Friday, April 2, 2010

Frogmore gets new residents


 April 2, 1900

According to the Marquise de Fontenoy, Frogmore House, on the Windsor estate, will have new occupants.  Prince and Princess Louis of Battenberg are moving into the house, which is being lent to them by the Princess' grandmother, Queen Victoria. It is "an old-fashioned house, surrounded by a pretty and well-shaded garden of its own."

For many years, Frogmore was the home of Queen Victoria's aunt, Princess Augusta, a daughter of George III. It subsequently became the residence of the Queen's mother, the Duchess of Kent. Since the duchess died in 1861, the house has had two tenants. The Prince and Princess of Wales lived in the house during the first year of the marriage. The Prince of Wales "detested" Frogmore, considering it "too damp," and too close to his mother, at Windsor. So the Prince remained with his wife until he had "exhausted the stock of rare wine he found in the cellars. "  His doctors informed the Queen that "his health would be affected seriously if he continued to reside there any longer."


 After the Prince and Princess of Wales moved out, Frogmore was occupied for several months by Prince and Princess Christian while their new home, Cumberland Lodge, was being renovated.

Prince and Princess Louis have three children, Princess Alice, Prince George, and Princess Louise. A fourth child is expected this summer.

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