Thursday, March 11, 2010

Edward VIII may marry Princess

 March 11, 1936 

 King Edward VIII may be getting married, and today, the "king himself broached the subject." The topic of the king's marriage was in his royal message to the House of Commons, in the submission for the civil list. The statement included "His Majesty desires that the contingency of his marriage should be taken into account so that, in that event, there should be a provision for her majesty." 

The Chicago Daily Tribune reports that after the royal message was read by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Neville Chamberlain, one Labor member of Parliament asked: "Does his majesty give any assurance that he is going to get married?" Chamberlain did not reply. 

The new civil list includes "special provisions" for the king's brother, the Duke of York, currently the heir presumptive, and his family. Edward said he "would yield some of the revenue from the Duchy of Cornwall toward increasing the pay of the duke."

King Edward, 41, has been the "target of countless marriage rumors" for many years. At this time there are five princesses who are considered the most eligible: Princesses Irene and Katherine of Greece, Princess Eugenie of Greece, Grand Duchess Kira of Russia, and Crown Princess Juliana of the Netherlands. 

Juliana, however, is the heir to the Dutch throne and is unlikely to marry a king of another country.

 Well-informed sources tell the Los Angeles Times that Princess Eugenie, a cousin of the Duchess of Kent, is "the most probable choice if the King marries."

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