Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Crown Princess Mary in Uganda

Denmark's Crown Princess Mary is in Uganda


More on Aimone's wedding

Here is the link to an Italian monarchist site (which supports Amedeo as the head of the house and de jure king of Italy.

Same source for the photos (IBL) - but a bit larger (watermark remains). One note: Mafalda's youngest child is named Elena, not Chiara.


an article from ABC, the Spanish daily newspaper:


Prince Michael is described as Sophie's uncle. This is, of course, incorrect. Michael and Sophie's father, King Paul, were first cousins, which makes Michael and Sophie first cousins once removed.

George I of Greece - Constantine - Paul -- Sophie
George I of Greece - Christopher - Michael

First photo of Emma Tallulah Behn

All together now: Ahhhhhh!

Here is the first photo of Princess Märtha Louise's third daughter, Emma Tallulah


Nearly 1000 visitors!!!!

What a surprise, at least for me. Nearly 1000 individual visitors stopped by Royal Musings yesterday - September 29th. What a delight to know that so many people are now reading this blog. Absolutely amazing - and ...

thank you so very much!

Prince of Wales shoots grouse

September 20, 1858.

Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort "drove out" of Balmoral today. Their eldest son, the Prince of Wales, decided to go grouse shooting, and was accompanied by Major Teesdale.

Duke of Kent went for a ride

September 30, 1808

His Royal Highness, the Duke of Kent, took "his usual ride" today at Windsor Castle. He was accompanied by his sisters, Princesses Augusta, Sophia and Amelia, and by Lord Howe, Lord Walsingham and General Fitzroy and Colonel Taylor. The royal party returned to the castle at noon.

Queen Louise to be buried at Roskilde

September 30, 1898

The remains of the late Queen Louise of Denmark will probably be placed in Roskilde Cathedral. The mourning period has been ordered through October 4, and the funeral will take place after that date.
This evening the queen's body was placed in a zinc coffin, and "was decorated with roses by Her Majesty's daughters. The entire royal family was present. The queen's coffin will be guarded throughout the night by the ladies of the Court.
The Times reports that "the King [Christian IX] is astonishingly well."

Queen Louise of Denmark died on September 29th. She was born a princess of Hesse-Cassel in 1817. In 1842, she married her cousin, the future King Christian IX of Denmark. The Queen is survived by her husband and children, Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark, Queen Alexandra of Great Britain, King George I of the Hellenes, Empress Marie of Russia, Princess Thyra, Duchess of Cumberland and Prince Valdemar. She is also survived by numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Ileana to take naval test

September 30, 1926

Princess Ileana of Roumania has enrolled as a navagation's officer, and will take the examination in Constantza.
The Princess is said to be so "well qualified that she may surpass her masculine competitors in the examinations." Ileana is the first Roumanian woman to "apply for this test of seamanship."

Constantine and family sail from Greece

September 30, 1922

King Constantine, Queen Sophie and Prince Nicholas sailed today for Palermo, Sicily. They boarded a Greek steamer at Oropus. The steamer had been "placed at their disposal by the revolutionary committee." The king's departure was "without ceremony."

The King's brother, Prince Andrew, has arrived in Corfu, and he said he planned to join his wife, Princess Alice, and their children, in London.

As Britain has made it clear that Constantine is not welcome there, Italy seems the most acceptable place for exile. One Greek newspaper suggested that the royal family may travel to Denmark, but not Switzerland, which does not want to host the Greek family again.
Prince Paul has been asked to stay in Athens as the heir presumptive to King George. This request was made by the revolutionary committee in the "belief that the new Queen is not expected to give birth."
George's consort is the former Princess Elisabeth of Roumania, whom he married in 1921.

Duke of Abruzzi is reported engaged

Marlene A Eilers Koenig Collection 

September 30, 1900 

 European dispatches note the possibility of an engagement between Infanta Maria de las Mercedes of Spain and the Duke of the Abruzzi. It was understood that the Infanta, who is heiress presumptive to the Spanish throne, would wed the Count of Caserta, but the Italian duke's adventures in the "arctic region are said to have appealed to her Spanish love of romance."

 Upon his return home, the duke is said to have renewed his suit for the infanta "with the concurrence of her mother." Prince Luigi Amedeo was born in Madrid, the son of Amadeo, King of Spain. Amadeo (Amedeo) was the second son of Vittorio Emanuele of Italy and Maria Adelaide of Austria. He was created Duke of Aosta but was named king of Spain in 1870 and reigned for three years. 

Prince Amadeo married in 1867 to Donna Maria Vittoria del Pozza, Princess della Cisterna. It was not the match that the king would have wanted for his son, but the Princess came from one of the wealthiest Piedmontese noble families. Her wealth provided an independent fortune for the Aosta branch of the family. The couple had three sons, Emanuele Filiberto, who succeeded his father as duke of Aosta, Vittorio Emanuele, Count of Turin, and Luigi Amedeo who was created Duke of the Abruzzi. 

[Abruzzi was an international explorer of note. He never married, but he never stopped loving the woman he wanted to marry, the American Katherine Elkins.

Nicholas and Alexandra visit the Fifes

September 30, 1896

Nicholas II and Alexandra of Russia are in Scotland visiting relatives. Today, they traveled to Mar Lodge to spend time with Alexandra's first cousin, Princess Louise, who is married to the Duke of Fife. Several members of the Czar's suite, including Prince Galitzine, are with the Prince of Wales at Newmarket to watch the racing.
The Russian Czar and Czarina are staying at Balmoral with the Czarina's grandmother, Queen Victoria.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Translation of the Patmos Times article about Aimone & Olga's wedding

Thanks again to one of Royal Musing's readers, who just happens to be Greek and kindly translated the wedding article:

"Amid shining simplicity, in Patmos, on the 27th of September 2008, the wedding of Princess Olga Isabelle, daughter of Prince Michael and Marina Karella, took place, with the chosen of her heart, Prince Aimone, son of Aimne,Duke of Aosta, who is himself the son of Princess Irene, daughter of King Constantine I.
Olga is a great-granddaughter and Aimone great-great-grandson of King George I.

The sacrament took place at the Holy Shrine of the Virgin Saviouress in Patmos Village, by the parish priest Archmandrate Antipas and the reception at the old Municipal school of Patmos Village.

The invitees numbered 70, including Kings, Princes and bluebloods. Among them was the Queen of Spain, Sofia, and the former King Constantine and Queen Anna-Maria. Queen Sofia arrived in Patmos the morning of the 27th of September with a helicopter and she was a guest at the house of Saddrudin Aga Khan. (note: actually Saddrudin's widow, Catherine).

Former King Constantine and Queen Anna-Maria were in Patmos from Friday, and were guests at the house of Amin Aga Khan, and Princess Irene, who was a guest at the house of Professor of History Kostas Stamatopoulos. (Sidenote: Professor Stamatopoulos wrote a two volume history of Tatoi).

The wedding included many of the ancestral customs of our island, for example: 1) The road from the home of Prince Michael and Marina Karella in Patmos village, until the church, was covered with myrtle, 2) For the walk from the house until the church, the bride and her relatives were accompanied by local folk musicians, who gave away the bride to Aimone at the church, 3) Carried by two men in white, was the silver dish with the bridal crowns and the favors, to be used during the service.

The bride wore a gold colored gown and a crown on her head made of hay. The groom wore a black tuxedo, with striped pants and a purple tie.

Most of the invitees wore tuxedos. For the needs of the reception, the simple and elegant hall of the old municipal school of Patmos Village was transformed into a tasteful reception hall decorated with olive branches, bay leaves, and other local fauna. The food was catered by the restaurant Benetos. The VIP guests celebrated with local folk musicians.

The day before, amongst a small group of relatives and VIP guests, a dinner was a held at the home of the parents of the bride, which included once again local folk musicians. Among those present were former King Constantine and Queen Anna-Maria, and Princess Irene.

The next day, Sunday the 28th, another gathering took place at Glaros restaurant, in the area of Agriolivadia."

Let him eat cake!

The Prince of Wales will celebrate his 60th birthday on November 14th. He will celebrate the occasion with 2 separate birthday parties ... and that means at least 2 birthday cakes -- the more cake the better the birthday, I say.


Gown by Prada

Princess Olga of Greece wore a very traditional gown when she married Prince Aimone of Savoy on Saturday in Patmos. The gown was designed by Prada.

Here is a link to a Swedish photo agency that has watermarked photos: http://www.ibl.se/ type aimone in the redaktionella box on the right.

King Constantine gives final interview as king

September 26, 1922 (delayed). 

"On the eve of the crisis confronting him, King Constantine of the Hellenes met with an Associated Press reporter. The King was joined by Queen Sophie and other members of the royal family in the garden in their summer palace at Tatoi. Queen Sophie and the other ladies were knitting, and Crown Prince George "stood apart, clear pre-occupied, and talking with officers" who had brought in dispatches "disclosing the fast-developing situation."

 The interview with the king took place only several hours before his abdication. Constantine "spoke rapidly, in English." The reporter found it difficult to ask the king if he were pro-German or would abdicate. The king himself "helped the interview along by asking questions himself." 

The King wondered: "Is America and the outside world really interested in me and why? I was driven from my throne by the powers and then recalled by my own people. Yes, all but 10,000 of those who voted asked me to come back and I came." He added: "until my people revoke that summons I shall abide with them, fighting their cause and suffering with them if need be."

 Constantine acknowledged that if the Greeks told him: "Now go, we have had enough of you," he would abide by that request. "Does the world know that the Allies are still at war with Turkey? For peace was never signed with the Ottoman empire. We went on with the war as one of the Allies, and mind you we went on alone under the mandate of the powers." There appears to be a tone of bitterness as the king continued: "Our valiant army fought on terrific odds and under disheartening conditions." He said that he could not see how the interests of Europe would see the advantage "of allowing the Turks to occupy both sides of the Dardanelles and the Bosporus. History speaks for itself. Will the Turks, excited by victory and by flattering treatment from the powers, be any different in the future, and will the neutrality of the Dardanelles, and the safety of Europe, be assured thereby?" 

The king did not think so. "What about the 200,000 Christians who have perished or been massacred in Asia Minor by the Turks? No punishment, but a reward, banded out graciously to their war-time enemy. Europe is making a terrible mistake." Constantine said that he had always "admired America." He expressed a desire to visit the USA. "Perhaps someday. I cannot understand why America has not recognized me. America is a democracy, and the people of Greece in a plebiscite summoned me to come back as King. It was the voice of the people, which America loves so much to listen to. I have some impression that America's recognition of me has something to do with the European powers recognizing President Obregon of Mexico. The European powers say that if the United States recognizes me, they in turn with recognize Obregon. It is either that or some other way around. There is some connection anyway."

 The Associated Press reporter ended the interview with a final question: "To sum up, your Majesty, you propose to remain as long as the people want you." The King, with his "pleasant smile," answered" That's it. As Bernard Shaw would say, 'I'll stay until I'm spoofed.'" 

 In less than 24 hours, Greeks demanded the king's abdication. He complied.

King Constantine may go to Denmark

September 29, 1922

It is not "improbable" King Constantine may go to Denmark, according to his brother, Prince Constantine, who was interviewed by the Associated Press. Switzerland "no longer appeals" as a haven for the Constantine, who is also a prince of Denmark. If there are no objections by the Danish government, the king will travel there. He will only return to Switzerland, his last place of exile, as a "last resort.

Prince Christopher's spokesman told the press that the prince has no desire to ascend the throne. Prince Christopher and his wife are "both quite happy in Paris, and they do not believe that their happiness would be increased by assuming the throne, especially under existing circumstances."
Christopher's spokesman also noted that that the prince was not the main heir. King Constantine has two sons, George and Paul, who is followed in the succession by the King's brother, George, who is followed by Prince Nicholas (no sons) and Prince Andrew (who is the father of a 15-month-old son, Philip). Prince Christopher's place in the succession is after little Prince Philip.

Has Queen Maria Cristina married her master of Horse

September 29, 1902 King Alfonso XIII's mother, Queen Maria Cristina, has remarried, according to sources in Madrid. The groom is said to be her Master of Horse, Count de la Esosecura. She was in love with the count even before her marriage to Alfonso XII, whom she married "at the command of her father."

The report of this marriage has "stirred" Madrid. The young king has "severely upbraided" his mother when he learned about her marriage.
In court circles, however, deny reports that the widowed Queen has remarried. No horsing around, perhaps?
This is based on a report in the Chicago Daily Tribune. The New York Times reports the story is false, according to a dispatch it received from London.

It is a girl for Märtha and Ari

Princess Märtha Louise gave birth today to a third daughter, Emma Tallulah Behn. The birth took place at the family home in Lommendalen. The baby weighed 8lbs 16ozs and is 20.87 inches tall. Mother and baby are doing well. Emma joins two sisters, Maud Angelica and Leah Isidora.

Tallulah is a southern American name made famous for the late American actress and bon-vivant, Tallulah Bankhead, who was named for her paternal grandmother. Tallulah is also the name of the parish seat in Madison, Louisiana and of a state park, Tallulah Gorge, in Georgia.

Aimone and Olga - WEDDING PHOTO

The Patmos Times has an article (in Greek) about the wedding as well as one photograph (with a watermark.)


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Translation of Patmos Times article

Thanks to one of my readers, who is Greek - he did the translation.

(This picture is from a previous visit of the Queen to Patmos, with her cousin Michael behind her. This isn't a pic of her arriving in Patmos for the wedding.)

Queen Sofia of Spain will arrive in Patmos the 27th of September with a helicopter in order to attend the wedding of 37 year old Princess Olga-Elisabeth, with the chosen of her heart, her distant relative Prince Aimone, which will take place the afternoon of the same day, at the Church of the Virgin Saviouress in Patmos Town.

Princess Olga Elisabeth is the daughter of Prince Michael and Marina Karella, who have a home for many years in Patmos Town and Prince Aimone is the son of the Duke of Aosta Amedeo, who is the son of the daughter of King Constantine I, Princess Irene. Olga is a great-granddaughter and Aimone a great-great-grandson of King George I.

Other attendees who will be in attendance in Patmos will be former King Constantine with Anna-Maria, who will be guests at the home of the Aga Khan. Princess Irene, Catherine Aga Khan with her children & grandchildren are already in Patmos.

The wedding will be officiated by the Archimandrate Antipas at the Holy Church of the Virgin Saviour. The reception will be held at the old Municipal school of Patmos town.

Pauline Ducruet fancies Tom Daley

This story appears in the Mail on Sunday. Pauline is the daughter of Princess Stephanie of Monaco, and Tom is Britain's wunderkind diver.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bernardo Guillermo

Did you know that Princess Christina of the Netherlands's son, Bernardo lives in Brooklyn, New York, and is an artist.

Here is a link to his website. http://bernardoguillermo.com/

Although he is not a US citizen, he is interested in the upcoming presidential election. He has made a donation to one of the candidates:

Foreigners are not permitted to make donations to US political candidates. However, SCOTUS ruled that legal residents of the US were permitted to make donations to political campaigns. One assumes that Bernardo (and his brother, Nicolas, who apparently sells real estate in Florida) are legal residents.

Aosta weddings

Here are several photos/postcards from my collection:

The first photo shows the marriage of Prince Christopher of Greece to Princess Francoise d'Orleans, which took place in February 1929. Their only child, Prince Michael, was born a decade later.

The second photo shows Princess Irene arriving at the church with her brother, King George I of the Hellenes, when she married Prince Aimone, then Duke of Spoleto. 

The third photo shows the newly married Duke and Duchess of Spoleto. This wedding took place in July 1939. Prince Aimone was the younger brother of the Duke of Aosta when he married Princess Irene of Greece. Prince Amedeo, who was married to Princess Anne d'Orleans (sister of Francoise), succeeded to the title in 1931. He and Anne were the parents of two daughters, Margherita (married to Archduke Robert of Austria) and Maria Cristina (married to Prince Casimir of Bourbon-Two Sicilies). In March 1942, the Duke of Aosta died as a British prisoner. Prince Aimone succeeded to the Aosta ducal title. His only son, who was born September 27, 1943, was named for his brother. The current duke succeeded to the Aosta title in 1948, following his father's death in Buenos Aires.

The fourth photo is a formal photograph of the Duke and Duchess of Apulia (as Anne and Amedeo were styled). They were married in November 1927.

The final photo shows the Claude and Amedeo following their marriage in 1964.

A cup of coffee, please

Aimone and Olga

Here is a link to the Patmos Times, a Greek newspaper, with a photo of Queen Sofia arriving ...

and yes, I can it is all Greek to me


I am reading this book right now

Well, not at this very minute


Aimone and Olga's wedding

The religious wedding has taken place at Patmos. Here is a link to an Italian newspaper article.


The guests included King Constantine II and Queen Anne Marie, Queen Sofia of Spain, Princess Irene of Greece, Princess Maria Gabriella of Italy, Prince and Princess Casimir of Bourbon-Two Sicilies were among the guests. The groom's two sisters, Bianca and Mafalda and their families also attended the wedding. Princess Alexandra of Greece, who is Olga's older sister, was also present with her husband and children.

Princess Casimir (Maria Cristina) of Bourbon-Two-Sicilies is a first cousin to Prince Amdedeo, Princess Claude and Prince Michael.
Duke of Guise - Anne - Maria Cristina
Duke of Guise - Henri - Claude
Duke of Guise - Francoise - Michael.
Point de Vue is expected to have coverage of the wedding in an upcoming issue.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Family connections between Aimone & Olga

Tomorrow on the Greek island of Patmos, Prince Aimone of Savoy and Princess Olga of Greece will be married in a religious ceremony. It is assumed that the wedding will be according to the rites of the Greek Orthodox church.
Approximately 30-40 guests will be present. One can assume that the guests will include the immediate families (Olga has one sister, Alexandra and Aimone's two sisters, Bianca and Mafalda) will be present. It is understood that Queen Sofia of Spain will be one of the guests. The queen is a first cousin to Aimone's father, Prince Amedeo, the Duke of Savoia (or the Duke of Aosta, depending on your view.)

The bride and groom are second cousins. Here's how:

HRH The Duke of Guise - Francoise - Michael -Olga
HRH The Duke of Guise - Henri - Claude - Aimone

Olga's father and Aimone's mother are first cousins.

There is also the Greek connection:

George I - Constantine I - Irene - Amedeo - Aimone
George I- Christopher - Michael - Olga
George I - Constantine - Paul - Sofia

This connection makes Olga and her father-in-law second cousins, and Olga and her husband, second cousins once removed. Olga and Sofia are also second cousins.

Death of Princess Friederike of Hohenzollern

September 27, 1906

 The Marquise de Fontenoy reports that Count Taveggi, who lives in the USA as he is married to "the daughter of rich people of Jersey City, Mr and Mrs. Clement Heltenmeyer, is mourning the death of his grandmother, Princess Friederike of Hohenzollern. The princess died on September 7th. 

 In 1844, the princess married her cousin, the Marchese Pepoli, whose mother, Laetitia Murat, was the daughter of the King of Naples. The Princess and her husband had three daughters, Laetizia, 
Antoinetta and Luisa Napoleona. In 1872, Antoinetta married Count Carlo Taveggi.  They had two children, Frederica (Frida) and Giaoacchin (Joachim). 

Frederica married German Baron Clement Geyr von Schweppenburg. Joachim headed to America, "where he underwent many hardships before finally leading to the altar an American heiress," Elfriede Heltenmeyer.

 Count Taveggi and his wife reside in Jersey City with their two young children, Antoinetta and Clemente.

 In 1910, Elfriede inherited a third of her father's multi-million fortune. Theodore Heltenmeyer was a major leather goods manufacturer in Hoboken, New Jersey. Count Joachim was "expected to assume active management of the German branch" of his late father-in-law's business. The Taveggis planned to make their principal home in Kripp, on the Rhine River. 

[Genealogical information on this family. http://www.geschichte-kripp.de/172.html ]

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Alexander Graf von Schönburg-Glauchau's new book

Alexander von Schönburg, a noted German journalist, is the author of a new book, Alles, was Sie schon immer über Könige wissen wollten, aber bisher nicht zu fragen wagten . Richard Kay reports on the book in his column in the Daily Mail.

The book's title translates to Everything about the Royals. But the book has not been translated into English, so it is not available in English.


Here is a link to an interview in German with the Count:

(I am a snob, naturally.)

The book is being serialized in Bild, a German-tabloid newspaper.


Count Alexander is the head of the countly house of Schönburg-Glauchau. He is married to Princess Irina of Hesse, whose father, Prince Karl, is a nephew of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Irina's mother is a cousin of Princess Michael of Kent.
Alexander's has two sisters, Maya, and Gloria, Princess of Thurn und Taxis.

I repeat - the book is not available in English. It was published in German, and is being serialized in a German newspaper.

Aimone & Olga

I do a search of Google.it's news section each day, and I am surprised that none of the Italian newspapers have covered the forthcoming wedding. Perhaps google.it does not trawl all of the Italian papers that have online editions.

Point de Vue has a story in the current issue (not online), and announced that it will cover the wedding in an upcoming issue. There will be about 30-40 guests at the wedding, including, Queen Sofia of Spain, who is a cousin of Prince Michael.

Princess Margaret's new beau

September 25, 1948

Princess Margaret's new beau is handsome and 6 feet tall. He is also very rich, and is heir to a historic title. However, the Marquess of Blandford is a "little dazed and embarrassed in his role of suitor in rumored royal romance."

Lord Blandford, who is known as Sunny, is the heir apparent to the Marlborough dukedom, and the Blenheim estate. His paternal grandmother was Consuelo Vanderbilt.
Recently, Sunny was linked with Sharman Douglas, daughter of the US ambassador to the Court of St. James.
Britons are still talking about the party that the Duke recently gave at Blenheim for his son and Princess Margaret. It is "no secret" that Lord Blandford is "sensitive about the stories that, which have him wooing Margaret."

Princess Margaret turned 18 in August. She is the younger daughter of King George VI. Her older sister, Elizabeth, was married last November to Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark. Elizabeth, who is heiress presumptive, expects her first child later this year.

Michael takes a walk

September 25, 1940

Noted New York Times correspondent, C.L. Sulzberger is current in Bucharest. His most recent dispatch focused on changes in Roumania since King Carol II's departure a month ago.
Yesterday, young King Michael "walked the streets of Bucharest like an ordinary citizen -- unaccompanied either by guards or ceremony."
Sulzberger notes that "this simple event represents the great changes that have occured in the last month and the unquestioned reestablishment of order."
Michael was accompanied by his mother, and Premier Ion Antonescu. "Astonished" crowds followed, cheering loudly. The royal party first visited a grocer where they bought fruit and drinks, and then made a stop to buy candy.

Queen Helen returns to Roumania

September 25, 1930

Queen Helen, the former wife of King Carol II, has returned to Bucharest for the winter. She will be residing in her own palace. She was spending time with her son, Michael, at Mamaia, and he will be living with her in Bucharest.

Duke of Guise snubs Republic

September 25, 1926

The Duke of Guise has refused to accept any concessions from the French republic in exchange for being allowed to live in France. The Duke's wife and daughter, Princess Anne, are currently in France, visiting numerous cities. The Duchess brought with her a statement for the French government, where her husband asserts his rights, and will not give up those rights in exchange for the right to live in Frane. The French government had said the duke could return to France and have the normal rights of a citizen, but could not take part in unconstitutional activities. The Duke of Guise woukd not agree to these conditions because he believes that the French monarchy will soon be restored, and he will be the king.
Male members of the former royal family have been banned from returning to France since 1875. The law, however, does not apply to distaff members of the family. The Duke and Duchess' 18-year-old son was unable to join his mother and sister for their tour of France.

Clementine heads to England to set marriage date

September 25, 1910

Princess Clementine of Belgium is heading to England to visit Empress Eugenie at Farnborough. Prince Victor Napoleon is staying with the Empress. It is expected that the date and place for Clementine and Prince Napoleon's wedding will be discussed and set during this visit.

More engagement rumors

September 25, 1910.

London papers are reporting that the Duke and Duchess of Fife will shortly announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Alexandra, to Prince Christopher of Greece and Denmark.

Prince Christopher is a nephew of Queen Alexandra, and is a first cousin to the Duchess of Fife.

Duchess of Aosta visits American ships

September 25, 1906

The Duchess of Aosta and her children today visited two American battleships, Alabama and Maine, which are docked in Naples. She remained on board for three hours, and took lunch with the officers. The American ambassador was also present.
The Duchess of Aosta is the former Princess Helene of Orleans. She married Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, the duke of Aosta, in 1895. They have two sons, Amedeo, 7, and Aimone, 6.

Dowager Empress in Peril

September 26, 1906

Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna and her youngest son, Grand Duke Michael, are in Copenhagen, visiting Danish relatives. Russian police, who are guarding the two members of the Imperial family, have received orders from St. Petersburg to double the security due to threats by anarchists who are en route to Copenhagen to kill Marie and her son.

Labour plans succession law changes


This proposed legislation hinges on several points. Labour claims that these reforms will be passed during Labour's fourth administration. It is entirely possible that Labour will not win enough seats in Britain's next general election to form a govoernment.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More on Beatrice

Here is another article about Beatrice's first day as a college freshman


The good old days

This is one of those off-topic posts. In the last few years, Americans have been criticized by Europeans and others because they believed we did not travel outside the US borders. Misinformation. Or to be blunt: check your facts. Yes, it is true that more European has passports in comparison to Americans. But having a passport did not mean that Americans did not travel beyond our borders.
Europeans needed passports to go next door, to travel to the country just a few feet away. The Iron curtain also made travel difficult, but the growth of the European union and relatively open borders has changed how Europeans travel. Europeans, Canadians (who should have known better) as well as Aussies and others have made rather snarky, unkind remarks that have been published in the media, and elsewhere.
FYI to our European friends. You got it wrong. Until earlier this year -- and thanks to the 9-11 terrorists -- Americans did not need passports to visit more than a dozen foreign countries. We did not need passports to visit Canada or Mexico or Panama or Bermuda or St. Pierre & Miquelon or the Bahamas or the Cayman Islands or Aruba or just about any other Caribbean island that is not a US territory or Cuba. (Passports are not required to visit US territories and most Americans are barred from visiting Cuba.)
In the 1980s, when I lived in Saratoga Springs, New York, I used to take my dad's Camarro, and say, Dad, I am going to Montreal for the weekend. Montreal was 3.5 hours away, a beautiful drive through the Adirondack Mountains and the Plains of Abraham. Although I have had a passport since I was 8 years old, I did not need to bring it with me when I headed for the border. All I needed was proof of citizenship (and most times, all I needed to do was declare at the border that I was a US citizen), and that was that. I carried with me my voter registation card. No photo id. My New Jersey driver's license was paper and had a very long number.
That was it. I crossed the border numerous times, driving, taking the train (9 hours from Albany to Toronto), or flying. Never needed a passport. The train got even easier. Amtrak would stop at Exchange station in Buffalo, and we would wait for the Via Rail train to come. Eventually, Via and Amtrak came to an agreement. There would be a stop in Buffalo, but no need to change trains. The Canadian crew got on, and the American crew got off. The booze rules changed, too. The drinking age was 18 in both countries. But Canada had a crazy rule. You had to drink your alcohol at certain tables in the snack bar car In the US, you were able to bring your drink or your beer to your seat.
There was a way to circumvent the rule when you crossed the border. All you had to do was touch one of the tables with the beer bottle, and then go off to your seat.
Same for flying to Canada. No passport. Canadians didn't need passports to enter the US. Nor did citizens of Bermuda. Oral declarations of citizenship were accepted. Because most flights from Canada go to domestic airports in the US, you will find that Canadian airports have Canadian and US customs and immigration.
In the good old days, you largely breezed through both. No passport.
Canada is a foreign country. Well, sort of. Neighbors. Millions of Americans traveled each year to Canada. No passport needed until recently.
Spring break. Europeans probably know very little about Spring break. How about going to Cancun or the Bahamas. You made your reservations, you got on a plane, and flew to foreign countries.
No passport needed. Are you a US citizen? Yes. If the Customs and Immigration wanted to, they could ask for proof of citizenship, which is why one carried a voter registration card. One time, I brought a birth certificate with me because I could not find my voter registration card.
Mexico is a foreign country. Millions of Americans visited Mexico without the need of a passport.
Bermuda is 900 miles of the coast of North Carolina. The Bermudian dollar was kept on par with the US dollar. For those of us living on the East Coast, Bermuda was a hop, skip and jump by plane. No passport needed (and Bermudians did not need a passport to visit the USA.)
It is all changed now. Passports are required for Americans flying to any foreign country, including Canada and Mexico. Land crossings between the US and Canada and the US and Mexico also now require more identification. The State department is now issuing the Passport card, cheaper than a regular passport, but good only for land crossings and for cruises. Americans who have a passport do not need a passport card. The Passport card is largely designed for Americans who travel often to Canada or Mexico or go on Caribbean cruises. Passports or passport cards are not required when traveling to a US territory.
In the last three years, the number of Americans with passports has increased, due to the need for a passport to travel outside the US, even to Canada and Mexico.
Most Europeans tend to visit neighboring countries for holidays. We did the same thing. But we didn't need passports do to so. Perhaps one day, in the not-too-distant future, the old rules, perhaps modified slightly, will be reinstated.
Unlike our European cousins, Americans do not have to travel far for sunshine in the winter. We do have Florida and Arizona and California. We also have our own paradise, Hawaii. And then there is Alaska. The Rockies. Texas. New Orleans. Boston. New England in the fall. Millions of Americans live within 1-3 hours of a coastline. Great beaches up and down the East Coast. We can also hop on planes and head to Bermuda or the Bahamas or the Cayman Islands.
Unlike our European cousins, we do not have legislated vacation time. The average American vacation is 14 days per year. I had nearly four weeks vacation in my old job. I started a new job in January, and I earn 12 vacation days a year. (I became official in June so I did not start accruing vacation time until then. I earn one vacation per month so I won't be able to take a proper vacation until next summer. I did have a long weekend in London in May and my boss gave me three days off in August - not a part of my vacation time, and I went to Busch Gardens Europe, which is in Williamsburg, Virginia).
Twelve vacation days per year for five years.
Americans have far less time each year to devote to vacation - and with the American dollar worth less than Monopoly money, we are finding that traveling to Europe is rather prohibitive. I've been to Britain 35 times and hope to go back again. I also want to go back to Iceland, a place I really adore.
It's time for our European cousins to stop saying that Americans don't travel outside the US. Millions of Americans ventured beyond the borders without a passport. That is how it used to be.
A wonderful way to travel. No real stress, and we truly appreciated what it meant to have the largest open border in the world.

Albert & Charlene: are the rumors for real this time?

I hope the South African media have been staking out Charlene's parents' home. Why? It would be unusual for the parents to be excluded from the celebration? If they leave the house and get into the car, do they have suitcases for a trip. Are they heading in the direction of the airport? Check the international flights from SA to Paris or Nice, the latter of which is the closest international airport to Monaco. The Nice airport is a mere 15 miles from Monaco.

Marie Antoinette's Petit Trianon reopens


This would be a lovely place to visit. Marie Antoinette's Petit Trianon at Versailles has been reopened to tourists.

Prince Albert II to wed!!

Okay -- don't get too excited yet. Here is a link to a story in London's Daily Mail:


(And here is the link to the Gala article, in French )


'The couple are expected to announce their engagement 'within days' and marry in 2009, sources revealed to glossy French magazine Gala.

A Monaco insider told the magazine: 'The Prince and Charlene are deeply in love and after two years together they want to make it official.'

I remain skeptical because "insiders" don't usually confide information to glossy French magazines. Albert II is not one for revealing too much information to French magazines. He and his sisters prefer suing these magazines for publishing information (usually photographs).
The normal method would be for Albert's press office to release a statement to the media. The statement would include all the pertinent information.
Albert is 50-years-old. Charlene Wittstock, 31, was born in Bulawayo, Rhodesia.

Inquiring minds want to know: if they do get married, will Charlene ask Jazmin Grimaldi to be a bridesmaid? Or will 3-year-old Alexandre Coste be a ring bearer. Hmm. Keep checking here for all the latest news ...

Coburg prince in card scandal

September 9, 1888 (reported September 25th).

Hereditary Prince Alfred of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, who is the heir apparent to the Duchy (as well as the dukedom of Edinburgh) was recently involved in a scandal in Berlin. The prince and two other officers, Lt. von Goetze and Baron von der Planitz, were involved in a card game, where the prince "dropped" $12,000 and "poor Goetze lost all he possessed."
Von Goetze turned out to be a "poor loser", an altercation ensued, where von der Planitz was accused of cheating. This altercation did not escape the attention of Col von Plettenberg, who brought the scandal to the attention Kaiser Wilhelm II (Alfred's first cousin). He then went to Coburg to settle the matter. Thankfully, the proposed duel did not takeplace between Goetze and von der Planitz, as a "court of honor" was appointed to handle the affair.
A few days later, both young men resigned their commissions. Hereditary Prince Alfred was granted a leave of absence until the end of September. Young Affie, "whose wild escapades have often been the talk of Berlin," is now in Moscow "with his mamma," where they are visiting her brother, Grand Duke Serge.
The young prince has also been promoted to the rank of Captain, and when he returns from Russia, he will be assigned to a Hessian regiment.

$12,000 is nearly $270,000 today.

Another royal engagement!

September 24, 1932

Will there be another royal match between Bulgaria and Italy? Rumors are rife that Prince Cyril is about to announce his engagement to 18-year-old Princess Maria of Italy. Cyril's elder brother, King Boris III, is married to Maria's sister, Giovanna.
Maria has also been linked to Archduke Otto of Austria.

The news is "confidently awaited" in Bulgarian political circles.

Prince Cyril is 36 years old.

Alfonso has row with photographer

September 24, 1932.

Reports have surfaced about King Alfonso's behavior following the baptism of the daughter of his niece, the Countess Zamoyska.
He was in Budapest to attend the baptism of his goddaughter. Before the ceremony, the king was having lunch at a local hotel, and was consuming goulash, Hungary's national dish, when he caught sight of a photographer. Alfonso shouted at the photographer in German, tell him not to take a photograph. His pleas went in vain, so he got up, took the camera, and the photographer "unceremoniously flung out of the room by the waiters."
This action, it was noted, contrasted with having accepted "spiritual authority" for his goddaughter. The king is also the godfather of Princess Ileana of Roumania's infant son, Archduke Stefan, who was baptised a few weeks ago.

Umberto and Marie José

September 24, 1928

United Press is reporting on "good authority" that the engagement of Crown Prince Umberto of Italy and Princess Marie-José of Belgium will be announced in about six weeks. Several dates are given for the official announcement: November 1 (the anniversary of the Italian armistice) or November 11 (the anniversary of the end of the world war.)

Newlyweds slip out of the palace

September 24, 1925

The newly married Prince and Princess Philipp of Hesse have slipped out of Racconigi Castle, and are spending a part of their honeymoon at Bordighera on the Italian Riviera, where they met and fell in love. It is understood that the couple "slipped out in a closed car." No one else was with them.
The Princess is the former Princess Mafalda of Savoy, second daughter of King Vittorio Emanuele and Queen Elena of Italy. She was married yesterday to Hereditary Prince Philipp of Hesse, a Lutheran, who is eldest son of the Landgrave and Landgravine of Hesse. Philipp is a nephew of the former Kaiser Wilhelm II, and, a great-grandson of Queen Victoria.

Philipp and Mafalda are expected to also visit Germany before moving into Villa Savoia, which Philipp designed himself.

Duke Franz Josef in Bavaria dead at 24

September 24, 1912 Duke Franz Josef in Bavaria, the youngest brother, of the reigning duke, and son of the late Duke Karl Theodor, has died at the age of 24. He succumbed to a "malignant inflammation of the throat" on September 23rd. Two years ago, the young duke, a member of the junior "in Bavaria" branch of the family, visited the United States. He spent forty days traveling throughout the country. He visited Newport, "as well as the principal cities from ocean to ocean," and shot big game in the Rockies.
The duke also spent time in New York City, where he stayed at the Plaza, and he was the "most-talked-about nobleman" to visit the USA since Prince Henry of Prussia. Franz did not stand on ceremony. He liked to stroll about the city without his "suite of servants." He took in boxing matches, "took a look behind the scenes in the leading Broadway comic operas." He commented as being "highly pleased" with American chorus girls. The local media hailed the duke as "the most democratic nobleman that had ever landed in New York."
Franz Josef was introduced to numerous American debuntantes, but left the country without "tales of romance." He explained that he could not marry an American "unless he chose to lose his standing in the ducal family at home

Louise is in London with Toselli

September 24, 1907

The Countess Montignoso is now in London with Toselli, the piano teacher. The Countess is the former wife of the Crown Prince of Saxony, and the daughter of the Grand Duke of Tuscany. It is believed that she and Toselli are now married. They are staying at a hotel near the train station in London. She is "preserving a strict incognito."
Louise's youngest daughter, Anna Monica Pia, is believed to be in Switzerland, and her mother will return there when it is "convenient." The little princess will be sent to Saxony next May, according to an agreement signed by Louise.

Beatrice is off to college

I hope that's a laptop in her bag.



Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Alfonso and Pimpinella

Marlene A Eilers Koenig collection

In 1921, Prince Max Egon of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, a member of a junior (and Roman Catholic) branch of the Langenburg family, married Doña Maria de la Piedad Iturbe y Scholtz. Piedita was a Spanish noblewoman, and was the Marquesa de Belvis de las Navas in her own right.

The couple had six children, Maria Francesca (known as Pimpenella), Alfonso, Christian, Elisabeth, Max Emanuel and Beatriz. I bought these postcards from a German dealer. The cards have handwritten notes from their mother on the backsides (in German) to "Lieber Freund." The notes contain family news, and are signed "Piedita H-L"

The first card shows Prince Alfonso, 11, with his godfather, King Alfonso XIII of Spain.

The middle card shows Princess Maria Francisca (Pimpinella) on a horse in 1930. The final image shows Maria Francesca and her infant brother, Alfonso.

Pimpinella succeeded to her mother's title in 1959. She married Claudio Gamazo y Arnus, Marqués de Soto de Aller. She died in 2007.

 Alfonso, who ran the Marbella Club, was married three times. His first wife, Princess Ira zu Fürstenberg, was only 15 when they married. Alfonso died in 2003.

Prince Hubertus of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha


Prince Hubertus of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, who is the eldest son Prince Andreas (head of the house) and his wife Carin, is engaged to marry an American, Kelly Rondesvedt. Hubertus and Kelly met in New York City, where both work in finance. Hubertus has been in New York for two years now, and Kelly is a California and hails from San Diego.
Hubertus bought the ring in New York City although the actual proposal came at Schloss Callenberg near Coburg. According to Hubertus (and Kelly, who speaks very little German at this time), Kelly fell asleep in the car en route to Callenberg. Jet lag. Prince Andreas was aware that his son was going to propose, so he arranged for one of the rooms at the castle to be decorated with lots of roses, and the champagne was on ice, ready to be opened.
Kelly was startled when Hubertus dropped down to one knee, and presented the ring with the traditional words: "will you marry me?" Overcome with shock and surprise, Kelly said yes.
Kelly had not been expecting a marriage proposal during their visit to Germany.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Royal cousins

Prince Albrecht (eldest son of Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria) with his first cousins, Maria Antoinetta, Maria Cristina, Barbara, Lucie and Urraca of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. The princesses' mother was Princess Maria of Bavaria who married the Duke of Calabria in 1897. (Maria's only son, Ruggerio, died in 1914, at the age of 13.)

The postcard on top shows Prince Albrecht with his maternal first cousins, Leopold and Marie José of Belgium. Their mother, Queen Elisabeth, and Albrecht's mother, Marie-Gabriele, were sisters.

Grand Duchess Marie-Anne with her grandchildren

Smile for Oma! Grand-Duchess Marie-Anne of Luxembourg sits with her grandchildren. In the final photo, the grandchildren gather for a photo! Stay! Do not move! Smile!

The King and Queen of Bavaria and their children

A formal family photo of Crown Prince Rupprecht, his second wife, Princess Antonia of Luxembourg, and their six children, Editha, Gabrielle, Heinrich, Hilda and Irmingard.
The postcard is signed in ink Toni 1932. Crown Princess Antonia was known as Toni.

Richard of Gloucester and the Danish princesses

I was looking through a folder of uncatalogued photos - and discovered this sweet photo. It is a press photo that I bought some years ago (and it is now out of copyright). The photo does not include a lot of information apart from a handwritten note in French (Richard of Gloucester and the Danish princesses).

This photo was taken in 1952 at Battersea Park in London. King Frederik IX had gone to Greenland on the royal yacht, and Ingrid decided to take their three daughters to England. They "borrowed" the American-born Lady (Nancy) Astor's home on Hill Street in London. Princess Benedikte talks about the visit in the book, Princess Benedikte of Denmark Campfires and Curtsies by Randi Buchwaldt. The three princesses were taken to Buckingham Palace for tea with Queen Elizabeth II and also with Queen Mary. Benedikte noticed a TV set in one of Mary's sitting rooms: "something we had never seen before." The Queen Mother -- Benedikte's godmother -- joined the family for dinner at Hill Street. Ingrid and the three princesses also stayed for one night with Great Aunt Patsy, who was Queen Ingrid's aunt.
The family spent sixteen days in England, visiting Lady Astor at her country home, Cliveden, the London Zoo, Battersea Park (accompanied by Prince Richard of Gloucester), Windsor, Westminster Abbey, Harrods, the Underground, and riding double-decker buses.

A wonderful group photo

This postcard is dated July 11, 1931 - and shows Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg and her sisters and their families.

Although family members are identified on the back of the card (handwritten by one of the children, but some years later). The card even includes Hilda of Baden (between Marie-Anne and Antonia) -- described as the sister of Grosspapa Nassau.)

Because the photo includes a cardinal - the children in front are wearing white, I believe this was a first communion group photo.

Nicholas and Alexandra arrive at Balmoral

September 22, 1896

Nicholas II and his wife, Alexandra, have arrived at Balmoral Castle in Scotland to visit with Alexandra's grandmother, Queen Victoria. The imperial couple, who were accompanied members of the British royal family, arrived by special train. They received a warm welcome from Queen Victoria and Princess Beatrice.

Princess Beatrix goes to kindergarten

September 22, 1941

Three-year-old Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, who is living in exile in Ottawa, Canada, with her mother, Crown Princess Juliana, and younger sister, Irene, went to school for the first time today. She is enroled in a local kindergaren with ten other classmates. The little princess, who turnes four in January, will go to school from 9 a.m. until noon.

King George II arrives in London

September 22, 1941

King George II arrived in London today, accompanied by his brother, Crown Prince Paul and high Greek government officials. The royal party arrived at Euston station, where they alighted from the train. The official welcoming party included King George VI, Queen Elizabeth, the Duke and Duchess of Kent, Winston Churchill and other prominent British officials. Princess Alexandra of Greece, the king's niece, and her mother, Princess Aspasia, were also at the welcoming ceremony.
It has been a long and circuitous journey from Greece, fleeing from the Germans, to London, having first traveled to Egypt and then South Africa, before heading toward London. KIng George II joins other exiled monarchs from Norway, Luxembourg, Albania, Yugoslavia, and the Nethelerlands, who are already living in exile in Britain.

Did Hermine have another suitor?

September 22, 1922

The Daily Express' Berlin correspondent reports that "it is not generally known that the ex-Kaiser carried off his bride from under the nose of Prince Hermine's nephew, the young Prince von Schoenaich."

The young prince, having tried to court his aunt, "begging her to marry him." The story of this courtship, according to the journalist, "is known to the whole countryside." Princess Hermine was not interested, and "persisted in treating him like a boy."
The Prince "became morbid" and "in the hope of touching her heart," affected a death announcement. He arranged for a telegram to be sent to Hermine, announcing his death, and he asked that his body be returned to Saabor for burial in the family vault.
Hermine was "overcome with grief," and ordered that his burial take place in the vault. Apparently, Saabor is an area where "there is much feating and drinking," at funerals. Dozens of chickens were baked and pigs were roasted. The pastor arrived to officiate, and when the vault was opened "there was no sign of the lamented princeling."
This was a hoax, of course. Hermine was at first "very angry," but "later she forgave her nephew."

Reports Carol has made a morganatic marriage

September 22, 1918. Special cable to the New York Times. A Swiss paper is reporting that Crown Prince Carol of Roumania has contracted a morganatic marriage with a Miss Zambrino, the daughter of middle-class Roumanians. The marriage was said to have taken place in Odessa.
The report is being discredited as untrue. "It is not only improbable, but impossible," said one "highly placed Roumanian."

Stephanie sobs hysterically at mother's bier

September 22, 1908

Princess Stephanie of Belgium (Countess Lonyay), who is the widow of the Crown Prince of Austria, paid her respects to her mother today. She was praying at her mother's bier, when she received word that her father, King Leopold II, did not want to see her.
Earlier, the King had sent Stephanie away from the palace where her mother "lay dying," because he had not approved of her marriage to the Hungarian count.
Stephanie, however, has the sympathy of the Belgian people, and was quite moved by their demonstrations of affection. As she left the country, she broke down and "sobbed hysterically."
Before leaving by train from Spa, she told the crowd: "I thank you all. My heart is overcome at the warmth of this demonstration."
The Princess had been Cromer, England, when she learned of her mother's death. She hurried to Spa, to pay her last respects.
The princess will not be attending the Queen's funeral due to Leopold's unwillingness to affect a reconciliation.

Victoria distressed at reports about her daughter

September 23, 1900

Queen Victoria is said to be distressed at reports about the declining health of her eldest daughter, Victoria (Empress Friedrich), who is "now unable to walk," according to a report in the Chicago Daily Tribune. The empress, who is the mother of Kaiser Wilhelm II, is "taken around in a bath chair," and is described as feeble, "and looks almost as old as the Queen herself."
Doctors have advised that Victoria not travel to Germany to visit her daughter as the "proposed visit might be injurious to both."

Royal Dukedoms

No legislation exists for the creation of royal peerages (usually dukedoms) by the British sovereign, who is the fountain of all honours.

It is largely traditional for the sovereign to create dukedoms for younger sons and grandsons (in the male line). Queen Elizabeth II created her second son as Duke of York on the morning of his marriage in July 1986. Thirteen years later, Prince Edward received an earldom on the day he was married.

The decision to create the peerage is the decision of the sovereign, and no one else.

Queen Elizabeth's father, Prince Albert, then second in line to the throne, received the titles Duke of York, Earl of Inverness & Baron Killarney, in the King's Birthday Honours list in Jun 1920.

Eight years later, King George V created his third son, Prince Henry, as Duke of Gloucester, Earl of Ulster, Baron Culloden, on March 30, 1928, which was the Prince's 28th birthday.

George V's youngest surviving son, Prince George, did not receive his dukedom (Kent) until October 9, 1934, approximately six weeks before his marriage to Princess Marina of Greece and Denmark.

Queen Victoria bestowed royal dukedoms on her three younger sons and two of her grandsons. (Her eldest son became Duke of Cornwall and Duke of Rothesay at the moment of his birth.)

Prince Alfred was created Duke of Edinburgh shortly before his mother's birthday in 1866. He took his seat in Parliament on her birthday in that year.
In 1874, on her birthday (May 24), Victoria created Prince Arthur as Duke of Connaught and Strathearn and Earl of Sussex.

On the occasion of her birthday in 1881, Victoria created her youngest son, Prince Leopold, as Duke of Albany. Earl of Clarence, and Baron Arklow.

Prince Albert Victor of Wales, the eldest son of the Prince of Wales (Edward VII) was created Duke of Clarence & Avondale and Earl of Athlone, on May 24, 1890.

Prince George of Wales, who became second in line to the throne, following the death of his brother, the Duke of Clarence, was created Duke of York, Earl of Inverness & Baron Killarney on May 24, 1892.

Thus, Queen Victoria used the occasion of her birthday Honours List to create dukedoms for her sons and grandsons.

George III did not follow a set pattern when he created dukedoms for his younger sons.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kardam has been discharged from the hospital

Crown Prince Kardam has been discharged from the hospital. However, he remains in a coma, but is able to breathe on his own. There has been largely no change in his condition, so he has been moved to another facility.


Friday, September 19, 2008

They are already married

HRH Prince Aimone of Savoy, Duke of Apulia, and HRH Princess Olga of Greece were married in a civil ceremony at the Italian embassy in Moscow, Russia, on September 16th. A religious wedding will take place on Patmos on September 27th.
Why Patmos, you may ask. Prince Michael and Princess Marina of Greece have had a summer home on Patmos for more than 20 years now. Thus, the perfect place for their daughter's marriage to the future head of the Italian royal family.
This information was confirmed to me by a family member.

Latest on Prince Kardam


In Spanish. It appears that he remains in a coma, but my translation may be incorrect.

Update: Crown Prince Kardam's condition remains largely unchanged.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Queen Marie Henriette dead

September 19, 1902

Belgian's Queen Marie-Henriette died today after a long illness. None of her family was present nor her doctors when she was "seized with an attack of syncope." She died at 7:30 p.m. Known as the "queen of Sorrows," Marie-Henriette was born August 23, 1836, the daughter of Archduke Joseph, palatine of Hungary, and Princess Maria Dorothea of Württemberg.

Marie Henriette was only a child when her father died. She and her sister, Elisabeth, were raised simply by their mother. The archduchess was only 17 when she first met the Duke of Brabant and his father, King Leopold I, when they traveled to Vienna. It was said that the duke - the future Leopold II -- fell in love with the young archduchess. A marriage was soon arranged between the two families. Their wedding was "celebrated with great pomp and magnificence" on August 10, 1853 in Vienna. Twelve days later, a second religious ceremony was was performed in Brussels. The marriage seemed a "happy one for the time." Eventually, Leopold and Marie-Henriette led largely separate lives.
Marie-Henriette's eldest daughter, Louise, married off to a brutal prince, Philipp of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, spent time in a mental hospital (as did Leopold's sister, Charlotte), before escaping and running off to Paris with her lover. The second daughter, Stephanie, was a teenager when she was married off to the heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Rudolf. This, too, was a sad and tragic marriage. Stephanie was unable to give her husband a son after the birth of their only child Elisabeth. Rudolf had infected his wife with with a venereal disease, and had numerous affairs before getting involved with Maria Vetsera. IN 1888, in a suicide pact at Mayerling, Rudolf most likely killed Vetsera before putting the gun to his own head.
Marie-Henriette's daughter, Clementine, has not yet married.
Sadly, her only son, the Count of Hainault, died at age ten, leaving Belgium with out a direct male heir. King Leopold's brother, Philippe, Count of Flanders, remains the heir presumptive.
For the last five years of her life, Marie Henriette has lived away from Brussels, preferring her dogs and horses to court life. It was said the she "suffered from a broken heart."

Aimone & Olga

Just a short note: no further news about where and when or what the bride will wear or who will attend (apart from family) ... I have never been to Greece so I have no idea about facilities for weddings on Patmos. The bride is Greek Orthodox and the groom Roman Catholic. Perhaps the wedding will be an Orthodox ceremony, and the groom will received the appropriate dispensation to marry outside the Roman Catholic church. It is also assumed that any children born to the marriage will be raised Roman Catholic.

Perhaps the bride is pregnant ... oh, wait a minute, let's not go there. She's probably not pregnant.

Prince Miguel marries "world's most beautiful widow"

September 19, 1908. The Los Angeles Times reports today that Prince Miguel, eldest son of the Duke of Braganza, has secretly married an American, Alice Louise Carr, "the world's most beautiful widow."
The report is based on a dispatch from Vienna. Alice is the wealthy widow of Samuel Sloan Chauncey, who died in 1899.
The marriage was not made public until after the couple had left for their honeymoon. It is believed the secrecy was maintained because "of the many suitors for the wealthy American's hand in all parts of Europe."
An engagement to Lord Kitchener was recently broken without explanation. In 1903, London papers reported that Alice was going to marry Lord Rosebery. She was also linked with his son and with Lord Dalmeny.
Alice's sister, Lady Newborough, was unaware of the marriage. She expressed her "great consernation" about the news of the marriage.
Alice was born in Southern Indiana, but became the "belle of Louisville," after her mother moved to Kentucky. After the marriage of her sister, Grace, to Lord Newborough, Alice moved to Europe, where she received numerous marriage proposals.

Note: this marriage never took place. In 1911, Alice married General Hon. Cecil Bingham in London. She was given away by her brother-in-law, Lord Newborough, Grand Duke Michael of Russia and his two daughters, Zia and Nada, were among them guests.

Wilhelmina affirms Dutch neutrality

September 19, 1939

Queen Wilhelmina rode in a golden carriage today to Parliament, where she gave a speech that reaffirmed the Netherlands' neutrality. "I rejoice that our friendly relations with all powers continue unimpaired. This refers especially to those neutral countries, with which we established closer contact in previous periods."
She said that she was convinced that "better international relations may be established by peace negotiations."
"appear here among you in gloomy circumstances although the country has been able to preserve its peace....The economic life of the Netherlands has been hit, mainly on account of the marine warfare,but our finances are unshaken. The food stocks are sufficient for a long time to come. Trade will continue as nornmally as possible. The nation's unity and morale are exemplary."
The Queen's speech also included budgetary items. Income tax will be increased 15% in 1939, and 45% in 1940. But there will be no new expenditures except on "defense and professional training of the unemployed."
Wilhelmina also expressed concern for the victims of war. "I feel deep compassion for those nations suffering war."
The queen was accompanied to Parliament by Crown Princess Juliana and her husband, Prince Bernhard.

Hermine to Marry Kaiser -- official

September 19, 1923.

Kaiser Wilhelm II's adult children have apparently around and have accepted Princess Hermine. Today, the engagement between Kaiser Wilhelm II and Princess Johann of Schoenaich-Carolath was officially announced at Doorn.
The princess, whose husband died in 1920, is 35-years-old and has five children, the oldest of whom is 14. She owns a considerable estate in Silesia.

Kaiser Wilhelm II, who abdicated and went into exile in the Netherlands in 1918, is a widower. His wife, Augusta Viktoria, died in April 1921.
It was suggested that the Kaiser's surviving sons did not approve of the marriage because Hermine was a mere serene highness. She was born as Princess of Reuss. However, the family has since made it clear that they -- along with Crown Princess Cecilie -- now approve of their father's marriage to Princess Hermine.
The future Kaiserin is described as blonde, "with a graceful carriage and displays a queenly dignity."
Two of the Kaiser's sons, Crown Prince Wilhelm and Prince August Wilhelm, were present for the official announcement.
The New York Times notes that Wilhelm's forthcoming marriage is a "political event of importance," that has lost him "the last remnants of personal popularity" in Germany. According to the newspaper's reporter, German royalists now feel that the Kaiser has betrayed the memory of his late wife, as well as betraying the true ideal of a Kaiser."
The writer goes on to say that "the reactionary press" in Germany "betray considerable embarrassment and tries to let the exiled monarch down easy by telling its readers that while the first feeling of resentment is quite natural still his loneliness and temperamentare extenuating circumstances."

The date of marriage has not been announced, but the wedding is expected to be celebrated quietly at Doorn.

King Manoel to marry an English princess?

September 19, 1908.

Lisbon newspapers are reporting today that King Manoel II is about to announce his engagement to an unnamed British princess.


I have had it confirmed that Aimone and Olga are getting married in the not-too-distant future .... BUT I have no other information except to say that yes, they are getting married soon!!!!!!


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Crown Princess Miriam to visit Kardam

Crown Princess Miriam of Bulgaria has been given permission to visit her seriously injured husband, Kardam, who is recovering in a Madrid hospital.


Princess Iniga of Urach has died

Princess Ingia of Urach, Countess of Württemberg died on Wednesday, September 17, 2008, at her home in Aufkirchen, near Starnberg, Upper Bavaria. She was 83-years-old.
Princess Iniga was born on August 25, 1925 at Schloss Niederaichbach to Princess Elisabeth of Luxembourg and Prince Ludwig Philipp of Thurn und Taxis.
The cause of death was cancer. She died in the arms of her son, Inigo. The princess' elder brother, Anselm, was killed in the second world war.

On May 24, 1948, Princess Iniga married Prince Eberhard von Urach at Regensburg.
Prince Eberhard was the 8th child of Wilhelm, Duke of Urach and his first wife, Duchess Amelie of Bavaria. Prince Eberhard died in 1969.
Princess Iniga is survived by five children, Princess Amelie, Mrs. von Einseidel, Princess Elisabeth, Prince Karl Anselm, Wilhelm, Duke of Urach and Prince Inigo, and their families.

The photo shows Princess Elisabeth and Prince Ludwig Philipp of Thurn und Taxis with their two children, Iniga and Anselm.

The funeral will be held in Aufkirchen on September 23rd.

Will gives widow nothing

September 18, 1926

"Romance and pathos, coupled with vindictiveness against his wife, Archduchess Maria Dorothea of Austria, are breathed from the pages" of Philippe, Duke of Orleans' will. The Duke of Orleans, pretender to the French throne, died at Palermo in March.

Maria Dorothea was left in the cold. "I direct that the archduchess will get nothing from my estate. I deprive her of any rights whatsoever, even her legal usufruct."


The Duke,  born in exile in London, had lived for most of his life in Evesham, Worcestershire, "where he kept up to a certain extent the ceremonies and etiquette of the French court."

Although barred from entering France, and thus, being denied a burial there, Philippe wish "is that my mortal remains, which cannot be committed to the earth of France, shall be buried in the sea in the sight of the coast of France."

The reason for the Duke's animosity toward Maria Dorothea was due to his behavior. The Duchess of Orleans sued for separation and alimony in a Belgian court. Although Austrian emperor Franz Joseph had tried to arrange a reconciliation, the couple separated. However, the Vatican refused to annul the marriage.
The Duke also left property in England. His will did not include his estate holdings in Belgium, Italy and Sicily.

King Alfonso XIII of Spain received several paintings from the Duke. Violette Jarrott, formerly Lady Rosslyn, received $30, 000 annually and all of the Duke's personal jewels.
Other beneficiaries include the Duke and Duchess of Montpensier (paintings); the Duke of Vendome (a portrait of the Duke of Nemours); the Duchess of Vendome (a Winterhalter portrait of the Duke of Orleans); the Duchess of Chartres (a pastel painting); the Duke of D'Oaste[Aosta???] (a platinum ring with large emeralds and diamonds); the duke of Guise (all his sapphires including ones that once belonged to Marie Antoinette), along with a cigar case given to him by Ferdinand of Bulgaria and his flag collection).

The Duke of Orleans' sister, Queen Marie Amelie of Portugal, received the rest of his paintings, miniatures personal effects, apart from his personal jewels."

The Duke's niece and goddaughter, Isabelle, received $2,900.

The city of Paris received a sword.

The Duke also left a sum of money to maintain the Paris Museum (as well as his natural history collection.)

The Duke of Orléans's marriage was childless.

Marie José visits Italy

September 18, 1924.

Princess Marie José is visting Italy, according to press reports. She passed through Pisa, and is on her way to San Rossore to visit the Italian Royal family. The princess has been staying at a school in near Florence. Marie José has been named as the primary candidate for Crown Umberto's wife.

Defend the Mouse


Mafalda and and Giovanna gravely ill

September 17, 1923

King Vittorio Emanuele has notified Premier Mussolini about the grave condition of Princesses Mafalda and Giovanna. The Crown Prince has been called back to Racconigi. Mussolini later received a telephone call from the king who informed him that the concern for Mafalda's health had abated. There was no official confirmation about a rumor that Mafalda had died, however.

George V toasts President Wilson

September 5, 1915 (delayed by the censor)

Tonight at a dinner at Windsor Castle, King George V "proposed the health of President Wilson."
"It will, I think, be an everlasting test of the wisdom and good sense of the American people that in the most trying and difficult cirumstances they stood loyally united behind President Wilson. Mr. Wilson's action throughout the period of difficulty has justified the faith and confidence of the American people."

This toast to the American president was the first ever by a British sovereign. Queen Mary has been "signally polite to American women," and there have been "several enterntainments at Buckingham Palace in the last few months at which the only women present were Americans."

Aimone & Olga to marry at Patmos???

Not confirmed, but exclusive to Stephane Bern, a French journalist, who writes about royalty.

According to the article, Aimone and Olga will be marrying in an intimate setting (meaning private) on the island of Patmos in a few days.


Princess Louise wants a cottage in the country

September 17, 1904. Princess Louise of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha's "sole ambition" is to have a "little home of her own" with her "gallant count" Geza Mattachich. The princess, who was born Princess Louise of Belgium, is currently living in the Westminster Hotel in Paris, "where she is giving daily interviews to members of the French press."

Is Marie of Roumania the most beautiful princess in Europe

September 17, 1904

That's the question posed by the Chicago Daily Tribune.

According to Paris, "the tribunal of beauty," Princess Marie of Roumania is "beyond question the most beautiful princess in Europe." All princesses are supposed to be beautiful, surmises the writer of this fluff piece, "but in most cases they are the plainest of plain mortals, but Marie of Roumania would be declared beautiful even if she were a peasant girl."

She is "happily married," to Crown Prince Ferdinand of Roumania and is the mother of three "handsome children." Her marriage was arranged and political in every sense of the word, but it is a "happy one." Marie, who is 28 years old, lives in a "picturesque palace at Bucharest. She also has a summer palace at Sinaia "over which artists grow enthusiastic."

Marie "personally superintends the education of her children," and she has "a fine education herself." The Crown Princess speaks four languages, and is an accomplished musician and artist. She also is a "great lover of sports, and spends a lot of time riding her horse. She also has a "great interest in the army," and "is a great idol of the soldiers who serve under her husband."

Nathalie of Sayn-Wittgenstein visits Australia

Not exactly a Danish princess. Nathalie, who is the daughter of Princess Benedikte of Denmark and Prince Richard Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, was born in Denmark. She did not acquire Danish citizenship until the 1990s. She now has joint Danish-German nationality, and she competes for Denmark in equestrien events. She won a bronze medal at the 2008 Summer Games in Beijing.
The princess is a member of the Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg mediatized princely family, but legally she is Nathalie Prinzessin zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg. At the Danish court, she is offficially HH Princess Nathalie of Sayn-Wittgenstein.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Interesting factoid about Hazel Singer

Hazel Singer and her husband, Prince John Ghika, had one daughter, Alexandra, who married three times. Her first husband was Paul-Louis Weiller, whom she married at the Romanian Church in Paris in 1922. The couple had one daughter, Marie-Elisabeth Weiller, before they divorced in 1931. In 1932, Weiller married Aliki Diplarakos, who was Miss Europe 1930. They had one son, Paul-Annick Weiller, who married Donna Olimpia Torlonia, a daughter of Infanta Beatriz of Spain. Paul-Annick and Olimpia had six children, including Sibilla, who is the wife of Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg.

Boris arrives in London - incognito

September 16, 1927

Europe's "loneliest king", Boris III of Bulgaria, arrived in London today without any ceremony, "not even a representative from his own embassy to greet him." He had arrived in London by train from Scotland, where he had been the guest of King George V and Queen Mary at Balmoral Castle.
Although he was accompanied by two equerries and a valet, King Boris, who is traveling as Count Rilski, went unrecognized, and was forced to hail his own taxi. He paid the driver 3 shillings, 6 pence and gave him a shilling tip.

He is staying at a West End hotel. Later in the day, he is expected to place a wreath at Britain's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Westminster Abbey.

The real question that Bulgarians want to know: will the 33-year-old king bring home a bride.

Duke and Duchess of Cornwall in Canada

September 16, 1901

The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York arrived today in Quebec. They were given "a royal welcome" by "thousands of loyal subjects" who greeted Canada's future monarch and his wife. In his speech, the Duke, who is the eldest surviving son of King Edward VII, expressed grief over the death of the U.S. president William McKinley. Despite the day's celebrations, there was a "strong undercurrent of grief at the assassination of President McKinley and the deep-rooted sympathy for the bereavement of the American people."
All social functions for the ducal couple are canceled until after the President's funeral.
There is also talk that the Duke may go to Washington to attend the late president's funeral, although there is no precedent "for such a course," although the the idea will be considered by King Edward, "whose liking for the American people is well known."

A new American princess

September 16, 1901

Helen Singer is to marry Roumanian prince John Ghika. Their engagement was confirmed by Hazel's father, Charles J. Singer, in a letter to his brother, Arthur J. Singer.
Prince John is the son of the Roumanian attaché to Turkey. The couple first met in Contantinople at a ball hosted by the American consul John Leishman.
Although the Singers had planned to sail back to the US on August 31, they remain in Constantinople as Hazel recovers from a fever. Miss Singer, 19, and her family spend several weeks each year in Chicago, although their primary residence is in Paris.
No date for the wedding has been announced.

Ambassador Leishman, incidentally, is the father of a 6-year-old daughter, Nancy.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Incendiary device tossed at Infanta Cristina's home

AP reports the following:


Victoria hopes for the day when she can announce her engagement

Sounds like Victoria is up against family opposition to a marriage with Daniel Westling:


Schleswig-Holstein princess in Lenox

September 15, 1888. "The gayest week in the Lenox season is over."The final evening was a dinner in honor of Princess Henriette of Schleswig-Holstein at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Kennicutt. Many were invited to the dinner to meet the princess, who has been visiting the United States with her husband, Dr. von Esmarch.
Lenox is located in Massachussetts.

Infante Alfonso en route to see King Carol

September 15, 1930

Spain is "watching with interest" the meeting between Infante Alfonso de Orleans-Borbon and King Carol II of Romania. Infante Alfonso, who is a first cousin of King Alfonso XIII of Spain, flew his own plane today from Italy to Bucharest. Alfonso may be bringing a "message of friendliness" to the Romanian king. It is not known if Alfonso is also bringing a positive message from the Spanish king.

More likely, Alfonso could have brought a swift kick in the pants to the Romanian king. Alfonso's wife, Beatrice, is Queen Marie of Romania's youngest sister. Beatrice and Alfonso were applalled by how Carol treated his mother. Beatrice was not averse to letting her nephew know how she really felt.

40 million Italians wonder when will Prince Umberto marry

September 15, 1928

Today Prince Umberto of Savoy, the heir apparent to the Italian throne, celebrates his 24th birthday. His futre subjects are worried that he has not yet married. Belgian princess Marie-José remains the firm favorite, and it is noted that she is "really in love with him," which is a "most fortuitious circumstance when it comes to contracting a royal marriage." The princess, who is the only daughter of King Albert I, is Roman Catholic, another point in her favor.
However, there are rumors about a possible marriage between the Italian crown prince and 18-year-old Princess Ingrid of Sweden. Ingrid, who is the only daughter of Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf and the late Princess Margaret of Connaught, is Lutheran, which might cause problems for the Italian royal house. Umberto's sister, Mafalda, is married to a Lutheran prince, Philipp of Hesse). Ingrid's paternal grandparents frequent visits to Rome have given credence to stories about the engagement.
It is also possible that Umberto could marry an Italian noblewoman, although no names have been "coupled with that of the heir."
Princess Ileana of Roumania has also been considered -- by the media, per chance -- as the Queen of Italy. But political realities between Italy and Roumania would make a marriage difficult to arrange.

Forty million Italians continue to wait for the news that will bring great joy. An engagement for their heir to the throne.