Sunday, August 18, 2024

Holy Moly Royal Musings Hits 24 million readers


More than 24 million people have visited Royal Musings since July 2008.  Hitting 24 million happened in the past few hours.

We help mom write the blog .. and give her ideas

We love it when you visit Royal Musings

24 million!!   How much is that in cat treats

I am only 3 and 3/4 years old -- I am so overwhelmed by the numbers

We all thank you. 

Did you hear Royal Musings has reached more than 24 million readers?


Wendy Hunter said...

Congratulations, Marlene! Well- deserved!

Christina O. said...

Congratulations, Marlene! I love reading your posts, they take me all over the world.

Andrea said...

Congratulation and greetings to Harper and Fleur.
