Monday, December 8, 2008

King Peter II arrives in New York

 December 8, 1948 

 King Peter II of Yugoslavia arrived in New York City today, accompanied by his wife, Alexandra, and three-year-old son, Alexander. The King, who has been in exile since 1941, and who lost his throne in 1945, questioned the wisdom of the United States extending economic aid to Marshall Tito "in an effort to widen the rift" between the Yugoslav dictator and the other members of the Cominform." 

The "youthful, exiled Balkan monarch asserted" that the US aid would only strengthen Marshall Tito's position, and not bring about a rift between Yugoslavia and the other Soviet satellites." "Tito has always gone out 100 percent for the Soviet Union," Peter declared. "He is still going on attacking the United States."

King Peter was asked about a committee that was being formed in the USA and in Europe to plan Tito's overthrow. The king acknowledged that he had heard of the movement, but "I have nothing to do with it myself." He added, however, that he would support such a committee. The Yugoslav royal family arrived on the Queen Mary, which arrived eight days behind schedule due to a longshoreman strike, heavy fog over England, and rough seas. 

The king and his family will remain in New York for two months.

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