Saturday, February 15, 2025

Books for sale

Weeding again --  Royal books, fiction. All the books for sale are good reads -- commuting, great for planes, trains, cruise ships, by the pool, watching TV, reading in bed!

Paperbacks are $12 each.  Hardcovers are $18.00.   The cost includes media mail postage.  U.S. residents only.  The link for payment is at the bottom.  Please don't forget to include the book titles(s) you want and your name and address.  Many thanks. 


The Hulu series was excellent

Kate Morton is a wonderful writer.  This is her most recent book.  I have read all of her books.

I could not put this book down.  

In French

Scholarly work

Another book I could not put down

Enjoyable read ... multi-layered

The backdrop is Princess Grace's wedding


A very heavy book

Edward's is the doyen of Royal photographers

Princess Feodora of Schleswig-Holstein

The first book about King Charles

Surprisingly good for Andrew Morton

Photo book - text in Swedish and English

Here is the link to purchase the books.  Please include the titles of the books and your address.  If more than one person wants the same book, the first person gets it - and the second person's money is refunded.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Happy big brothers

Both photos @HRH Prince Carl Philip

Princes Alexander, Gabriel and Julian of Sweden meet their newborn sister, Princess Ines.

Mail Call

Here is a selection of Christmas and thank you cards I have received in the last few months.  I have chosen not to publish all the cards I have received, as some families do not want their photos published.