Monday, April 29, 2024

Paul Lambrino detained in Malta

April 29, 2024 

Paul Lambrino, who presents himself as Prince Paul of Romania, has been "detained in Malta," according to the Times of Malta.  Lambrino, 73, was arrested while "attending an event organized by the Knights of Malta."

In November 2020, he was found guilty of "corruption related to the illegal restitution" of former royal property.  Lambrino was sentenced to 3.5 years.  When law enforcement showed up at his Bucharest home to bring him to prison, they discovered he had already fled the country.    It was in June 2022 that he was found in a cafe in Paris' 9th arrondissement, where he was arrested and taken to jail.  Romanian law enforcement officials requested Lambrino's extradition, which was rejected by a French court on April 8.   Their decision was based on "the illegal composition of the Romanian judiciary panel", stating one of the judges who sentenced Lambrino, had not yet taken the oath of office. 

"Romania's minister of justice, Alina Gorghiu, said the French court "exceeded its competencies in the recent ruling."

"This fugitive is just as important as another fugitive in Romania.  In the procedure, the Ministry of Justice was not passive at any moment. We sent all the requested documents in time, as well as the situation of the detention conditions, where he was to be incarcerated, which was in accordance with  European standards."

Lambrino was arrested on April 28 "on the strength of a European Arrest warrant.  He appeared in court today and was denied bail "due to the seriousness of the charges against him."

Romania will seek extradition

In court, Lambrino stated he resided in Paris and gave his profession as a "member of the royal family."

He was accompanied by his wife, Lia.

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