Monday, September 2, 2024

Princess Marie Christine of Liechtenstein celebrates a centenary birthday


On September 2, 1924, HI & RH Duchess Helene of Württemberg gave birth to a daughter, HRH Duchess Marie Christine Helene Philippine Albertine Margarethe Amélie Elisabeth Therese Rosa Josepha Antonia Hedwig Aloysia, in Tübingen.  The baby was born eleven months after Helene, an archduchess of Austria, married HRH Hereditary Duke Philipp Albrecht Carl Maria Joseph Ludwig Hubertus Stanislaus Leopold of Württemberg.

Their marriage took place at Altshausen on October 24, 1923.  Philipp was the eldest of seven children of Albrecht Maria Alexander Philipp Joseph, Duke of Württemberg (1865-1939) and Archduchess Margarete Sophie of Austria (1870-1902).

Archduchess Helene of Austria and Duke Philipp of Württemberg

Duchess Helene Marie Alice Christine Josefa Anna Margareta Madeleine Walburga Blandina Cäcilie Philomena Carmela Ignatia Rita de Cascia died six days after giving birth to Marie Christine.  She was one month short of her 21st birthday.  

Four years later, Duke Philipp married Helene's sister Archduchess Rosa.  They had six children.  Duke Wilhelm,  the current head of the House of Württemberg, is the grandson of Philipp and Rosa's son Carl (1936-2022).

Duchess Marie Christine was married on September 23, 1948, at Schloss Altshausen to HSH Prince Georg Hartmann Maria Josef Franz de Paula Aloys Ignatius Benediktus Martin of Liechtenstein (1911-1998), son of HSH Prince Aloys Gonzaga Maria Adolf of Liechtenstein and HI & RH Archduchess Elisabeth Amalia of Austria.  

In 1923, Prince Aloys renounced his rights to his eldest son, Franz Josef, who succeeded his cousin, Franz, Prince of Liechtenstein, in 1947.

Prince Georg was Franz Josef II's youngest brother.

Marie Christine and Georg were the parents of seven children: 

* Margarita Maria Helene Rosa Aloisia Philippine Elisabeth Georgine Josefa Konrada Pia Ignatia (1950-25 Jul 2013), married Johannes Peter Klien (1946-2014)

*  Maria Assunta Elisabeth Philippine Rosa Helene Aloisia Georgine Josefa Benedikta Pia Ignatia (1952), married Harald Link (1955)

*  Isabelle Maria Helene Carolina Alfreda Josefa Monika Pia Georgine Hemma Henriette Ignatia (1954), married Raimund, Countzu Erbach-Fürstenau (1951-2017)

*  Christoph Alois Maria Ferdinand Josef Philipp Pius Konrad Thaddäus Ruppert Paulus Ignatius (1958)

* Marie Helene Diane Rosa Elisabeth Aloysia Philippine Josefa Gabriella Pia Antonia Ignatia (1960)

*  Georgina Maria Agnes Philippine Elisabeth Ignatia (1962); married  Count Clemens von Waldburg zu Zeil und Trauchburg (1960)

*  Michaela Maria Henriette Ulrike Aloysia (1969), married  Alexander Heuken (1977)

Princess Marie Christine's grandson, Louis Christian Albrecht Kraft Nils is the current Count of Erbach-Fürstenau.   Princess Georgina's eldest son, Count Maximilian von Waldburg zu Zeil und Trauchberg (1992) is the future head of the Waldburg-Zeil family as his father's first cousin, Erich, Prince of Waldburg zu Zeil, has no sons, and next in the line of succession, is Georgina's husband, Count Clemens.

On September 1, a mass was held in Princess Marie Christine's honor in Ratzenried, Württemberg.

Embed from Getty Images 

 The photos were taken by a friend, who is the copyright holder.


JACC said...

How would you ever fit so many given names onto an official form?!

Andrea said...


Greetings to Harper and Fleur.
