Friday, March 15, 2013

Revolution in Russia: Nicholas II abdicates

March 15, 1917

Bulletin:  news agencies on both sides of the Atlantic are reporting that Emperor Nicholas II has abdicated, and his younger brother, Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich has been named Regent.

According to the New York Times, the Russian Ministry, "charged with corruption and incompetence, has been swept out of office.

Duma President Michael V Rodzianko led the opposition to oppose the "imperial order, issued last week, for the dissolution of the House."   The Duma continued to meet, and Rodzianko informed the Emperor that the "will of the people must prevail."

Even the Imperial Council had agreed with the Duma.  Realizing the "gravity of the situation," the Council advised the Emperor to "take steps to give the people a policy and government in accordance with their desires."

Nicholas hurried back to the capital, only to find that the "revolution had been successful."  A new Government "was in control."

It has been alleged that Empress Alexandra was "influential in the councils opposed to the wishes of the people," is said to be in hiding or has fled.

Tsarkoe-Selo, the Imperial Palace, is said to be under a state of siege.

Nicholas II has also renounced the rights for his young son, Tsarevitch Alexis,  whose health has been "the subject of much discussion" since the fall of 1912 when he became ill or injured during a visit to the Imperial Family's hunting lodge at Spala.  Alexis was born on August 12, 1904, at Peterhof.  He is the youngest of Nicholas's five children.  The first four are daughters.

The "talents, inclinations, and capacities" of Grand Duke Michael are said to be obscure or "have had no opportunity to be known.  This is largely due to his "personal affairs" which resulted in his forced exile in England.  His marriage to Natalia Wulfert is morganatic.  She is now known as Countess Brasov.

The new Regent has been credited "with being an antagonist of the German influence at the Court." He is also "strongly sympathetic with England,"  and a "careful student of American history and addicted to American manners," reports the New York Times.

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