Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Victoria Feodorovna predicts monarchy's return

December 9, 1926 

"I feel that our people want a monarchy," Grand Duchess Victoria Feodorovna said in response to the question: "Do you believe that the Russians want a monarchy, or are they satisfied with the present form of government?"

 The Grand Duchess, who had "maintained a strict silence on political questions" since her arrival in New York City, "relaxed her rule" today during an interview with newspaper reporters in her suite at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel. She reiterated that she did not want to discuss politics and that her trip to the United States was to thank Americans for their financial support of Russian refugees." 

One reporter asked if he thought that the Russian people were calling her family back to Russia. Victoria's husband, Grand Duke Kirill, recently proclaimed himself as the Emperor in exile. "Yes, very much so. Yes, they are calling us. Every sane person knows that they are dissatisfied with the government. Just read the statistics and you will find out why. But I cannot talk politics with you, and I hope you will not stress what I have just said, but will only say that I am not here for any political motive."

 This was in response to a recent Associated Press report that Grand Duke Kirill will soon be asked to leave Coburg because of his new claims and that he is not "popular with many of the Romanoffs and former officials from the Petrograd court." 

 The Grand Duchess said she read the report but dismissed it. "It is not true. It is just some more propaganda. That report has been printed many times before." One reporter asked her if she had been shopping. The Grand Duchess smiled, and said: "Shopping? They do not give me time for that." 

She also discussed that she is enjoying crossword puzzles, but is not having much success. "I have tried three, and have not solved one. She thinks that Russians might enjoy such puzzles. "The whole world is a puzzle just now." She was also asked about New Yorkers. "Do you find that New Yorkers really rush around as much as they are said to do?" "Yes, I do," she replied," and I enjoy seeing it. I like to see people who get a move on." 

The Grand Duchess also expressed her "advocacy of careers for women," and said that Russian women "are independent to a large degree and very serious."

 Victoria Feodorovna said she did not "have all the attainments of her sister, Queen Marie of Rumania," who is an accomplished writer and painter. The Grand Duchess said she has painted, as well, and has exhibited her work in Nice and southern France. 

Later today, the Grand Duchess and her suite will leave for Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., and will return to New York City at the weekend.

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