Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Lia and son forced to leave Bucharest home


Lia Lambrino and her son Carol Ferdinand are now living in a Bucharest hotel after being forced to leave their Bucharest home, according to several reports in the Romanian media.  

Lia's husband, Paul Lambrino, 72 (aka Paul al Romaniei) the subject of an arrest warrant issued on December 18, 2020, after he was sentenced to 3 years and 4 months for "buying influence and complicity in the crime of abuse of office against public interests," in the Băneasa Farm case. 

Paul, whose father, Mircea, was the elder son of the late King Carol II, fled Romania before the sentence was handed down.  Despite the international warrant, he has not been found although it was reported earlier this year that he was seeking political asylum in Portugal.  This has not been confirmed.

Lia told Antena 3, a TV station: "Paul is and has pleaded not guilty. We will use all legal means at our disposal to prove this. Prince Paul of Romania considers himself the victim of a political process. It is inadmissible that his rights are not recognized even now. He did not flee the country following the conviction, but went to Portugal, where he opened a succession process."

The family's financial troubles began soon after the arrest warrant was issued.  Paul and Lia were no longer able to pay the mortgage on their home, which allowed the bank to requisition the property and sell it.  The house now has a new owner and Lia and Carol Ferdinand are now living in a hotel north of Bucharest.

Paul married the American-born Lia Triff in 1995.  Their son, Carol Ferdinand was born in January 2010, a few weeks before Lia celebrated her 61st birthday.

Lia would like to leave Romania for a month with her son, but she needs Paul's consent to take Carol Ferdinand out of the country.  As he is AWOL, and she allegedly does not know where Paul is in hiding,  Lia and Carol Ferdinand will have to remain in Romania.








Gammyjill said...

Marlene, I’m just catching up on my reading Royal Musings and I noticed this rather interesting item. You note that the young son, Carol Ferdinand, of Lia Lambrino was born when his mother was 61. Is there any question within the Rumanian Royal family on the maternity of. Carol Ferdinand?

Marlene Eilers Koenig said...

Carol ferdinand is not a member of the royal family nor is Lia nor her husband.. so that does not matter to them