Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Grand Duke Henri and King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia tests positive for Covid


This is a Google translation of a press release I received today.

"Following a self-test carried out today which turned out to be positive, His Royal Highness the Grand Duke placed himself this morning in self-isolation in accordance with the provisions provided for by the Directorate of Health.

A PCR test carried out subsequently confirmed this result and the Head of State is in isolation, in accordance with the provisions of the amended law of July 17, 2020, on measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Grand Duke is currently showing mild symptoms and will continue to perform his duties."

"Suite à un auto-test effectué ce jour qui s'est avéré positif, Son Altesse Royale le Grand-Duc s'est placé ce matin en auto-isolement conformément aux dispositions prévues par la Direction de la Santé.

Un test PCR effectué par la suite a confirmé ce résultat et le Chef d’État est en isolement, conformément aux dispositions prévues par la loi modifiée du 17 juillet 2020 sur les mesures de lutte contre la pandémie COVID-19.

Le Grand-Duc présente actuellement des légers symptômes et continuera à exercer ses functions."


 and from the Swedish court

"King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia, who are fully vaccinated with three syringes, have mild symptoms and feel well under the circumstances.   

The Royal couple have isolated themselves in their home in accordance with current rules of conduct and infection tracking is ongoing."

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