Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Nicholas criticizes brother

January 2, 1926

Prince Nicholas of Romania, second son of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie, is openly criticizing his older brother, Carol, for renouncing his rights to the throne, according to a dispatch to the Chicago Daily Tribune.

Nicholas, 23,  told the press:  "I have not seem my brother for three months when he went to Italy -- Venice, I believe -- and I do not expect to see him again.  Carol has done an unforgivable thing and I am glad the family kicked him out.  I have not heard whether he is getting a divorce and intends to remarry Zizi, but that is probable, as he apparently never forgot his first wife and did not get along well with Princess Helen of Greece.  The fact that Helen is with my people at Sinaia palace, outside Bucharest, indicates that they are separated.  Carol always complained that he lacked sufficient money and preferred to live in Paris rather than Romania."

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