Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Carol is sad as he talks about former wife


 August 25, 1920

Crown Prince Carol of Roumania, with emotion in his voice, gave an interview tonight where he talked about his marriage to "20-year-old, titleless, dowerless Mme. Zizi Lambrino and the subsequent annulment by his royal parents."

"I do not care to bring up past sorrows. The incident is closed and I only look forward to the discharge of my duties as Crown Prince of Roumania and heir to the throne."
When he returns to Roumania, he said he would rejoin the army and "assume command of his old mountain regiment."
Carol, who is visiting New York City, said: "My present visit to the United States is only an informal and unofficial one, but I intend to pay an official and longer visit sometime later, probably with the queen, next spring.

"I am very much impressed by the beauty and charm of the American women; the tall buildings they are wonderful.

"Your prohibition seems to be working well, but in my country, where we drink light wines and beer in modest quantities, there is no need for prohibition.

"I have seen with great pleasure that Roumania has many friends in the United States, and I am convinced that it would have many more if the country and the conditions at home were better known here. All Roumanians have kept in their hearts most grateful remembrances of the admirable work done by the American Red Cross and the American relief mission.

"We will never forget, in our great need, the generous and unselfish American help to a starving and brave ally. I have been able to see that those who came and who know our country and its peasants have learned to love and appreciate Roumania."

Crown Prince Carol said that since the end of the war, Roumania's size had doubled, and its population had grown to nearly 20,000,000. He said, "Roumania had so many natural products that it would soon become one of the richest countries in Europe."

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