Thursday, February 15, 2024

A girl for Prince Christian and Princess Alessandra of Hanover

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February 15, 2023

Spanish magazine Vanitas reports HRH Princess Alessandra of Hanover gave birth today to a daughter.  She is the wife of HRH Prince Christian of Hannover, and the younger son of HRH Prince Ernst August of Hanover.  Another Spanish magazine, Hola, also has an article about the baby.

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 The Prince and Princess live in Madrid.  

The 35-year-old Princess was born in Peru, as Alessandra de Osma.  She married Prince Christian in 2018.  They are the parents of twins, Prince Nicolas and Princess Sofia, who were born July 7, 2020, at Quirón Clinic in Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid.

This post will be updated when information about the sex and the name of the baby is made public.

1 comment:

Andrea said...


Greetings to Harper and Fleur.
