Saturday, April 21, 2012

Royal weddings -- updates

HRH Princess Maria Carolina of Bourbon-Parma, daughter of Princess Irene of the Netherlands and the late Duke of Parma, and Albert Brenninkmeijer were married today in a civil ceremony in Wijk bij Duurstede.

Princess Irene lives in this town.  The groom is a member of the C&A clothing store dynasty, and is very rich.   Princess Irene and Maria Carolina's brother, Carlos, Duke of Parma, and his very pregnant wife, Annemarie, attended the ceremony.

The religious wedding will take place in Florence on June 16.

Yesterday, in Istanbul,  HSH Prince Rudolf of Liechtenstein married Miss Tilsim Tanberk, a member of a very wealthy Turkish family.   The groom is the son of Prince Philipp and Princess Isabelle of Liechtenstein.  He is a nephew of Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein. 

Guests at the wedding festivities included Princess Michael of Kent,  the Crown Prince of Belgium and Prince Michel of Yugoslavia.


John said...

Marlene was Princess Michael there as friend to the family? Not in any official sense?

Marlene Eilers Koenig said...

Of course. This was not a state wedding, an official wedding. Prince Rudolf's father is a younger brother of the Sovereign Prince of Liechtenstein. This branch of the family does not live in Liechtenstein or take part in the day to day events. It was a society wedding

Anonymous said...

prince felix of luxembourg and some of his relatives including his uncle were also at the wedding