuity in serving the people and the country. As long as there is the house of Karadjordje, the honour of serving the people and the country is an undeniable a duty, obligation and responsibility, because we come from the people, and that fact fatefully obliges us.
I owe so much to my wife for all her love, effort and daily commitment, and for this special birthday.
I thank my staff and all those who worked so hard to make this great gathering and every other one, possible.
Thank you, God bless you and may love unite you all"
All photos courtesy of HRH Crown Prince Alexander.
Friday, July 17, 2015
Crown Prince Alexander celebrates his 70th birthday
Crown Prince Alexander’s 70th birthday
celebration begins with a dinner for international guests at the White
Belgrade, July 17, 2015 – The celebration of the
70th birthday of Crown Prince Alexander began this evening at the White Palace
with a reception and dinner hosted by Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince
Alexander, Crown Princess Katherine and their children Hereditary Prince Peter,
Prince Philip, Prince Alexander, David and Alison; and grandchildren Amanda and
Michael for guests who arrived from abroad.
Tonight’s reception and dinner at The White Palace was
attended by Their Majesties King Carl Gustav XVI and Queen Silvia of Sweden,
Prince Raad Bin Zaed and Princess Maida Bin Zaid of Jodan, His Royal Highness
Prince Ludwig and Princess Marianna of Baden, His Highness Prince Amyn Aga Khan,
Her Highness Princess Ira of Fürstenberg, His Royal Highness Prince Nikola (the
oldest son of HRH Prince Tomislav) and Lord and Lady
Guests were greeted by the Royal Couple in the Black and
White salon of the White Palace. Guests arrival was accompanied by music
performed by the “Royal Strings of St. George”, whose patron is His Royal
Highness Prince Philip.
The guests then enjoyed a short artistic programme on the
White Palace terrace, opened by the children's choir “Magic”, and after that
there was a short presentation of the Serbian tradition through traditional
Serbian folk dances performed by the Academic Cultural Society “Lola”. The event
was followed by great number of media representatives.
Tomorrow the Crown Prince and Crown Princess will take
Their Majesties King Carl Gustav XVI and Queen Silvia of Sweden, His Serene
Highness Prince Albert of Monaco, Prince Raad Bin Zaed of Jordan and Princess
Majda Bin Zaid, His Royal Highness Prince Ludwig of Baden, His Highness Prince
Amyn Aga Khan , Her Highness Princess Ira of Fürstenberg, His Royal Highness
Prince Nikola Petrovic Njegos, His Royal Highness Prince Nikola (the son of HRH
Prince Tomislav) and guests for a cruise on the Belgrade
In the evening there will be a gala dinner at the Royal
Palace. Their Majesties King Simeon and Queen Margarita of the Bulgarians and
Her Majesty Queen Sofia, Her Royal Highness Princess Irene of Greece (sister of
Queen Sofia) and Their Serene Highnesses Prince Pierre and Princess Sylvia
d'Arenberg will join foreign guests, members of the Serbian government,
religious dignitaries and the most representatives of the Serbian cultural and
public scene.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Jerrine Habsburg-Lothringen
Jerrine Habsburg-Lothringen

June 19, 1931 - July 14, 2015
Jerrine Habsburg-Lothringen, 84, of Commerce Township and formally of Farmington Hills, MI died peacefully at home surrounded by her children and grandchildren on the evening of July 14, 2015.
Born Mary Jerrine Soper in Boston, MA, she was the daughter of Charles B. Soper and Agnes M. McNeil; sister of late Carol Soper and John C. Soper (m. Judy Brenneke). She grew up in Boston MA and attended the Massachusetts School of Art, where she earned a Bachelors of Fine Art (1952), and the Art Students League of New York (1952-54). She studied under painter, Robert Wilbert from 1965-1975.
She married Stefan Habsburg-Lothringen, Archduke of Austria in 1954 and raised five children in Farmington Hills Michigan, Christopher Habsburg (m. Teresa Murray), Ileana Habsburg-Snyder (m. David Snyder); Peter Habsburg (m. Lauren Klaus), Tantzi Habsburg and Anton Habsburg (m. Ashley Carrell). She is the beloved grandmother of Saygan Habsburg, Stefan Habsburg, Virginia Nastase, Marie Habsburg, Alexandra Tillard (Snyder), Nicholas Snyder, Constantza Snyder, Oksana Habsburg, Sasha Habsburg, Tatiana Habsburg; and beloved great grandmother of five, Aaron and Oliver Tillard, Wulfric Schultes and Arya Cavill.
Jerrine was a professional still life, landscape and portrait painter. She taught painting classes at Oakland Community College, Visual Arts Association of Livonia and the Bloomfield Birmingham Art Association. She was a member of the Michigan Water Color Society, Bloomfield Birmingham Art Association, Detroit Society of Women Painters and Sculptors, and Farmington Artist Club. She earned many merit and Best-in-Show awards and exhibited at many Detroit and Leelanau Peninsula area galleries.
Jerrine’s greatest joy was her husband and family. She loved spending time at her cottage on Lake Michigan and traveling to visit family in Europe. Jerrine’s deep faith was evident in her regular worship and prayer life. She was passionate about the study of art as well as painting and teaching art. She loved politics, reading, discussing world events and attending the symphony. She was an excellent cook and enjoyed fine wine…and a daily martini.
Memorial visitation, Sunday from 12pm to 4pm with a memorial service at 2:30pm at McCabe Funeral Home, Farmington Hills, MI. Memorials may be made to the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration, 321 Monastery Lane, Ellwood City, PA 16177, a monastery set up by Jerrine’s late mother-in-law.
“…believe in the name of Jesus, Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life.” 1 John 5:13
This obituary is from the McCabe Funeral Home in Farmington Hills, Michigan
Born Mary Jerrine Soper in Boston, MA, she was the daughter of Charles B. Soper and Agnes M. McNeil; sister of late Carol Soper and John C. Soper (m. Judy Brenneke). She grew up in Boston MA and attended the Massachusetts School of Art, where she earned a Bachelors of Fine Art (1952), and the Art Students League of New York (1952-54). She studied under painter, Robert Wilbert from 1965-1975.
She married Stefan Habsburg-Lothringen, Archduke of Austria in 1954 and raised five children in Farmington Hills Michigan, Christopher Habsburg (m. Teresa Murray), Ileana Habsburg-Snyder (m. David Snyder); Peter Habsburg (m. Lauren Klaus), Tantzi Habsburg and Anton Habsburg (m. Ashley Carrell). She is the beloved grandmother of Saygan Habsburg, Stefan Habsburg, Virginia Nastase, Marie Habsburg, Alexandra Tillard (Snyder), Nicholas Snyder, Constantza Snyder, Oksana Habsburg, Sasha Habsburg, Tatiana Habsburg; and beloved great grandmother of five, Aaron and Oliver Tillard, Wulfric Schultes and Arya Cavill.
Jerrine was a professional still life, landscape and portrait painter. She taught painting classes at Oakland Community College, Visual Arts Association of Livonia and the Bloomfield Birmingham Art Association. She was a member of the Michigan Water Color Society, Bloomfield Birmingham Art Association, Detroit Society of Women Painters and Sculptors, and Farmington Artist Club. She earned many merit and Best-in-Show awards and exhibited at many Detroit and Leelanau Peninsula area galleries.
Jerrine’s greatest joy was her husband and family. She loved spending time at her cottage on Lake Michigan and traveling to visit family in Europe. Jerrine’s deep faith was evident in her regular worship and prayer life. She was passionate about the study of art as well as painting and teaching art. She loved politics, reading, discussing world events and attending the symphony. She was an excellent cook and enjoyed fine wine…and a daily martini.
Memorial visitation, Sunday from 12pm to 4pm with a memorial service at 2:30pm at McCabe Funeral Home, Farmington Hills, MI. Memorials may be made to the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration, 321 Monastery Lane, Ellwood City, PA 16177, a monastery set up by Jerrine’s late mother-in-law.
“…believe in the name of Jesus, Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life.” 1 John 5:13
This obituary is from the McCabe Funeral Home in Farmington Hills, Michigan
Princess Juliana on her way home
July 16, 1945
Princess Juliana of the Netherlands and her three daughters, Princesses Beatrix, Irene and Margriet, left Ottawa day by train for New York, "where they will sail home on the Queen Mary," according to the New York Times.
In her farewell messages to the "Canadian government and people" Princess Juliana promised to return to Canada where she and her family were "received with such friendship and courtesy as refugees form their invaded country."
During her time in Canada, Princess Juliana, heir to the Dutch throne, "did much effective war work." She donated blood, and "lived without ceremony in a small villa." Her youngest daughter, Margriet, was born in an Ottawa hospital, but by special decree," the war where Margriet was born "was proclaimed Netherland sterritory" to make sure that if the princess became heir to the throne, there would be no question about her nationality.
Princess Juliana and her children will rejoin Prince Bernhard at their palace in the Netherlands.
Princess Juliana of the Netherlands and her three daughters, Princesses Beatrix, Irene and Margriet, left Ottawa day by train for New York, "where they will sail home on the Queen Mary," according to the New York Times.
In her farewell messages to the "Canadian government and people" Princess Juliana promised to return to Canada where she and her family were "received with such friendship and courtesy as refugees form their invaded country."
During her time in Canada, Princess Juliana, heir to the Dutch throne, "did much effective war work." She donated blood, and "lived without ceremony in a small villa." Her youngest daughter, Margriet, was born in an Ottawa hospital, but by special decree," the war where Margriet was born "was proclaimed Netherland sterritory" to make sure that if the princess became heir to the throne, there would be no question about her nationality.
Princess Juliana and her children will rejoin Prince Bernhard at their palace in the Netherlands.
Infante Juan's wedding date set
July 16, 1935
The wedding between Infante Juan of Spain, son of former King Alfonso, to his cousin, Princess Maria de las Mercedes of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, will take place on October 12 in Rome, reports the Associated Press.
Infante Juan, 22, recently completed "four years of training" in the Royal Navy. He is now studying law at university in Florence. Princess Maria de las Mercedes is the daughter of Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and his second wife, Princess Louise of Orleans. She was named for Carlos' first wife, Infanta Mercedes of Spain, eldest sister of King Alfonso XIII, who died shortly after giving birth prematurely to a daughter, Isabel Alfonsa, in 1904.
The wedding between Infante Juan of Spain, son of former King Alfonso, to his cousin, Princess Maria de las Mercedes of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, will take place on October 12 in Rome, reports the Associated Press.
Infante Juan, 22, recently completed "four years of training" in the Royal Navy. He is now studying law at university in Florence. Princess Maria de las Mercedes is the daughter of Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and his second wife, Princess Louise of Orleans. She was named for Carlos' first wife, Infanta Mercedes of Spain, eldest sister of King Alfonso XIII, who died shortly after giving birth prematurely to a daughter, Isabel Alfonsa, in 1904.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
It's a boy for the Coburgs
Hereditary Princess Kelly of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha gave birth to a son, Philipp Hubertus Andreas Christian, earlier today in Munich. This is the second child for the American-born wife of Hereditary Prince Hubertus of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.
Their first child, Princess Katharina Victoria Elizabeth Cheryl, was born at Munich on April 30, 2014.;art214,1119245
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Lady Charlotte Wellesley to marry Alejandro Santo Domingo
Mr A. Santo Domingo and Lady Charlotte Wellesley
The engagement is announced between Alejandro, son of the late Julio Mario
Santo Domingo and of Beatrice Santo Domingo, and Charlotte, youngest daughter of
the Duke and Duchess of Wellington.
Alejandro, a 38-year-old U.S. citizen, is worth about $4.4 billion dollars. According to Forbes' 2015 ranking of the world's billionaires, Alejandro is ranked #369.
Alejandro's half-brother, the late Julio Mario, Jr., who died in 2009, was the father of Tatiana Santo Domingo, who is married to Andrea Casiraghi.
Alejandro was born February 13, 1977 at New York City. He has a BA in art history from Harvard University.
Lady Charlotte, 24, has a BA in Archeology and Anthropology from the University of Oxford. She graduated in 2013. She is a descendant of Queen Victoria through her mother, HRH Princess Antonia of Prussia.
She is employed at Art Partner and is the traveling producer for photographer Mario Testino.
Alejandro, a 38-year-old U.S. citizen, is worth about $4.4 billion dollars. According to Forbes' 2015 ranking of the world's billionaires, Alejandro is ranked #369.
Alejandro's half-brother, the late Julio Mario, Jr., who died in 2009, was the father of Tatiana Santo Domingo, who is married to Andrea Casiraghi.
Alejandro was born February 13, 1977 at New York City. He has a BA in art history from Harvard University.
Lady Charlotte, 24, has a BA in Archeology and Anthropology from the University of Oxford. She graduated in 2013. She is a descendant of Queen Victoria through her mother, HRH Princess Antonia of Prussia.
She is employed at Art Partner and is the traveling producer for photographer Mario Testino.
Monday, July 13, 2015
The Battle of Britain celebration
These two photos were taken by Paul Ratcliffe. He is the copyright holder, and he kindly gave permission for me to use them.
On July 9, a ceremony was held to honor the last surviving airmen who took party in the Battle of Britain. A celebration took place at the RAF Club in Piccadilly.
Prior to this event, members of the Royal Family were on the balcony at Buckingham Palace for a flyover.
There was some criticism from the less informed (those who prefer to throw stones rather than be factual) as to why the Duchess of Cambridge did not join her husband on the balcony.
Easy answer, as stated by a RAF spokesman. The Duchess of Cambridge is not an honorary air commodore. The invitation was limited to those members of the Royal Family who are honorary air commodores.
The Duchesses of Gloucester and Kent and Princess Michael of Kent were not present on the balcony for the same reason. The Duchess of Cornwall and the Countess of Wessex are honorary air commodores.
So are the Princess Royal and Princess Alexandra.
The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall were on an official visit to Wales and the Princess Royal was abroad for official engagements, which is why none were present.
The Duchess of Cambridge will receive more military patronages, etc., but these will come in time, especially when she is the wife of the heir to the throne.
It is so easy to throw stones. Less easy to take the time to get the facts.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Princess seeks citizenship
July 10, 1940
Princess Natalie Paley, wearing a "red, white and blue ensemble," today applied for U.S. citizenship, according to the Associated Press.
She filed her application in the Naturalization Court in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Princess Natalie has agreed to drop her royal title. She is the daughter of the late Grand Duke Paul of Russia, who was killed by the Bolsheviks in 1919. She is married to John C. Wilson, who is Noel Coward's business manager. Natalie and her husband live in Fairfield.
Breaking news: A throne for Carl of Denmark?
July 10, 1905
There are reports that Prince Carl of Denmark, second son of King Frederik VIII, has been offered the throne of Norway, according to the Chicago Tribune. It is not known if he will accept the offer.
Prince Carl is married to Princess Maud, the youngest daughter of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra.
There are reports that Prince Carl of Denmark, second son of King Frederik VIII, has been offered the throne of Norway, according to the Chicago Tribune. It is not known if he will accept the offer.
Prince Carl is married to Princess Maud, the youngest daughter of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra.
Death announcement for Archduchess Dorothea of Austria, Princess of Bavaria
BESTATTUNG JUNG GMBH, SALZBURG - TEL. 0662/432131Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Archduchess Dorothea of Austria (1920-2015)
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The wedding of Princess Dorothea of Bavaria and Archduke Gottfried of Austria (Marlene A. Eilers Koenig collection) |
She was the widow of Archduke Gottfried of Austria, Grand Duke of Tuscany, (1902-1984).
Princess Dorothea Theresa Maria Franziska of Bavaria was born on May 25, 1920 at Schloss Leutstetten, the fifth of six children of Prince Franz of Bavaria and Princess Isabelle of Croy.
She married Archduke Gottfried of Austria at Sarvar, Hungary, on August 3, 1938. They had four children: Archduchess Elisabeth; Archduchess Alice; Archduke Leopold, and Archduchess Marie Antoinette, Freiherrin von Proff zu Irnich.
[The marriages of the three elder children have all been dissolved by divorce.]
Archduke Leopold succeeded his father as Grand Duke in 1984. He renounced his rights in favor of his elder son, Archduke Sigismund in 1993, following his divorce from Laetitia de Belzunce d'Arenberg and a second marriage to Marta Perez-Fernandez.
Archduchess Dorothea lived for many years in Salzburg. She is survived by her four children and numerous grandchildren, including Archduke Sigismund, who lives in Switzerland.
A visit to Battenberg by the Mountbattens
Earlier this month, the Marquess and Marchioness of Milford Haven, along with his daughter, Lady Tatiana Mountbatten, and his brother, Lord Ivar Mountbatten and two of his three daughters, Alexandra and Louise Mountbatten, visited Battenberg, Germany.
This was the first visit to Battenberg by the Mountbattens in more than 50 years.
This branch of the family is the only surviving male line left of the morganatic branch of the Hesse and by Rhine family. The main line is now extinct. Lord Milford Haven has one son, the Earl of Medina.
This was the first visit to Battenberg by the Mountbattens in more than 50 years.
This branch of the family is the only surviving male line left of the morganatic branch of the Hesse and by Rhine family. The main line is now extinct. Lord Milford Haven has one son, the Earl of Medina.
Serbian government overturns 1947 law that took away royal citzenship and property
Belgrade, 8 July 2015 – The
Presidency of the Presidium of the National Assembly of the People’s Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia decreed 8 March the following signed by Dr Ivan
See copy of original document
DECREE (Translation)
On the basis of Article 16 Paragraph 3, Article 17
Paragraph 2 of the Law on Citizenship of the People’s Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (FNRJ) from 1 July 1946, and on the basis of Article 14 Paragraph 3
of the Law on the Types of Punishments from 14 August 1946, concerning Article 4
Paragraph 23 of the Law of the Presidium of the National Assembly of the FNRJ,
the Presidency of the Presidium of the National Assembly of the People’s Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia has reached the following
D E C I S I O N:
The citizenship of the People’s Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia is taken away, and the entire property is confiscated
Peter of Alexander Karageorgevich
Alexander of Peter Karageorgevich
Tomislav of Alexander
Andrej of Alexander Karageorgevich
Maria of Alexander Karageorgevich
Paul of Arsen Karageorgevich
Olga of Paul Karageorgevich
Alexander of Paul Karageorgevich
Nicola of Paul Karageorgevich
Elizabeth of Paul Karageorgevich now all
Conducting of this verdict is entrusted to the
Government of the People’s Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
(Signed) Secretary M. Perunicic President Dr Ivan Ribar
(Signed) Secretary M. Perunicic President Dr Ivan Ribar
Today the above decree was declared null and
Further "After address of HRH Crown Prince Alexander and Prof. Oliver Antic to the High Court in Belgrade, the court brought the following decision in the case REH 17/15, at 12:13 sharply:“The request for rehabilitation of HRH Crown Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic, the son of Peter Karadjordjevic, born on July 17,1945 in London, UK, on the territory declared the territory of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, is being approved and it is being established that the Decree 392 by the Presidency of the Presidium of the National Assembly of the FPRY of August 03, 1947, is null and void from the moment of its adoption, in the part related to HRH Crown Prince Alexander, as well as that all its legal consequences are null and void. The rehabilitated person, HRH Crown Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic, is considered to be not convicted."
Further "After address of HRH Crown Prince Alexander and Prof. Oliver Antic to the High Court in Belgrade, the court brought the following decision in the case REH 17/15, at 12:13 sharply:“The request for rehabilitation of HRH Crown Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic, the son of Peter Karadjordjevic, born on July 17,1945 in London, UK, on the territory declared the territory of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, is being approved and it is being established that the Decree 392 by the Presidency of the Presidium of the National Assembly of the FPRY of August 03, 1947, is null and void from the moment of its adoption, in the part related to HRH Crown Prince Alexander, as well as that all its legal consequences are null and void. The rehabilitated person, HRH Crown Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic, is considered to be not convicted."
Monday, July 6, 2015
Divorce for Greek sovereigns
Queen Elisabeth of Greece "abandoned all hope of restoration to the throne of Greece," today, when she obtained a divorce from former King George II, reports the Associated Press.
The divorce was granted by a Bucharest court.
There are rumors in the Romanian capital that Elisabeth has plans to marry her secretary and "run a model farm."
Elisabeth, the eldest sister of King Carol II of Romania, and Alexander Scavani, a "tall, handsome, 40-year-old Greek," who served in the "czarist army" during the world war, have been "on excellent terms for some time." He was recently appointed as her court chamberlain and personal secretary.
She has reportedly bought an estate near Timisoara for about $3,500,000. Friends say the former queen wants to turn the estate into an "experimental farm on the American model," and manage it with Scavani.
Elisabeth now lives in a "palatial residence" in Bucharest. She "expressed no surprise" when she was informed that she had won her divorce. The proceedings were a mere formality and were held in secret. The court took 16 minutes to "return the verdict."
King George II, who now lives in London, "paid no attention to the trial." He was not represented by a lawyer and has five days to appeal, but he is not expected to do so.
The former queen will resume the use of her pre-marital title: Princess Elisabetha of Roumania. She instituted divorce proceedings after her Romanian citizenship was restored. Under Romanian law, a wife takes her husband's citizenship. The restoration of her citizenship was seen as the equivalent of a "legal separation."
The couple was married in 1921.
New post for Duke of Teck
July 6, 1915
The Duke of Teck, brother of Queen Mary, has been appointed Temporary Assistant Military Secretary at the War Office, reports the New York Times.
The Duke of Teck, brother of Queen Mary, has been appointed Temporary Assistant Military Secretary at the War Office, reports the New York Times.
More scandal for the Coburgs
July 6, 1905
Medical authorities "appointed to examine the mental condition" of Princess Philipp of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha have definitely "decided that she is perfectly sane," writes the Marquise de Fontenoy in her latest column. There is also no evidence to show that she "has been demented in the past," and that her "incarceration in lunatic hospital" was unwarranted.
Her estranged husband, the "utterly disreputable," Prince Philipp of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, has stopped her allowance (which he paid until recently) and has filed for divorce. He now "takes the ground" that if his wife has been "sane all along," then she is responsible for "two sensational elopements with former Captain Geza Mattachich.
Princess Philipp (Princess Louise of Belgium) may have "considerable difficulty" with the accusations made by her estranged husband, but she "may be relied upon to defend herself" by offering "equally grievous" charges against Prince Philipp. She proposes tp prove him guilty of "cruelty, neglect, infidelity," as well as drunkenness. She will also sue him for "conspiracy and perjury" for having her incarcerated in a mental institution even though she was sane.
This new scandal appears to be as "unsavory as any that have gone before in connection with the Coburgs."
It also seems that Prince Philipp has lost the support of Austrian Emperor Franz Josef, who on previous occasions, threatened to banish Philipp unless he provided financial assistance to his wife.
The estranged couple are Roman Catholic. They will not be able to remarry after their divorce, "unless they change their religion." Princess Philipp most probably will renounce her Catholic faith, in order to "legalize after a fashion, though tardily, her association" with Matttachich.
Neither the princess nor her lover have any financial resources. Her father, King Leopold II of the Belgian, is not in communication with her, nor is she on good terms with her sister, Princess Stephanie, Countess Lonyay.
Medical authorities "appointed to examine the mental condition" of Princess Philipp of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha have definitely "decided that she is perfectly sane," writes the Marquise de Fontenoy in her latest column. There is also no evidence to show that she "has been demented in the past," and that her "incarceration in lunatic hospital" was unwarranted.
Her estranged husband, the "utterly disreputable," Prince Philipp of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, has stopped her allowance (which he paid until recently) and has filed for divorce. He now "takes the ground" that if his wife has been "sane all along," then she is responsible for "two sensational elopements with former Captain Geza Mattachich.
Princess Philipp (Princess Louise of Belgium) may have "considerable difficulty" with the accusations made by her estranged husband, but she "may be relied upon to defend herself" by offering "equally grievous" charges against Prince Philipp. She proposes tp prove him guilty of "cruelty, neglect, infidelity," as well as drunkenness. She will also sue him for "conspiracy and perjury" for having her incarcerated in a mental institution even though she was sane.
This new scandal appears to be as "unsavory as any that have gone before in connection with the Coburgs."
It also seems that Prince Philipp has lost the support of Austrian Emperor Franz Josef, who on previous occasions, threatened to banish Philipp unless he provided financial assistance to his wife.
The estranged couple are Roman Catholic. They will not be able to remarry after their divorce, "unless they change their religion." Princess Philipp most probably will renounce her Catholic faith, in order to "legalize after a fashion, though tardily, her association" with Matttachich.
Neither the princess nor her lover have any financial resources. Her father, King Leopold II of the Belgian, is not in communication with her, nor is she on good terms with her sister, Princess Stephanie, Countess Lonyay.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Princess Eugenie's new job
Princess Eugenie of York is about to start a new job as Associate Director at Hauser & Wirth, a "top-tier" London art gallery.
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