Thursday, May 27, 2021

Queen Helen accepts fate

 May 27, 1931

Queen Helen of Romania, the divorced wife of King Carol II, has accepted "as certain that she must soon leave Roumania and become separated from her beloved little son, 9-year-old Crown Prince Michael," reports the Associated Press.

A British friend of the queen told the Associated Press of the "pathetic conversation she had in Bucharest a few days ago with Queen Helen," regarding Helen's place in Roumania.

Sources close to the Roumanian government confirm that Helen will be "removed from the list of the royal family and exiled from Roumania."

Helen told her friend: "No choice is left with me. As between humiliation and departure I have chosen the latter -- that is to say, I have resigned myself to what had to come sooner or later.  No promises have been to me. Only the statement that I could go away was reiterated.  I could do nothing.

"I have been kept at arm's length for the past year.  The date of my departure has not been fixed but it probably will be when the official formalities in connection with the assembly of the new parliament are ended.

"I have one friend left in the country.  I speak of Premier Jorga.  He has been my steadfast friend and has behaved correctly toward me.

"My life has been a sad one for years, and now I am going out into the dark.  My inquiries abroad have not yet enabled me to decide where I shall take up permanent residence after leaving Roumania for good. It probably will be either Italy or France.

"There is no key to my future/ I have lived in reinforced retirement for a full year now, and I shall live the life of a recluse henceforward.

"My dear boy Michael was inconsolable when I told him what my life is to be henceforth.  I never saw despair written more deeply on the face of a child before. I don't know how I shall be seeing him. That is my most profound sorrow."

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