Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Prince Josef Emanuel's wedding to take place in March.

Prince Josef Emanuel of Liechtenstein and Claudia Echavarria will marry in the bride's hometown, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, according to the Spanish magazine, Vanitas.

The marriage is set for the final weekend in March. Although not confirmed, it is possible that the religious wedding will take place at the Iglesia de San Pedro Claver, the most historic church in Cartagena.  

Royal Musings was the first to report that Prince-Josef-Emanuel, the only son of Prince Nikolaus and Princess Margaretha of Liechtenstein), got engaged last July.  He proposed to Claudia, who is known as Cloclo, at Schloss Waldstein on July 17.  The proposal took place at the reception following the wedding of Princess Therese of Liechtenstein and Count Cajetan of Toerring-Jettenbach.

Prince Josef-Emanuel's two sisters, Princesses Anunciata and Astrid were both married in September to Emanuele Musini and Rafe Worthington, respectively.


 The three siblings are the grandchildren of the late Grand Duke Jean and Grand Duchess Josephine of Luxembourg and the late Prince Franz Josef and Princess Gina of Liechtenstein.

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