Friday, January 21, 2011

Zog seeks very rich American bride


January 21, 1935

Wanted: a $1,000,000 American bride with enough intelligence and courage" to help the bachelor, King Zog of Albania reform the "backward and sometimes violent little mountain kingdom," according to an Associated Press dispatch.

The "not bad looking king" is serious about finding a million-dollar American bride. He even asked for the assistance of Charles C. Hart, the American minister in Albania, to "look over the field in the United States.  Hart came back with a list of possible candidates, including Miss Natalie Hays Hammond, only daughter of John Hays Hammond, a"millionaire mining engineer, and promoter."

Miss Hammond  "failed to qualify" for the position of Queen as her personal income fell below the required $1,000,000.

Zog also paid attention to a very pretty Viennese blonde, "but it appeared that her lack of money and titled prevented a royal match."

The king wants very much to "reform his little backward mountain kingdom," and has already instituted a western code of justice in "place of medieval vendetta and blood feuds."  Italy has been providing financial support to Albania in "the hope of making a staunch ally,"  but has become "tired of holding the bag."  

Zog is "now said to be looking for new financial backing," including a very rich American bride.

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