Thursday, November 13, 2008

Duke of Rutland denies that his daughter will marry Prince Arthur

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November 13, 1906

 For some weeks now, British and American newspapers have reported the alleged romance between Prince Arthur of Connaught and Lady Marjorie Manners. Despite an official denial by Lady Marjorie's father, the Duke of Rutland, the rumors continue. It has been suggested that the couple are "infatuated with one another," but that King Edward VII and the Duke of Connaught objected to the marriage with a "non-royal woman." 

 One report suggested that the family opposition was due to the fact that Prince Arthur is an heir to two thrones, Britain and Saxe-Coburg. But it has been pointed out that Prince Arthur renounced his rights six years ago to the Coburg throne. In Britain, Prince Arthur remains in succession, but only after his first cousins, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Fife, Princess Victoria, and Queen Maud of Norway and their families. The story of this "romance" was first published in one of London's society columns. 

 Prince Arthur nor his parents chose to deny the story because it would have "seemed to be a reflection upon the young girl and her parents." It was left to the Duke of Rutland to issue a denial in an "uncertain manner, indicating his distress at the way in which his daughter's name has been bandied about in connection with the affair."

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