Sunday, September 11, 2022

The Queen

I took these photos in the 1980s and 1990s before digital photography.  I had a 35mm but did not have any zoom lenses. 

State visit 1992

Kentucky May 1989

Trooping  1991.  You can see the Hon Leonora Knatchbull in a red hat, bottom right.  She died four months later

Lanes's End Farm May 1989

The wedding of the Duke and Duchess of York  1986

Arlington National Cemetery

With Mrs. Bush visiting a school in DC

Shakespeare Theatre to see a production of King Lear

Mount Vernon, home of George Washington.   The Queen dedicated the newly renovated wharf.

the Garden Party at the British Embassy . right at me

the wedding of then Viscount Linley and the Hon. Serena Stanhope

Will and Sarah Farish and the Queen at Lane's End Farm, Versailles, Kentucky

Can't remember this one
Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh 1986


Elaine said...

Great photos and thank you for sharing them with us. Such amazing memories to cherish. Elaine Hayes

Christina O. said...

You saw Queen Elizabeth in person, and were up close too (Presidents and dignitaries, too). That's a lesson, VIPs exists in real life not just on the internet. They can be engaged with.

Noore said...

Do you know if Amb. and Mrs Farrish are attending the funeral? They had the honour of being personal friends of HM.

Marlene Eilers Koenig said...

Noore, no idea ... if they are invited - it would be their decision to make that public.