Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Prince Louis and Scarlett-Lauren Sirgue end engagement

 Prince Louis of Luxembourg and Miss Scarlett-Lauren Sigue announced today that they have ended their engagement.   They made the announcement in an interview with the French magazine, Point de Vue.

"We have decided not to continue our romantic relationship while remaining attached by friendship and tenderness.  It is a decision that we have taken by mutual agreement, after careful consideration.  We remain strongly bound by great respect and genuine admiration for each other,:" according to their interview.

"We have been in love with each other for the past four years. We always have tried to be completely honest with each other. Even when this honesty hurts us like today, we are more than ever convinced it is crucial."

Prince Louis added: "We are not going to get married," adding that he and Scarlett-Lauren faced "fundamental differences of opinion which led to this decision."

The couple's engagement was announced by the Grand Ducal Palace on April 6, 2021.  They dated for four years before Scarlett-Lauren, a French lawyer, said yes.

She told Point de Vue: "'Thinking about things a lot and getting to the bottom of it, we eventually admitted that as a family, as parents, our visions are too divergent. Our ambitions in life are too different."

The Grand Ducal Palace has not yet confirmed the end of the engagement.


Prince Louis has two sons, Prince Gabriel and Prince Noah, from his first marriage to Tessy Antony.  

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