Saturday, September 28, 2024

Princess Theodora weds American Matthew Kumar

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 Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark married American Matthew Kumar in a Greek Orthodox ceremony at Athens Metropolitan Cathedral.  Her bridesmaids included Princess Maria Olympia of Greece and Denmark and Arrietta Morales y de Grecia.  Crown Prince Pavlos' sons also had roles in the service.

The guests included Crown Prince Alexander, one of Theodora's godfathers, and Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia, the Duke and Duchess of Aosta with Marina Karella, widow of Prince Michael of Greece, Prince and Princess Christian of Hanover with his mother, Chantal Hochuli,  

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 Theodora's family at the wedding including Queen Anne-Marie, Crown Prince Pavlos and Crown Princess Marie Chantal and their five children,  Princess Alexia and Carlos Morales Quintana and their four children,  Prince Nikolaos, Prince Philippos and Princess Nina,  Queen Sofia of Spain with Infantas Elena and Cristina and Miguel and Irene Urdangarin, Princess Benedikte of Denmark, the Prince and Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Princess Alexandra of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg and her husband, Count Michael Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille.

This post will be updated later tonight after I get home from a baseball game.  

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