Sunday, December 30, 2018

Royal Portraits come to Texas

I traveled to Austin, Texas, for Thanksgiving Break to spend the holiday with friends.  We drove to Houston (about 2.5 hours) to see the Tudors to Windsors exhibit at Houston's Museum of Fine Arts.  Most portraits were on loan from the National Portrait Gallery in London.

The ceiling lights did not work well with my flash, which explains the dots on many of the photographs.

I have visited the National Portrait Gallery in London on numerous occasions.  I did not have time to visit during my May 2018 trip  -- there was a royal wedding that seemed to be taking precedence, so this exhibit offered an opportunity to see several new portraits and photographs.

If you are unable to make a quick trip to Houston,  you can purchase the companion book by David Cannadine.

The exhibit travels to  Australia, in 2019.

One of my favorite paintings - Charles II and his siblings

My other favorite royal portrait from the NPG


Tracy M. said...

Nice photos, thanks for sharing!! But the tiara being held by hands in one of the photos looks fake. It looks like it's got hair grabbers on it.

Marlene Eilers Koenig said...

That is because it is the store ... NPG does not have tiaras

Gammyjill said...

How many hours would you say the show takes to go through? Thanks

Andy Axon, Manchester said...

What a wonderful exhibition of some of the most famous NPG works. The walls in London must be looking very bare whilst these great works are on loan. Thanks you for posting these.
Andy, Manchester.

Marlene Eilers Koenig said...

Gammyjill -- however long it takes you to take it all in ... also the food in the museum's cafe is excellent

Unknown said...

I didn't understand that display until your comment here. I thought, that doesn't look like any tiara I've seen!