Thursday, September 1, 2011

Franz Ferdinand not to marry Grand Duchess Helen

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September 1, 1899

Do not believe the rumors about a marriage between Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and Grand Duchess Helen of Russia, "who recently jilted the now crazy Max of Baden."   The Marquise de Fontenoy, in her latest dispatch, said that "those responsible for the circulation of this story" are apparently unaware of a clause in Austria-Hungary's constitution "which debars the heir to the throne from marrying anyone who is not Catholic by birth."

There is only one example of an Austrian archduke marrying a Russian grand duchess, but he was "exceedingly remote to the succession.  If he had been closer to the throne, the marriage would not have taken place.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand is said to be looking for a wife "exclusively royal and imperial Princesses who have been born and reared as Roman Catholics and who belong to Roman Catholic families."

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