Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kent princess registered today

February 8, 1937

The Duke of Kent registered the birth of his second child today, reports the Associated Press. The registration noted the infant princess's full name: Alexandra Helen Elizabeth Olga Christabel. The infant, born on Christmas Day, will be baptized tomorrow.

She was named Alexandra for her great-grandmother, the consort of Edward VII; Helen is for her maternal grandmother, the former Grand Duchess Helen of Russia; Elizabeth is for her aunt, Queen Elizabeth, the wife of George VI; Olga is for her mother's oldest sister, Princess Paul of Yugoslavia; and Christabel, recalls "her birth on Christmas Day."

Princess Alexandra ranks as the "eight lady in the land," following Queen Elizabeth; her grandmother, Queen Mary; her cousins, Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose; her mother, the Duchess of Kent; and her aunts, the Princess Royal and the Duchess of Gloucester.

She is sixth in the line of succession.

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