Wednesday, January 19, 2011

No California honeymoon for Carol and Helen

January 18, 1921

Crown Prince Carol of Roumania and Princess Helen of Greece plan to be married soon, perhaps by the end of the month.  They would like to spend their honeymoon in California, but because of the "distance from Greece" they will be compelled to "confine their tour to European countries,"  the Crown Prince said today, according to the Associated Press.  

"It would be very pleasant to go to America again, but it is too far," the Crown Prince said.

"We shall probably spend a little time in Tatoi, later go to the Summer Palace at Sinai, Rumania, and then motor through Italy and Spain."
Crown Prince Carol visited the United States last fall on his way home following a world tour.

It is also reported today that Carol's sister, Princess Marie was betrothed to King Boris of Bulgaria.  Earlier rumors that she was engaged to Prince Regent Alexander of Serbia were denied by her brother, Carol.

Carol's parents, King Ferdinand and Queen Marie may come to Athens for the wedding, but "nothing definite has been decided."  The Crown Prince is living in King Constantine's palace, but "complains it is overcrowded with Princes."  He occupies much of his time by playing tennis and motoring with his fiancee and her sisters.

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