Monday, August 27, 2018

Bulgaria in crisis as Boris is reported shot

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August 27, 1943

King Boris of Bulgaria has been "seriously wounded" last Tuesday evening after his return to Adolf Hitler's field headquarters according to a "usually reliable Balkan source" received by the New York Times tonight.

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The report states that the king received three bullet wounds in his abdomen as he was getting into his automobile at a "small station outside the capital," where his special train had returned from Germany.

Unconfirmed reports say that it was a "Pro-Russian police inspector" who was the assailant.   The King's condition has been described as "desperate."  His wife, Queen Giovanna is at his bedside, having traveled from Plovdiv, where they had been staying since anti-Government riots broke out in Sofia earlier this year.

Bulgarians have been told that the king is ill "without further explanation."   This has led to further demonstrations against the Philoff government.  Sofia remains under a curfew, with military police in control, according to a dispatch from Budapest.

Last night, Bulgarian premier Bodgdan Philoff called a special Cabinet meeting to discuss the "internal situation that could arise" if King Boris dies.

A tentative regency committee that includes the Prime Minster, the War Minister and a diplomat from abroad has been formed with the Queen to govern Bulgaria until 6-year-old Prince Simeon, the Prince of Tirnovo, reaches his majority

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