Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is Marie of Roumania the most beautiful princess in Europe

September 17, 1904

That's the question posed by the Chicago Daily Tribune.

According to Paris, "the tribunal of beauty," Princess Marie of Roumania is "beyond question the most beautiful princess in Europe." All princesses are supposed to be beautiful, surmises the writer of this fluff piece, "but in most cases they are the plainest of plain mortals, but Marie of Roumania would be declared beautiful even if she were a peasant girl."

She is "happily married," to Crown Prince Ferdinand of Roumania and is the mother of three "handsome children." Her marriage was arranged and political in every sense of the word, but it is a "happy one." Marie, who is 28 years old, lives in a "picturesque palace at Bucharest. She also has a summer palace at Sinaia "over which artists grow enthusiastic."

Marie "personally superintends the education of her children," and she has "a fine education herself." The Crown Princess speaks four languages, and is an accomplished musician and artist. She also is a "great lover of sports, and spends a lot of time riding her horse. She also has a "great interest in the army," and "is a great idol of the soldiers who serve under her husband."


Unknown said...

"The beautiful and the innocent have no enemy but time." W.B. Yeats

Poignantly apt in the case of Marie of Roumania.

JMofsky said...

I need her PR company. Happily married and superintendents her children’s education.