Monday, October 3, 2022

More from Joachim and Marie


This past weekend Prince Joachim and Princess Marie met with a reporter from the Danish newspaper, B.T.  It was the first time they left their home in three days.

Prince Joachim, the younger son of Queen Margrethe II, said he had been only five days to talk to his family about the Queen's decision.  Lene Balleby, the head of the palace's communications department, disputes this statement, telling the press that the Prince had known about the Queen's decision since last May.  

[I used Google Translate to translate this article from Danish into English.]

The French-born Princess Marie has acknowledged that their relationship with Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary is "complicated."   

Have you heard from the Crown Prince and Crown Princess?

"No," says Princess Marie.

Prince Joachim responded: "No, unfortunately,"

How is your relationship?

"As it is," says Princess Marie.

"As it can be," adds Prince Joachim.

"It's complicated, namely. That's it,' says Princess Marie.

Has the Queen tried to talk to you?

"Unfortunately not," says Prince Joachim, adding:  "It's also family. Or whatever we want to call it.'

Communication between the Danish Royal House and Prince Joachim and Princess Marie appears to have completely broken down.

When asked about the Queen's original press last Wednesday, Princess Marie said:  "We would have liked to have had time to talk about it."

What do you think this is about?'

Prince Joachim and his wife share their disappointment  with the stripping of their children's titles with B.T.'s reporter, Jacob Heinel

"That's a good question. I don't think it's modern to have some injured children,' says Princess Marie as she mentions the slimming down of the royal family.

 Prince Joachim interrupts his wife by adding: "The reality must still be: whether you modernize or slim down, it must be done in a proper way. It's about children. Orderliness and children. It is a very heavy matter."

All four of Joachim's children will lose their title of Prince or Princess of Denmark and the style of HH (His or Her Highness) on January 1, 2023.  Nikolai, Felix, Henrik, and Athena will be styled as Counts and Countess Monpezat, a title in the Danish nobility that 


 Joachim was quiet in his response to a question about his children's reaction to the loss of titles.

"I don't know how they feel if they have to think it through. Now is preparation time. We didn't have that."

Since 2019, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie and their two children have lived in France as their roles in Denmark have largely evaporated.  The prince studied at a French military academy, which led to the position of defense attaché at Denmark's embassy in Paris.

Princess Marie said in an interview in 2020 that it was not their decision to move to France.  They had moved from their home, Schackenborg to Copenhagen where they expected to take on more duties.  Instead, they found that they were not being offered as many duties as they had expected.


Princess Marie, we talked a few years ago that it was not your choice to move to France. Do you see this as part of a winding down of your family's role in the Royal House?

"Yes of course. But we have an active role in the Royal House, and I think that you should remember that. But we have always told our children that they must be independent and that they will not get appanage, but it is something else to take away a name," she said.

How do you proceed from here?

Marie's answer: "I do not know. We'll have to see."

The couple said they have a good relationship with all four children.  Nikolai and Felix are from Joachim's first marriage to Alexandra Manley.

"We have two lovely children here. And then we have two lovely children - I don't want to say on the phone every day. But we have a closeness. We are one and the same core,'' he said

Princess Marie acknowledges that names and titles are of course not the most important thing in a time when war and an energy crisis are unfolding on the European continent.

"I want to emphasize that of course there are some much more serious things in the world, especially these days. It is a bit strange to have to talk about your children's names and titles when we are facing some very serious challenges. But you have to remember the way children think. Children's conditions. And that is what is decisive," she said.

Prince Joachim noted it is "important to remember that the world of children is different from that of adults."

They have a different view of the world. And it is very close. In my job, my thoughts are often out in the big world. But right now we have given a full defense for our children. They also need to rest now,' he says.

Princess Marie said it will be difficult for the family to find peace because the Queen's decision has been reported in nearly every country. 

During the interview, a French woman approaches Joachim and Marie and tells them "that their children will always be princes and princesses to her." Joachim and Marie are left speechless and both begin to cry as the woman's words of comfort touched them deeply.

Joachim wanted to make clear that he and his wife are not considering leaving the Danish royal house, but will continue to do their "work in their own way," even of the family is "divided like never before," according to the B.T. reporter.

"We have never had any doubts about it. I hope no one doubts that,' says Princess Marie.

Prince Joachim added: "That's exactly what we do, after all. In each of our positions, we are representatives of Denmark and Danish interests. And the Royal House. And the Royal House's interests."

They also stated that they are done with talking about the family conflict and want to move on.

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