Monday, April 29, 2024

Another baby for Carina and Gustav

 Princess Benedikte, celebrating her 80th birthday today, told the Siegener Zeitung that she would spend the day with her daughters, Alexandra and Nathalie, both her sisters, Queen Margrethe and Queen Anne Marie, her grandchildren, and friends. She noted that her son, Gustav, and his wife, Carina, would not attend her birthday celebration.

The Prince and Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berlenburg had a good reason to be absent from Princess Benedikte's party.  On April 26,  Gustav and Carina became parents for the second time.  Their daughter was born on April 26 in an American hospital,   The new princess was born with the help of a surrogate mother.

A spokesman for the prince and princess released this statement.

"They have had a daughter. Everyone involved is doing well and is very happy. The child was born on Friday, 26 April.

The couple's first child, Prince Gustav Albrecht, was born through a surrogate mother on May 26, 2023.

The Prince and Princess were present for the birth of their daughter.

Both children were born in the United States.

The new baby is Princess Benedikte's sixth grandchild.  One grandson, Konstantin Johannsmann was confirmed in the Lutheran church on April 27.   The confirmation service took place at the Evangelische Stadtkirche in Bad Berleburg.  Princess Benedikte was joined by her daughters and other family members.

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