Saturday, May 2, 2009

I know everyone needs a laugh today

This just in via email to me by "Lady Grania"

"Hi Marlene,

Do your homework darling - or find another subject to write about. YOU ARE SO LAZY AND BORING - GET A LIFE!

I have an interest in land in New York and also in New Haven Connecticut - SO AMERICA BE PATIENT - Lady Grania plans to visit America this year! God live The President and also plans to visit Toronto, Canada for I have an interest there - God save THE QUEEN

I do wish to stress that you are liable for prosecution - if you persist to continue to have intentions to be derogotory, you will leave me no alternative but to consider legal action - at my pleasure!

yours truly,

Lady Grania

The Lady Grania Mary Mountbatten"

Absolutely too funny. I am the one who has done my homework. The evidence is overwhelming, actually. Perhaps, "lady Grania" should pick up a copy of Burkes' Irish Family Records, where she will see the issue for Hamilton's O'Malley's second marriage.
This "Lady" would be laughed right out of court because everyone knows that Lady Iris and Hamilton never had any children, and that they were separated before 1944, and divorced in 1946. Moreover, if "Lady Grania" had done HER HOMEWORK, she would have known Lady Iris' title was a a courtesy title, as she was the daughter of a marquess. It does not pass to children - and any children would have been Mr or Miss O'Malley.

Should "Lady Grania" try to enter the US using a fake name, she should be aware that ICE does not take lightly to the use of a fraudulent name, which could mean she would become a guest of the state!

How difficult is it for this "Lady" to understand that Iris (who I knew) had only one child, by her second marriage. She even stated in an interview that she had no children by her first marriage.

The image comes from the Burkes Irish Family Records (1976).


Anonymous said...

Marlene, you are awesome. Lady Grania just messed with the wrong royalty expert! I give it a few weeks before she's suddenly the daughter of a long lost Nigerian prince who needs your bank account info to transfer $100 million into the U.S.

Marlene Eilers Koenig said...

Ah Shucks! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Marlene, I enjoy reading your blog daily. Thanks so much for your fine work.

Re: that LG person--love your humor. But please be careful dealing with anyone who may have serious mental health issues. Never give out any personal information. We don't know what may be behind the investment in such fantasy.

I look forward to njoying more great blogging!

Anonymous said...

So sad that Grania has got it all so wrong.

Marlene Eilers Koenig said...

I do not respond to the emails -- and I have her blocked on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marlene,
Too funny! America certainly is waiting with baited breath for her arrival. Personally, I'm hiding -- er, I mean, "polishing" -- the silver right now.

One amusing thing is that if she *were* "Lady Grania Mountbatten," she wouldn't sign her name with her title incorporated (and she would know that).

Have you tried doing an IP search to find out where she really is? Would be fascinating... I'm picturing a drag queen from Brooklyn.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Marlene, Lady Grania doesn't even know when she was born. According to what she sent you her birthday is July 31, 1950. On facebook, where she started her own fan club (stay classy, Grania, stay classy) she lists her birthday as July 31, 1946.

By the way, I thought you should know that I'm not just Taren, I'm Princess Taren of Schleswig-Holstein, daughter of Valerie, who was the daughter of Prince Albert of Schleswig-Holstein. I'm just as royal as Lady Grania...

....which is to say not at all! Ha!

Marlene Eilers Koenig said...

Hamilton and his second wife, Sadie, were the parents of a daughter, Grania, who was born JUly 31, 1950.
"Lady Grania" has nothing whatsoever to do with this family. She picked up on the name, and discovered that Hamilton was the father of a daughter, Grania. (Am trying to locate her). So the woman who pretends to be LG has created a persona using the real Grania's details but changing the story.

DW said...

Bahaha! I can't believe that "LG" is still at it. She must be mentally unbalanced, especially to have set up fake "proof" on Facebook and Ancestry. How pathetic and sad.

Conor said...

hey, lady grania i noticed on facebook, has installed herself as head of the royal house of connaught, stating her descent from grainne mhaol/grace o malley, this is stupid as she is claiming that connaught is a provisional republic, then she mentions something about the famine, then something about a shopkeeper in connecticut, its all in a new facebook group!

Joanna B., native Texan, Steve Earle fan, resident of Minnesota said...

Marlene, you are a wonder, that's for sure.....I just got a request on facebook to become this "lady's" friend, and I answered back that I, I find out she is not even "real." How sad though to live your life as someone else, and someone who never even existed....

Hope you are well, I've been doing a little bit of writing for Art...

God bless.

Joanna Backman

Joanna B., native Texan, Steve Earle fan, resident of Minnesota said...

oh my, today I just requested to become a friend of this lady on Facebook!!! i had some nagging feeling that all was not kosher, but I didn't dream it was this sad though that someone has to assume another's life to find a sort of fulfilment of her own....

Marlene, I hope you are well, I've been doing some writing for Art, owe him a piece now and am just too lazy to get started...we were actually scheduled for a trip to Hawaii when the tsunami hit's been scheduled for later in April...

God bless,

Unknown said...

I have letters from many years ago,1983 to be exact. I think her real name is Valerie Holstein where she claims to be the great granddaughter of Queen Victoria. Claudia the women who was doing research on the royal family at that time was doing research on the Fitzgerald's.Claudia believes she was doing trying to get into her book.

Marlene Eilers Koenig said...

Valerie Marie zu Schleswig-Holstein was the natural daughter of Duke Albert of Schleswig-Holstein and a woman of noble birth. I was the first person to write about her life, and have copies of letters from her aunts, Helena Victoria and Marie Louise, acknowledging that she was Albert's daughter. Valerie Marie was indeed a great-granddaughter of Victoria, a granddaughter of Princess Helena. But she would not have been writing letters in 1983. She was married to the Duke of Arenberg, and she committed suicide in 1953.