Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Greek queens feud

September 2, 1916 

 An "ex-attache" writes in the Chicago Daily Tribune that there is a feud in Athens between Queen  Sophie, and her mother-in-law, Queen Olga. The writer alleges that Sophie, a Prussian princess by birth, and the Kaiser's sister, supports Germany, while the former Grand Duchess Olga of Russia, supports, naturally, Russia in the current conflict. 

 Sophie is described as "masterful," in the manner of her exercising political influence over her husband, King Constantine, in the last two years. 

 These influences, it is alleged, "defy the wishes" of the King's subjects.

Queen Olga, who is currently in Petrograd, believes that "Greece owes everything to Russia." The family ties are also strong. Empress Marie Feodorovna is the sister of Olga's late husband King George I. Olga's two daughters, Alexandra and Marie, married Russian Grand Dukes, and one son, Nicholas, married Grand Duchess Helen.

 [As it turned out, Olga was correct in her assessment.  For more on Sophie's real feelings see:

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