Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Grand Duke Alexander comes to Chicago to see son


 January 12, 1929

Grand Duke Alexander is in Chicago today to visit his son, Prince Rostislav, who has made his home in the Windy City.

When asked about the Russian emperor, he said: " Emperor? We have no none. There is no empire so there can be no emperor"
But only a few minutes later, he referred to his cousin, Grand Duke Cyril, as emperor, telling reporters that he sought "Emperor Cyril's" consent for Prince Rostislav's marriage.

Alexander said Rostislav is living "incognito" in Chicago. He would not tell reporters where the bride and groom were living. He said Rostislav's bride "is a Russian of high birth" but is not a member of a ruling family, so permission was required for the marriage. "We who submit to Cyril's rule consult his wishes in family matters."

The Grand Duke, who is staying at the Hotel Stevens in Chicago, said there had been some confusion over the role of the late Grand Duke Nicholas, who died a week ago in France. Alexander wanted to confirm that Nicholas had not been named as the emperor in exile."
"There can be but one legal emperor," Alexander explained. "By the law of succession, Grand Duke Cyril is emperor. Grand Duke Nicholas never pretended to claim the throne. He was chosen as the leader of the White movement, as head of the colony of Russian refugees in Europe. He was honored thus because he had been the commander of the Russian armies.
"I think that Grand Duke Cyril should now be recognized as the leader and emperor both. It is stupid to have two leaders of the royal families, and Cyril is meritorious of the leadership.

"Grand Duke Nicholas was ninth in the line of succession. I am eleventh, but I hope all the others live, for I don't want to be the emperor. I wish merely to get the Whites returned to Russia, and to have Russia live under a law of love and of God, instead of the materialistic jamming together of human beings -- like animals in pens -- which is Russia today."

His visit to Chicago was a surprise for Rostislav. "I wished to surprise my son so when I came here yesterday I went to his place of business. It took me a long time to find him, but at last I came upon him. He straightened up at my approach and there before him was his papa!"

Grand Duke Alexander believes that Russia will soon free itself of Bolshevism. "Maybe it will come in a week - it might be three years."
He is a "tall, stooping, slender man with a face strongly resembling" the late Nicholas II. Alexander is married to Nicholas' sister, Xenia. They have six sons and one daughter. The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess live largely separate lives as he resides in Paris, and she lives in England.

 Grand Duke Alexander is on a lecture tour here in the States. He will be in Iowa City tomorrow, and then travel to Minneapolis before returning to Chicago for another lecture. His lecture is a "spiritual message of love and religion for the redemption of Russia.

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