Friday, October 7, 2022

Patricia of Connaught to marry Michael of Russia


 October 7, 1906

Marriage has been arranged between Grand Duke Michael of Russia, 28, and Princess Patricia of Connaught.  Michael is the younger brother of Nicholas II and his future bride is the niece of King Edward, reports the Chicago Daily Tribune.

The betrothal occurred during the grand duke's recent trip to Copenhagen and Scotland. He left Copenhagen and "went directly to join the imperial party in Finnish waters and receive his brother's formal approval of the engagement."  Michael was "heartily congratulated by all the members of the imperial family."  He plans to leave Russia "in a day or two," and return to London, where the engagement will be announced after King Edward has given his consent.

His last visit to London was during the Boer war, when "feeling ran high and he was received with some hostility."  It is expected that the public's reaction will be very different when the official announcement is made of his "approaching marriage with the most popular of English princesses."

Grand Duke Michael has been one of the most "eligible royal bachelors in Europe," but he never "figured prominently in matrimonial gossip."  Several years ago there was talk of an engagement with his cousin, Grand Duchess Helen, who has since married Prince Nicholas of Greece.


Princess Patricia and Grand Duke Michael have known each other since childhood and "frequently met at the reunions of the Danish royal family."
Princess Patricia will be expected to "embrace the orthodox Russian faith, but the difference between the Anglican church is so small as to present no insuperable objections."  There are close ties between the British and Russian reigning houses. Grand Duke Michael's mother, the Danish-born Dowager Empress Marie, is the younger sister of Queen Alexandra, the wife of Edward VII.
Two of Patricia's first cousins have married into the Russian imperial family.  Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine is the wife of Nicholas II,  and her older sister, Elisabeth, is the widow of the assassinated Grand Duke Serge.

There are also reports that a marriage is being arranged between Grand Duchess Elisabeth and Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich.   Grand Duchess Elisabeth, who is in her 40s, is said to have an "attractive personality."

Princess Patricia of Connaught is the third and youngest child of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught.  She is one of the most "popular and probably the best looking of the younger of the British princesses.  The news of the engagement  is not yet official, but a "proposed alliance between the imperial and royal houses will prove popular."

The 20-year-old princess "has opinions of her own and strength of character enough to stick to them"  This was made apparent a few years ago when "her marriage to King Alfonso was mooted."  Despite family persuasion "she resolutely declined to entertain the suggestion," stating that she would never marry anyone she didn't love, "even to become a queen."

The Princess has traveled abroad numerous times and accompanied her father to India and South Africa.  She is very active in "social and charitable activities."

[The report was denied later in the day.  


Unknown said...

Thank God she didn't as she could have ended up a widow at best or murdered at the worst during the revolution.

Pilgrim's Progress said...

It was a surprise to "Patsy" and to GD Mikhail. Queen Alexandra and the Empress Marie (sisters) leaked the news because Misha was in trouble again. The Duke of Connaught issued an immediate denial and that was the end of it. Maybe Misha would have lived if this had really happened. Sad to think "what if".

Andrea said...

They are related?

Marlene Eilers Koenig said...

yes as both descend from George II, but the engagement never took place. Michael was killed by the Bolsheviks in 1918.