Friday, July 17, 2020

Happy 75th birthday to Crown Prince Alexander

Alexander was born at Claridge's, in London.  In her memoirs, For the Love of a King,  Queen Alexandra wrote that she wanted to have her child born at the London hotel.  "...the doctors and gynecologists were persuading me to go to the London Clinic to have my baby, which was expected at the beginning of July. Everyone urged me to agree to this, but for once I was thoroughly stubborn. ' I am going to have my baby born in Claridge's', I said, and no arguments would dissuade me."

"It's comfortable, it's central, it has masses of hot water and lots of staff who all know me.  After all, it is my London home."

It was in Suite 212 at 9:15 p.m when Queen Alexandra gave birth to a son, Alexander, who was named in honor of both his grandparents,  King Alexander I of  Yugoslavia and King Alexander of the Hellenes.

The infant prince was baptized on October 24, 1945, at Westminster Abbey. The ceremony was officiated by Yugoslav and Greek Orthodox clergy and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Crown Prince Alexander has lived at the Royal Palace in Dedinje, Belgrade, since July 2001, with his second wife, Crown Princess Katherine.  He has three sons,  Hereditary Prince Peter, and the twins Prince Philip and Prince Alexander, and one adorable grandson, Prince Stefan, the son of Prince Philip and Princess Danica.

Happy birthday, Sir ...   

I have had the honor of being a guest at HRH's 60th birthday celebrations in 2005,  the 25th wedding anniversary celebrations in 2010, and the state funeral for King Peter II, Queen Alexandra, Queen Marie and Prince Tomislav in 2013.  

The following photos were taken by me during visits in 2005, 2010 and 2015 (Crown Prince Alexander's 60th birthday,  25th wedding anniversary, and the state funerals)

British Embassy, Washington, D.C.  1991 for the state visit of Queen Elizabeth II

Embed from Getty Images Embed from Getty Images

1 comment:

Bill said...

Is that King Constantine holding the candles in the third photo from the top?