Sunday, August 18, 2024

Day 8 June 15 - Trooping the Colour

Up very early for the Trooping as I wanted a good spot by 7 a.m.  My usual place on the Mall for the Trooping was by Canada Gate, a good spot for the procession and the balcony.  The area was closed off for the Platinum Jubilee and the Coronation.   Got out at Green Park and walked toward Canada Gate, only to be told the area was closed.  I decided to walk toward Horseguards as I knew this would be the first area opened to walk toward the Palace for the balcony appearance.  The area filled up quickly. 

The day's weather promised sunshine.  The sun was shining when I arrived.  Soon, however, dark clouds appeared and then opened.  Torrential rain means CLOSED CARRIAGES. 


See how nice it was at 8 a.m.

I stool here at the Duke of York steps

The procession to the Horse Guards for the Trooping the Colour begins.

Seamus, the Irish Wolfhound, who is the official regimental mascot for the Irish Guards

Keeping in step, Seamus looks smart in his uniform

The soldier cannot bend down to tie his shoe

Here comes the Duchess of Edinburgh and Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor

The Duke (hidden) and Duchess of Gloucester waving and Sir Timothy Laurence

Here comes the King and Queen.

A little boy's day is made

The Trooping

The official photographer.  He spotted me snapping him and he walked over to talk with me. We chatted for a few minutes about our cameras.

The skies opened as the Trooping ended and the procession started toward the palace.

The Duchess of Edinburgh

The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester 

It is pouring 

The King and Queen with the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Edinburgh, and the Princess Royal on horseback.

Thundering now, scaring the horses

The Prince of Wales on the left

Princess Royal rode Noble, a horse that belongs to King Charles III

The Princess of Wales with Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis of Wales

And then the sun came back out.  We fell into line behind the police .. I wove through the crowd, using my eyes and never hitting anyone.  It is a NY-NJ thing.  When  I got to the palace, I was in the front row behind the police.  I was surprised to see Paul Ratcliffe standing next to me.  We were soaked.  Paul takes amazing photos at royal events.  I joked about having to stand, as I turned 70 yesterday.  One of the police heard me and wished me a  Happy Birthday. He asked those around us, including the other police officers to sing Happy Birthday... underneath the balcony.  I was chuffed.

Paul Ratcliffe and I

It took time to get out of the courtyard and walk to Piccadilly where I visited Hatchards and Fortnum and Mason.  I had lunch and tea at the same time.

Scotch eggs for lunch and then dessert - scones and tea

A stop in Leicester Square to see my friend Paddington

 Took the Underground to Oxford Street.  I stopped in at Selfridges to see what foreign magazines were available.  I no longer can buy Point de Vue or other foreign language magazines in northern Virginia.  Barnes & Noble stopped carrying them some years ago.  Last year, they stopped receiving Hello.  I also stopped in at Marks & Spencer and Boots before jumping on a bus to head back to Oxford Street.

I wanted to have dinner at the Angus Steakhouse near the tube stop.   I can't remember what I had, but I think it was steak salad.  When I got the bill, I unzipped my fanny pack, only to find my wallet gone.  Inside the wallet were two credit cards and my driver's license.  My passport was in my suitcase in the AirBnB.  There was no money in the wallet.

The staff, especially the manager, were awesome.  The manager called the police, and I filed a report.  He let me use his office where I called the two credit card companies to cancel the cards.  Neither card was used.  I did not have to worry about the bill.  Thank you.  One of the waitresses asked me if I had enough on my Oyster to get where I was staying. I did.   Everyone hugged me before I left.  I am so grateful for their kindness.

For several hours I felt stranded as I did not have cash and no credit card.   As soon as I got back to Battersea, I called two friends, both of whom made sure I was all right -- and lent me money to get through the rest of the week.  

Thank you, Katrina and Paul.  Love you both.

I made a cup of tea and settled on the couch to watch TV, feeling better, and knowing I was not stranded in London.  Tomorrow was a special day as Paul was coming into London to take me to lunch for my birthday -- this celebration was planned months earlier.  


Christina O. said...

Happy Birthday, Marlene! You captured so many wonderful photos, my favorite was the stellar photo of Princess Charlotte waving to you from the coach!

Marlene Eilers Koenig said...

Thank you. A fun trip even with rain