Monday, January 27, 2020

DNA and Albert II


 King Albert II has been notified that he is the biological father of Delphine Boel.   He accepts that he is the biological father of Miss Boel.

In a statement, King Albert said he " wishes to point out that, since the birth of Mrs. Delphine Boël, he was not involved in any family, social or educational decision whatsoever relating to Mrs. Delphine Boël and that he always respected the link that existed between Mrs. Delphine Boël and her legal father."

Delphine Boel was born at Uccle, Belgium, on February 22, 1968 as the daughter of Baroness Sybille by Sélys Longchamps  and her husband Jacques Boël,  In 2018, a Belgian court ruled that Boel was not Delphine's biological father.  This was based on DNA tests.

King Albert, as Prince of Liege, had a long term relationship with Delphine's mother.

King Albert, whose legal battle had hit numerous roadblocks, chose to make the results public.  This acknowledgement does not affect succession to the Belgian throne as Delphine was born out of wedlock.  She will not an official role, but she does become an heir to King Albert's personal fortune.

Ms Boel's lawyer said that she was "relieved" to be "considered as a legitimate child," because it will bring an "end to the social seclusion that she was subjected to and will prevent her children from having to bear this burden."

Delphine did not file the suit for financial recompense but for "emotional reasons."  Her legal father, Jacques Boel was a wealthy man.

"Her motives were therefor in no way profit-seeking --quite the opposite."

Delphine has two children, Josephine and Oscar O'Hare with her American partner, James O'Hara.   

These two young children are grandchildren of King Albert II and first cousins of the Duchess of Brabant, Prince Gabriel, Prince Emmanuel and Princess Eleonore, Prince Amadeo, Princess Maria Laura, Prince Joachim, Princess Maria Luisa and Princess Laetitia and Princess Louise and Prince Nicolas and Prince Aymeric.

Albert has been married to Donna Paola Ruffo di Calabria for nearly 61 years.  They have three children, King Philippe,  Princess Astrid and Prince Laurent.

He abdicated in favor of his elder son in July 2013.

The statement was released to the media by Albert's lawyer.


Lisa said...

Finally! Let's hope Delphine now has closure and can move on with her life!

Unknown said...

So what now? I heard he transferred bulk of his personal fortune in Paola's name, so Delphine wouldn't get anything. And as an illegitimate child she's not a part of a BRF. What did she achieve with this?

Marlene Eilers Koenig said...

closure, the truth ... Belgian law includes natural children in inheritance so she cannot be exclude entirely.