Monday, April 16, 2012

George & Mary horrified at Titanic disaster

April 16, 1912

King George V sent the following message to the White Star company:  "The Queen and I are horrified at the appalling disaster which has happened to the Titanic and at the terrible loss of life.  We deeply sympathize with the bereaved relatives and feel for them in their great sorrow with all our hearts.  George R I."

Queen Mother Alexandra also sent a message of sympathy to White Star: "It is with feelings of deepest sorrow that I hear of the terrible disaster to the Titanic and of the awful loss of life.  My heart is full of grief and sympathy for the bereaved families of those who have perished."

The Duke of Connaught, the Governor-General of Canada, issued a statement through his secretary:  "I desire to express through the owners of the Titanic my very deep and heartfelt sympathy with the relations and friends of those who have lost their lives in this terrible catastrophe."

The White Star Line has also received messages of sympathy from Kaiser Wilhelm II and his brother, Prince Henry of Prussia.

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