Thursday, August 28, 2014

Alexandra and son safe in Crimea

August 29, 1918

The New York Times is reporting on a dispatch sent to from Stockholm to the London Daily News, which was written in French and signed by "Hanson."

"I report under reserve a story published by the Svenska Dagbladet on the authority of a certain Erbs, conductor of a Swedish band, who has been serving as a volunteer at the German front in the Crimea, and who has arrived in Stockholm on leave.  Erbs states that the ex-Czarina, with the ex-Czarevitch and her daughters, has been living in perfect safety in the Crimea since May, that they have never been in Siberia, and that all official reports to the contrary have been manufactured for political purposes.

"As for the ex-Czar, Erbs knows nothing definite but mentions a rumor that he is alive and lives in security in a German town. The ex-Czarina would not be disposed to go to Germany, but has sent her jewels there."

1 comment:

GWHawkins said...

Marlene, the article says that the family are in Crimea, not Sweden. The person who reported it went on leave to Sweden.