Sunday, January 21, 2024

who will King Edward marry?


January 21, 1936

Who will the new King marry? That is the question on the minds of many of Britons as they mourn the death of King George V, who died yesterday.
His eldest son, David, the 41-year-old Prince of Wales, is now king and will be known as Edward VIII, according to the AP.
[The AP noted erroneously that the king, according to "law governing royal marriages," may marry only "a royal princess." The original article was written shortly after the death of King George. One assumes reporters scrambled to get stories on the wire with limited fact-checking.]
There are only six eligible princesses, according to the AP: Princesses Irene of Greece and her younger sister, Katherine, Princess Eugenie of Greece, Princess Juliana of the Netherlands, and Grand Duchess Kira of Russia.

Crown Princess Juliana would not have been considered as a candidate for Edward's hand, as she was the heir to the Dutch throne. She would be a Queen Regnant. No need to be a Queen Consort.

The AP article acknowledges that most of Edward's "friendships, however, have been with women whose social ratings were high but who were not of royalty."


One of Edward's favorite dancing partners was Viscountess Ednam, who died in a plane crash some months ago; Mrs. Dudley Ward, and "more recently the dark-eyed Mrs. Ernest Simpson, the former Miss Wallis Warfield of Baltimore, Md."
Mrs. Simpson is said to be "one of the most fashionable Americans in London society," and is said to be one of the new king's closest friends."

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