Monday, March 25, 2013

Marital problems for Wilhelm & Hermine?


 March 25, 1923

Is the honeymoon already over for former German Emperor Wilhelm II and his second wife, Hermine? According to a report in the Los Angeles Times,  Hermine had left Doorn for Schloss Saabor in Silesia, where she will spend the Easter holidays with her elder sons.  Contrary to earlier reports, Hermine will return to Doorn and not travel to Corfu.

Sources close to the former Kaiser are denying that the relations between the couple "are strained."  They are often seen together in their private gardens  and Hermine "has succeeded in creating a real social life among the noble families in the neighborhood."

She has adopted "an attitude of modesty" and is trying at all costs to give the "slightest cause for hostility" among her husband's family.

Although their marriage contract has a "strict division" of Wilhelm and Hermine's private property, several of the Kaiser's children remain distant.   Wilhelm's eldest son, former Crown Prince Wilhelm, refuses to acknowledge his stepmother and refuses to come to Doorn.

Another clause in the marriage contract allows for Hermine to travel to Germany twice a year "for six weeks to watch over the education of her elder sons and inspect her estates."

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