Thursday, February 4, 2021

Elizabeth and Philip face criticism for leaving their kids behind

February 4, 1951

Princess Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh are cutting short their stay in Malta to return to London and their children, Prince Charles and Princess Anne report the Chicago Times   The Sunday Pictorial said today "Public opinion is "beginning to consider the royal couple bad parents.

The Sunday Pictorial also reports that the Royal Family and the Admiral are "upset by the rumors that the couple are having a good time while Prince Charles and Princess Anne are left with nursemaids."

Prince Philip has been in Malta serving as an officer of the Magpie, a Royal Naval warship, "reportedly to be groomed for naval stardom."   Princess Elizabeth flew out to the island to join her husband.

It is now understood that the Admiralty has "persuaded" the Duke to leave his position and continue his "naval career in London and at the same time brush up his parental duties."

Charles and Anne are said to be staying at Sandringham with their grandparents, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.  Charles, who celebrated his second birthday in November, is "joyously shouting, 'Mummy's coming back from Malta."

Little Charles is described as "lively and intelligent," and speaks clearly although he has difficulty with his Rs.  The Queen is Gannie and the King is Ganpa and Queen Mary is Gan Gan.   He is also said to have "a keen and possessive interest" in his 5-month old sister, Princess Anne.

Princess Elizabeth is expected to return to Sandringham on February 12.  She will find her young son to "sturdier and plumper" when she last saw him 10 weeks ago.

Both children have been cared for by royal nanny Helen Lightbody.

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