Saturday, October 3, 2009

She just doesn't get it

Grania needs help! Perhaps she should read my book, Queen Victoria's Descendants. She also needs to be treated for a serious illness. It's time she gets medical help. I have blocked her email address. 
 marlene get off my case - you are waisting your time - grania omalley was invented in the mid sixties by a nun in southampton in order to get an insurance number there was not a birth cert available at that time [highly unlikely] - so they invented one through baptism grainne omalley!! - so who is grania or grainne omalley - you do not know do you? - wake up - only the person who is writing my autobiography shall know the truth about me grania mountbatten and it will be published. you do not reach to my standard - you will never have the documents i have researched for many long years now - i have clarified all generations from 1917 of my mountbatten family on record - lawyers messed things up - anti german - my family are British we are no longer german and as for my father side of things he is british by birth and member of the british royal family whether you or lawyers like it or not - i have the royal license granted to my mother lady iris to marry hamilton and other royal lisences beatrice for example - my documents i need to request permision to publish - so forget it - you cannot have what i have - find someone else to witch hunt - i will contact burks land of gentry that he needs to update his information - lawyers did that not my father - my father never denied my id and as for the sons you talk about- no we are not related . they are eleanor okelly´s sons she is daughter of nora agnes bland (aka Mrs. depenthany-okelly) heiress of kippax park (a Baroness) - one cannot force people to be someone they are not marlene - if you had done your homework you would of known who i am great great granddaughter of queen victoria - all in the courts - titio - regards Grania 

 There was no "royal license" for Iris' marriage, which was considered a scandal because Hamilton was Roman Catholic. The marriage ended shortly afterward. No children. Period. Full stop. 

 You are the sister to Charles, Patrick (deceased), Dermot and Owen. Sadie was your mother, Grania. Do not deny your real, albeit deceased, mother.


Bev Stephans said...

Since when did Burke's Landed Gentry become Burks land of gentry?

Rebecca A Emrich said...

at first I thought it was a joke, but I can't believe that someone would think it possible to suggest that they are something they are not, and to make such mistakes.