Thursday, February 24, 2022

Prince Adalbert will travel to America, Expected to end affair with actress

 February 24, 1912

The Washington Post reports today that it "has been announced repeatedly, then doubted, and then reaffirmed, that a German squadron will be sent to American waters this summer."  This event emphasizes Kaiser Wilhelm II's "high regard" for the United States.

It is also understood that the Kaiser's third son, Prince Adalbert, the "sailor prince," will be on one of the warships.  The 28-year-old prince is a bachelor and his "prospective arrival" will "provoke a certain fluttering of hearts in New York,  Newport, and other cities which the squadron would visit naturally."

Unfortunately for "Uncle Sam's daughters" the Prince is "deeply in love -- indeed -- it is now said that it is to hear him from his inamorata, Paula Frieden, a captivating actress."    This romance is perhaps the primary reason for Wilhelm II's determination to send Adalbert to America.   The "deeply religious" Empress Auguste Viktoria is "reported to be shocked and grieved" by her son's affair and agrees with her husband's "attempt to separate their son from his enchantress."

Paula Frieden is said to be a "very pretty and fascinating woman of 25 years."  She was only 15 years old when she made her stage debut.  She was "playing a small part in an obscure theatre" when Prince Adalbert saw her and "became infatuated with her."

The prince apparently persuaded the young actress to "leave the floodlights."  He installed her in a villa in Kiel, where he has been stationed for several years.   Their relationship has been the source of tattle, which "was carried to Berlin" and Prince Adalbert's parents, whose displeasure soon reached Prince Adalbert.

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